Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - This one really shouldn't be a blind, but I told them I would keep it kind of secret. Didn't say how hard the secret would be though. These two actors are on an NBC dramedy and think they are keeping their relationship hush hush. Nothing juicy. I mean she is divorced and he is single. It's just funny that the only people on the set who think it is a secret are the couple themselves.

#2 - Now for something juicier and we will stay at NBC. This time a comedy where the two stars of this hit show used to laugh and get along and just be best pals. Well best pals to the extent people can fake being best pals. However now it is to the point where the only time they communicate is through their lines on the set. The other problem is that other cast members are having to pick sides and if you speak to one, then the other won't speak to you. Yes, these are adults.

#3 - Juiciest is that a certain reality winner is supposed to get married. Problem is that his affianced is ignorant of the fact that he has a guy that he has been with since before the show even aired. They had great fun watching the show together, but now don't know what to do about their situation.


  1. 1. Not sure

    2. Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin? Or Alec Baldwin and Tracy MOrgan

    3. One of the bachelors

  2. Or is it the bachlorette???

  3. I'm gonna need a minute to ponder these!!!

  4. For #3, Jen and Nick from Big Brother 8? Supposedly they are living together, and the gay porn rumors from Nick's past don't seem to bug her. Maybe Nick kept his man on the side?

  5. #1 I don't think The Office is a dramedy because the perspective of Jenna Fischer (divorced) dating John Krasinski would break many hearts.

  6. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Complete guesses with absolutely no background knowledge...:
    #1 Jenna Fischer and John Karasinski (The Office) or Zachary Levi and one of the women on the show (Chuck?)
    #2 Two of the women from Lipstick Jungle??
    #3 Don't know - I hate reality tv!

  7. #2 Steve Carell and Rainn Wilson
    (Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute on the Office)

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Oh god, please say it ain't so, be adequite! Steve Carell is my moral compass...well, actually, I just like him a lot! :)

  9. Me too ea73, me too. I also heart Dwight.

  10. No clue for 1 and 2

    I really hope #3 is not the bachelorette, I actually really liked them together..

  11. Anonymous2:21 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I amend my first post - -
    #1 Lindsay Price and Robert Buckley (Lipstick Jungle)

  13. I don't think either 1 or 2 could be The Office because they have yet to start production for their new season yet and I doubt ENT would have sat on those blinds for months.

  14. i dont think they would necessarily have to be filming now for #1

  15. I think it's Carrell and Krasinski.

  16. ea73- with Lindsay Price and Paul Blackthorne on Lipstick Jungle.

  17. I didn't know NBC had a hit show.

  18. April 16, 2008: Survivor Winner Yul Kwon Gets Engaged

    2008 Bachelor Matt Grant engaged to Lorenzo Lama's daughter. Matt moved into Shayne's condo briefly after the show aired, but recently moved out into his own condo in the LA area. He stated that he needed to establish himself in LA and build his own group of friends, but the couple is still together

  19. NBC Dramedy: (don't watch, don't know actors)
    Lipstick Jungle

    NBC Comedy:

    The Office - Jim & Pam?
    My Name is Earl - Jason Lee & ?
    30 Rock - Tina Fey & Alec Baldwin?

  20. Off the beatin track but I've noticed with most every aticle there is at least one post that says:

    Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.

    Who is this mysterious poster and why do they keep deleting their comment! :P

  21. I would classify The Office as a dramedy and Chuck as maybe... an action-comedy? I don't know any of the actresses on Chuck, but I do know that Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesley) is divorced. Hmmmm....

  22. Freethinker, sometimes when you post it double posts so people are being considerate and deleting so no repetition.

  23. Grace, Shayne dumped the British Bachelor. She was seen in Vegas partying with another guy and shortly thereafter the announcement came that (sadly) it wasn't true love after all. Sniff, sniff.

    If the reality "winner" is the latest guy chosen on The Bachelorette, I guess that'd explain his wardrobe.

  24. freethinker: when you leave a comment and then delete it, that shows up. Probably, it's most often from people who accidentally double-post.

    Ent has said he's friends with Jenna Fischer, could be the source of one or both blinds.

    The reality winner is male. That rules out all the Bachelors, as they don't compete. Could include the most recent round of the Bachelorette, though. Did anyone with good gaydar watch it?

  25. The british bachelor was on the bachelorette that just recently aired and they said they were still together. She said the night out where she was seen with the other guy was just a friend...

  26. No offense to anyone if they like the bachelor/bachelorett, but does anyone still like that show? It just seems like a lot of wannabe actors and you never really think there going to last past a couple months. Haven't seen the show in years.

  27. #3 is probably Deanna and Jesse from the bachelorette. The finale aired a couple of weeks ago and Deanna picked Jesse. They later on revealed they were going to be married next year.

  28. Anonymous4:45 PM

    "Recently divorced Lindsay Price, 31, has found a new fling, 26-year-old Robert Buckley, her steamy "Lipstick Jungle" co-star, the New York Post reports."


  29. #1 definitely sounds like Lindsay Price and Robert Buckley...I recall some rumors that they were together awhile back, she's divorced and Lipstick Jungle is definitely a dramedy. Chuck is the only other NBC dramedy I'm familiar with...

    Not sure about #2, but the wording is such that it sounds like the show has 2 main stars, since ENT said "the two stars of this hit show" as opposed to "two of the stars".

    I really hope #3 is not Jesse from the Bachelorette! Yes, I am one of the few who still likes that show...

  30. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I hope it's not Jesse either. There have been lots of rumors about him having a girlfriend when he went on the show, but nothing at all about a boyfriend. I would honestly be shocked if it was them.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I think #2 is Zach Braff and Donald Faison.

  33. I'm going to agree with Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin for #2. he started off getting so many accolades and then his personal crap keeps putting a black mark on the show.

  34. I don't see any way that #3 could be Jesse from the Bachelorette. He didn't ping my gaydar at all, and I believe he's in love with DeAnna. I heard he had been dating a woman for a couple months when he went on the show (not a long-term gf), and he only went on for exposure (to make money off his sponsors, he's a pro snowboarder), but he ended up falling in love. Who knows if it will last but they do seem crazy about each other, it's sweet.

    I have my doubts about the straightness of the runner-up Jason though. I guess I'll admit that here since it IS a gossip blog.

  35. I read somewhere a few months ago that the rumored reason for Jenna Fischer's divorce was her affair with John Krasinski...

  36. I can't imagine Tina Fey being any part of #2. She's the show-runner; her show isn't going to work if she encourages picking sides.

    I could see Braff and Faison, as Trashtalker mentioned. I hope it's not anyone from The Office; the picking sides doesn't seem right for that crowd.

    Could #2 have to do with someone on My Name is Earl? It's probably lost some of its "hit" aspect, but it's still more of a hit than Scrubs.

  37. As much as I wish #1 was about Jim and Pam, John Krasinski is still dating Rashida Jones, yes/no? The idea of JAM together warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart!

  38. I am on board with the Scrubs guys. Or Zach Braff and Sarah Chalke

  39. I think this has to be Zach Braff and someone else. He is just a real jerk, unless you adore him as much as he adores himself.

  40. #2, to me there is no way anyone would cross Tina Fey, the writer for the show. She would have the last laugh period. I think this is more like The Scrubbs people. I doubt The Office would have such a divisive situation on its set. Too many of the actors are the writers, which would make for a huge conflict for those people fighting and being written about.

  41. Kimi,
    I am embarrassed to admit the I LOVE/hate the bachelor, and am amazed at how many waterc-cooler stories I exchange the next day. I am SHOCKED at the number of guys who like at, and usually right on in their assessments of the various situations!

  42. If you read #3 carefully, you can see that the reality star is male.

    No idea, though, I don't watch TV.

  43. How about Dr. Wil Kirby from Big Brother 2 & he engaged? His best friend is Mike Malin.

  44. How about Dr. Wil Kirby from Big Brother 2 & he engaged? His best friend is Mike Malin.

  45. #1 could be jenna fischer and bj novak...he's number 3 on her myspace friends. that's a higher ranking than angela. I really hope its krasinski though!

  46. #3 is Andy Baldwin from the Bachelor. He's been rumored to be gay. I still think he's engaged to that woman. I THINK

  47. Andy Baldwin is gay, and this was out before his Bachelor was on tv. Nothing is changed.

  48. Andy Baldwin isn't engaged. He just finished "dating" Marla Maples and is on the prowl.

    I don't think this is a Bachelor thing since the most recent winner, Jesse, doesn't give off any gay vibes. His jacket was crazy, but apparantly it's an expensive jacket from some cool brand that snowboarders are familiar with. (I read about it on a snowboarding blog...)

  49. #1 Lipstick Jungle sounds right, but I wont lie I immediately thought JAM!!!!!! haha
    2) I immediately thought of Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch
    Besides isnt scrubs on ABC now?

  50. The reality show winner is a "HE" it could NOT be the Bachelor. It would have to be the winner of the Bachelorette. (Or someone from another show.)

  51. Lissa, I watched the show too and Shayne's Vegas hook-up occurred after the taping of that show. I hate to admit it, but I guess it's obvious I watch this crap.

    My gaydar has been on the fritz ever since Dave Koz came out, so I really couldn't say one way or the other with Jesse.

    Andy Baldwin was recently in the gossip news for being with friends in a bar and his friends were bringing pretty young things to his table.

  52. 1. Lindsey Price from Lipstick Jungle and one of those other guys

    2. Donald Faison and Zach Braff

    3. who cares

  53. Here's number 2-- from

    "And they said it wouldn't last. Well, they were fucking right. The hairytale (typo, but it stays) romance of "The Bachelor's" Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas has ended. Even Shauna Sand's exquisite lucite heels could see this coming.

    They told People, "We tried hard to make it work but we realized that we were both heading in different directions. We truly care about each other and will remain close friends."

    What would be more shocking is if a "Bachelor" couple actually made it past the first year. I blame that fug ass bath puff in Shayne's hair. Anybody who wears a bath puff in their hair has serious emotional problems.

    Don't be surprised when ABC announces Shayne as the next "Bachelorette." It's supposed to happen this way. Personally. I'd rather see Shayne's stunning mother, Michele Smith, as the next "Bachelorette.""

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