Thursday, July 31, 2008

What Would You Do?

Although I believe the reports are a bunch of crap, lets just assume that Balthazar Getty is coming back to Los Angeles in an attempt to save his marriage, or more likely cut his financial losses. Would you take him back? I think I asked this question previously in the Ashley and Cheryl Cole situation but that was a one night thing once or twice.

This however is completely different. This is a guy who not only flaunted his affair, but did so in public, with nudity, and even flew to Italy where his wife had fled to, and then continued the affair in that country.

To me if you are Rosetta and you take Balthazar back what you are saying is that you are willing to be completely trampled in your life, have no self esteem and that Balthazar is free to do this as often as he pleases. Because you know that if she takes him back he will know that he can literally get away with anything. He could move Sienna into the house at this point and have sex with her every night because he didn't do much less and the wife took him back.

I equate this to the Robin Wright Penn situation. Sean Penn can now do literally anything he wants and know that Robin will take him back. So, why would a guy stop?

On the other hand you have four kids, but who wants their kids confused about why dad has so many sisters who visit and why he always sleeps with them and is taking naked photos with them. Plus there would be arguments and the kids would look down on their mother.

When Balthazar apologized for his actions it seemed like he wanted to leave the door open a crack, but I don't know if it was for personal or financial reasons. So, can you imagine any circumstance under which you would take him back. Castration?


  1. Absolutley none. Can't think of a one.

  2. I can't come up with any good reason for her to take him back at all. Let's hope she didn't sign a prenup. :-)

  3. No way. Absolutely not. How can you ever trust someone who treats you so horrendously? And why would a man supposedly in love with his wife do such a thing in the first place?

    Rosetta and the kids are better off without him.

  4. lol...MAYBE castration...but only if I am the castrator.....

  5. In some circumstances, I could forgive some indescretions. Not public nudity & photos like that though. This was not a one time "ooops"... this was a serious affair. Forget staying because of the kids. That shouldn't be a reason to keep a marriage together in my opinion. Staying on friendly terms is in the best interest of the kids, not staying together in a marriage.

  6. Maybe she's always wanted an STD, but too lazy to do the footwork.

  7. Perhaps he consulted a lawyer...maybe an entertaiment lawyer
    'wink' who told him with the public flaunting he doesn't stand a chance.
    His poor wife shoul not touch him---I am convinced Sienna is more polluted than the Hudson River & spreads those germs around freely.
    With 4 kids & the obvious betrayel, she should do well in the child support area.

  8. From this? Not a chance in hell. And, dude. It's Sienna Miller. She's the vicar's bicycle. Somehow that makes it worse. She didn't go after him for love; she went after him because she could. If he's that stupid, he doesn't deserve to have the love of a good woman anyway.

  9. I should clarify that I do NOT absolve BG of responsibility in this. But if this had been some touching "true love" story, he would have perhaps merited a modicum of sympathy. But the level of humiliation is so high that it is either deliberate (in which case, he's a slimeball) or just monumentally stupid (in which case...nope, still a slimeball).


  11. His actions clearly showed that he felt no remorse at all for what he was doing at the time, so how could she ever trust him again?

  12. The in-your-face public photos, the lack of discretion, traveling to the same country where the wife went to get away from everything... and what seems to be a total lack of remorse - and on top of all that the tramp is Sienna Miller? Who sleeps with anything? Take him back? Take his money? You bet your ass :)

  13. My previous SO decided to throw our 5 year relationship out, treated it like garbage, by cheating on me for the last 3 or 4 months of our relationship. I only found out because he gave me an STD (a very minor, curable one- but embarrassing and very angering, nonetheless). Needless to say we broke up shortly thereafter and while it's been over 5 years since this all went down, it's still a very touchy subject for me.

    I can only imagine how Balthazar's wife feels, having to see his escapades flashed all over the media. For me, no amount of
    money, etc is worth my pride and
    self- respect.

    Maybe once your married and kids are involved, things get more complicated- but for me, NO- absolutely not. I would not take him back. The human heart is a tender thing and anyone that plays with yours doesn't deserve your pity.

  14. Ditto what Sonia said. I "might" forgive a discreet error in judgement, guys fuck up. However, public humiliation is quite another thing entirely and with that skank? NO WAY. I hope Rosetta financially rapes him!

  15. It really is a much tougher call when you do have 4 young children to think about. I guess I would need to know more information, really, than just what is at face value.

    Is he an all around decent person, good husband, good father who simply lost his mind for a very short time before being brought back to his senses?

    Were they officially "separated" when the affair began and there was some kind of agreement in place that they would see other people?

    Was it a matter of shear stupidity on his part and he hadn't quite realized that he was going to be photographed and have the pictures spashed on every Internet website in the world? Was he just that naive?

    It is a tough call, but I cannot see just letting him back into the house and home as if nothing ever happened. Calling and sending flowers just isn't enough in a case like this. There would need to be severe consequences and stages of regaining trust again, at the very least as a lesson to the kids that while there are consequences for actions, that anything is ultimately forgiveable when it comes to family.

    If the case is that the whole thing is all about money, on the other hand, then who cares.

  16. I think some women take their philandering men back, hoping that it'll work out, simply to show "the other woman" that "I am wife material, you are just someone men empty themselves in".

    That being said, I am very unforgiving when it comes to my heart, so no, I probably would not take him back.

  17. Once a cheat, always a cheat. No amount of money is worth that.

  18. I think he was in a drug induced haze during the whole Siena escapade. I don't think that excuses it but it would make sense. He will end up in rehab and all will be forgiven.

    I think I read she supports him b/c he hasn't gotten one nickel of the Getty money.

    Would I forgive his ass?? I really don't know.

  19. Not unless hell froze over....and especially since he chose to do it so in his wife's face. Wonder what kind of questions he'll get from his kids when they're old enough to read about it on the internet.

    "Dad, how come you chose a well known skank over our mom?"

    "Dad, is it really okay to treat people like crap just so you can get laid?"

    "Dad, how come our family wasn't worth anything to you?"

  20. of course he is begging her to forgive him, he has no real money of his own as he has not received his inheritance and has been living off of her assets for the longest time .. she is much better off without him and without the humilation that he has brought to her and his children .. damn these stupid men, the grass is NOT always greener on the other side, sometimes it is well beyond polluted ...

  21. Only to torture the sorry SOB endlessly. Once the rage it out of my system, he's gone and forgotten. :)

  22. I hadn't realized that Sienna dumped his arse and now that the fun is over, he went crawling back to his wife.

    Throw four kids into the mix and I'm not sure what I would do. I would WANT to humiliate him as he humiliated her, but in reality, Rosetta has to hold back on that because of those kids.

    Maybe with some rehab, intense marital and individual counseling, and a trial period of being together, all will be forgiven, if not forgotten.

    Maybe Rosetta can even up the ante on the prenup, if there was one, based on this event.

    At any rate, Rosetta should make this work to her advantage.

  23. She should take him for every last penny. Put some money to the side for herself and the kids and give the rest to the SPCA. Oh, and kick his ass to the curb.

  24. Way to take away all my fun, Grace! lol

    Well, she can always put a video up on YouTube telling the world what a jerk he is and how he's leaving her homeless.... Damn, all the good ideas have been taken. **sulk**

    No reason to take him back. Wish him well and cut him lose. Buh-bye!

  25. there is a line in the sand in every relationship. be it abuse or cheating the line is there. if someone crosses it and is forgiven they know in the back of their minds that they could do it again, so no! i dont think she should forgive him. kids can adapt and they would be a helluva lot worse off if they had to see a toxic marriage in front of there eyes until they were adults and left the home.

  26. He's not the first cheater and he won't be the last. I mean look at Bill and Hillary, they make it work somehow. There are worse things than cheating and sometimes I think the other spouse doesn't care all that much and may even have their own activities. If I knew my life and the the lives of my children were going to be hell without him, I'd check him for fleas, have him tested for STDs and take his stinking ass back. I wouldn't let him forget it for a minute, but ya, I'd still take him back.


  27. No, not even if he was on FFF and was a full tripod would I take back a cheating a**hole like that. NOT AT ALL.

    I hope she didn't sign a prenup either.

  28. In my 20's everything was very black and white. In my 30's I discovered there are a lot of gray areas in life and I find it harder to judge. But as someone said there are lines in relationships and once you cross them that's it, bye-bye.

    After I had kids I realized that short of abuse I wouldn't leave for anything. That said I'm not in the public eye and haven't been humiliated in front of the world.

    I do wonder which is worse for the kids: divorce or crappy parental marriage. I lean towards the d-i-v-o-r-c-e being worse.

    There'll be a lot of work ahead for them no matter what she decides.

  29. She should take him for everything he is worth...once a cheater...always a cheater.

  30. I have noooo patience foe weak women. Women who will rather suffer emotional abuse than to be alone.

  31. He publicly humiliated her - for that reason alone, he's toast. Once the trust is gone, forget it.

    Lots of couples have 'arrangements', but these arrangements are almost always conditional with regard to discretion, boundaries and rules.

    Even if she was cool with him stepping out on occasion (which she obviously isn't), she shouldn't (and I wouldn't) ever forgive the public bitch-slap he gave her.

  32. I think it would take a lot of strength for her to stay with him and that would be the harder road. I don't think it would mean she has no self esteem nor that BZAR could walk all over her.

    Whatever they decide I hope she insists on the best PR firm money can buy.

    His character on "Brothers & Sisters" had an affair this past season, coincidentally.

  33. fuck no.

    the only reason that dick want sback is becaseu HIS family is so pissed off that they are threatenting to put all his future $ in trust for the kids and skip him all together! his castmates on B&S hate his ass for doing this to his wofe and kids and apparently Sally Fields refuses to talk to him. HAHA! asshole,deserved.

  34. How anyone, any woman, would ever dare consider letting such a scuzball sleaze back into their life is beyond me. Not only did he f*ck the biggest slut on the planet (this generation's anyway), he did it IN PUBLIC, he made sure photos were taken in nude states, and he was shitty enough to bring his whore to the country his wife fled to with their children.

    I would never tolerate that crap. I'd clean his coffers better than the proverbial spotless dry cleaner. I would do my damnedest to ensure my children had no contact with him - he didn't just shit on his wife, he made it a game of embarrassing his children so he could bone the whore of the world.

    Castration, even if I did it, wouldn't be enough. I hope she can score some serious Getty bucks. Make up for all the looted artwork that's supported this lameass for his life.

  35. sorry typing too fast to correct my speeeeeling lol.

  36. Jax: that was great dirt about the B&S cast. I'd heard Sienna's ex Matthew Rhys (who introduced them) was pretty peeved and not speaking to BZAR but not Sally Field. I probably read the Matthew Rhys tidbit here.

  37. Check this out from his Wiki page:

    During the filming of David Lynch's Lost Highway David Foster Wallace visited the set for Premiere Magazine, his experience became the essay David Lynch Keeps His Head. During this time Balthazar Getty came under some criticism from the author[6]:

    For just one thing, he'd annoy hell out of everybody between takes by running around trying to borrow everybody's cellular phone for an 'emergency.' I'll confess that I eavesdropped on some of his emergency cellular conversations, and in one of them he said to somebody 'But what did she say about me?' three times in a row. For another thing, he was a heavy smoker but never had his own cigarettes and was always bumming cigarettes from crewpeople who you could tell were making about 1% of what he was making of this movie. I admit that none of these are exactly capital offenses, but they add up...OK, f&ck it: the single most annoying thing about Balthazar Getty was that whenever David Lynch was around Getty would be very unctuous and over-respectful and asskissy, but when Lynch wasn't around Getty would make fun of him and do an unkind imitation of his distinctive speaking voice...

  38. Of course I wouldn't take him back. A cheater is a cheater. A cheater always been a cheater and always will be, because at some point in his youth he got the message that it's okay to do it. Marriage, or whoever he marries, has nothing to do with it. If a guy cheats, then he cheats. Castration does nothing to stop urges. Unfortunately. He'd need a lobotomy.
    They were separated when this happened so there were issues before he took up with the skank.
    Hillary didn't speak to Bill for 8 months after he admitted to the Lewinsky affair. They each have their own things they do with their lives, and probably for all intents and purposes, would be considered separated.
    "She's the vicar's bicycle." LOL, damned!
    LOVE the dirt, Jax! Delighted to hear this! BG's name is MUD.

  39. Is Rosetta's money from her clothing line, or does she also come from money?

  40. Forget castration.

    I would pluck out every single one of his Sienna-Disease-Riddled body hairs one-by-one, then sit him in a salt-water bath.

    And I'd post pictures.

  41. I don't think Rosetta has reason to feel humiliated. She did nothing wrong.

    Balthazar should feel humiliated in being exposed as a dirty dog of the worst kind. He must feel it to some degree or we wouldn't have this story in the first place.

    Sienna was... well she must not feel anything since she keeps doing this.

    Regardless, Rosetta has all the power of being right. Balthazar is the assh*le here.

    That said, just split it up and split. Monetary retribution for cheating like this is childish and unfair. Christy Brinkley's behavior during her recent divorce was petty and pitiful. There is too much that goes into acquiring money and possessions as a couple for it to be undone so easily, as some sort of punishment. I love no-fault divorce. And I am writing as someone now divorced from a cheater.

  42. If Balty hasn't gotten his money yet and Rosetta is the dam of his parents' four grandchildren... he has reason to be concerned. In a case like that, I would claim retribution is my right, I would, however, leave vengeance to God.

  43. Let's put it this way .. if I were Rosetta .. with my personality and my long memory .. he wouldn't come back because he would know I would make the rest of his life hell after that little self-centered escapade.

    I am loyal as hell to the man I love .. but if that loyalty isn't returned .. just go and never look back.

  44. divorce the bastard and take him for every penny he's got

  45. I saw Balty on TMZ yesterday. He kept insisting that everything was just fine with the wife.
    I would DIVORCE the selfish bastard! He obviously didn't consider Rosetta's feelings while he was banging that slut. Balty will no doubt learn that karma's a bitch.
