Friday, July 11, 2008

Peaches Geldof Is Forgiven

Peaches may be a crackhead, but at least she has the guts to interview someone properly when given the job to do so. Maybe it was the crack that pushed her to test the boundaries of what you can get away with in an interview, but as far as I'm concerned she should be the permanent host of Larry King Live, and if they say she's too young, then I say f**k you, Larry is way too old.

So, why do I feel this sudden love for Peaches? Well she was working for ITV2 in the UK and interviewed the winner of Strictly Come Dancing which in the US is Dancing With The Has Beens. Anyway, the winner of the show was Alesha Dixon. Alesha is a singer/model/do anything who became famous for being in a girl group. She later married a guy named MC Harvey.

She and MC got divorced after MC started having sex with a woman named Javine Hylton who was one of Alesha's friends. Apparently this affair was discovered when Javine's boyfriend caught Javine and MC having sex in where else? A toilet. So, this was always just a rumor.

So, Peaches was having her interview, and just cruising along making Alesha comfortable, when going against her suck up producer asked the following question:

"How did you feel when your husband Harvey was caught f***ing Javine in a toilet?"

Apparently Alesha didn't like the question and stopped the interview. She then later complained to the head of ITV2 about Peaches' question, and Peaches in general. Hey Alesha, as far as I am concerned, it is a fair question. Every time anyone has ever asked Alesha a question about anything, she has always denied it and then when proven true looks stupid. To me, this was an opportunity for Alesha to get her side of the story out and Peaches was just letting her have the forum to do it.

See, Peaches is the right person for this because even if she skewers someone, she kind of gets a free pass because of what she has been through. I say give her a microphone and some scandalous celebrities and let her at them. Just make sure you hide the crack.


  1. HA good for her...about time somebody asks REAL questions instead of what kind of bird they'd like to be...

  2. Heee. It would be quite fun to see her interviewing on LK. More entertaining than Seacrest.

  3. I am wondering when the TV execs who are investing so much time and money on reality shows will realize that a good interview where people ask real questions would be very compelling reality TV. Heck, even get the everyday Joes to ask the question. "Tom, do you understand why everyone thinks you are crazy?" - "Don, who told you your hair looks good like that/" -"Lynn, is it when are you going to come clean that a 50 yr old producer knocked up your kid?"

  4. "Dancing With The Has Beens"


    "How did you feel when your husband Harvey was caught f***ing Javine in a toilet?"

    Okay, I know this is just another Brit word for the loo, but now I can't get the image of having sex literally in the toilet out of my head. Would all four feet fit? One foot each in and one on the rim? Yeah, that must be it - each person keeps one foot on the floor so that from the outside it looks like it's one person on the toilet with mismatched shoes/feet and a serious case of pidgeon-toe.

  5. She should get a job at knee-pads magazine & spice it up a bit.

  6. Shit I love that Fendi bag. I could sacrifice food for 3 months to afford it. Well maybe 4 months, but at least I'd be skinny as Peaches.

  7. When Alesha complained to the head ITV honcho she said

    "I'm not being spoken to like that by a jumped up 19-year-old crackhead!"


  8. I admire Peaches for doing her homework instead of depending on the lackies at the station to come up with interview questions for her (a la Larry King).

  9. I am wondering when the TV execs who are investing so much time and money on reality shows will realize that a good interview where people ask real questions would be very compelling reality TV.

    Oh, they realize it. The execs also realize that very few celebrities would go on the shows if they knew they would be asked embarassing questions

  10. Have to go against you all on this one- I think Peach Melba was bang out of order. Asking about the break up? Fair game. Phrasing it in such a callous way: BI-YOTCH, pure and simple.

    Put it this way, would love to see her reaction to the many obvious and equally crude turn of phrases that can be used about her family- from her mum Paula Yates (r.i.p) shagging Michael Hutchins (inxs)whilst still married to Bob, the suicides (plural!) and a ton of crap alleged about Bob. Doubt she'd find it so cool then...

  11. Good point, Gillian. The question to Peaches would have been, "how do you feel about your Mother performing oral sex on your Father in the back seat of a car within two minutes of meeting him?"

    True, btw. 16 year old Paula did this. Jumped into the car with Bob and immediately went down on him. The car had a driver who kept exchanging bemused/jealous looks with Bob in the rear view mirror during the bj.

    Bob detailed this story in his book.

  12. I don't blame Alesha, she went through hell. It's bad enough having to live through the public humilation of your best friend shagging your hubby (caught in bed not toilet btw), without some spoilt drug haggled rich kid raking it up a couple of years later.

    Peaches interview 'technique' is the same as the same as Paula Yates (her mother)....they go for the shock value. It's tired and not at all shocking here in the UK. Respect would be a refreshing change.

  13. Gillian, didn't see your post...good to see someone has the same thoughts.

  14. Peaches is a brat, like Avril. But I suppose she has to learn something, right? It's not like she ever trained at anything.

  15. Isn't it funny how two people can see the same pic and describe it two different ways?
    Marisa says she is "skinny".
    The first word that popped into my head was "voluptuous"

    I think she's pretty and has a unique look - but she's got to ditch the crack or her 15 minutes will end before the 15 minutes is up.
