Monday, August 04, 2008

Apparently Brad's Swimmers Work Fine

All that nonsense last week about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie conceiving with the help of IVF have turned into, well, nonsense at least according to Jolie. She told Hello that she and Brad don't have any fertility problems and if they did use IVF, they would have told the world. You know, she probably would. She really isn't one to keep a secret like that. Sure, we may never know if she has had sex with her brother, but I think that if she had used IVF she would have been happy to tell the world.

Instead she assured the world that Brad's swimmers are as strong as ever and that it won't be long before they had back to the pool for another shot. Actually I think those were my words, not hers. I actually think that IVF might not be a bad solution for her. I mean she could still have sex with Brad just for the sake of having sex and drawing blood, but with IVF she could potentially bring 4 or 5 babies into the world with one shot. That seems to be much easier than this one or two a year thing she has going on right now. I mean with 4-5 a year and then maybe a year off, she could have enough for her very own Annie cast production before long. Sure, there would be kids who would have to dress in drag, but the whole family could take the show on the road and make a fortune.


  1. Can you imagine 4 babies at once? Thank god for nannies. (Except for Saint J.Lo who doesn't need them.)

  2. Can I just say that I love how "normal" she looks? She doesn't look overly made up, in fact she even looks tired. Scores major points, in my opinion.

  3. I love the photo of Shiloh, but I think it is an interesting choice of People to only put her on the cover. Aren't they forgetting a few more kids?

  4. I agree. She does look normal for a woman who just gave birth. Kudos to her!

    I usually don't care sbout celebrity babies, but HOW CUTE! The picture of Shiloh holding one of the babis is just adorable! (Ok. Shoot me now.)

  5. I hate to be the one to break this to you - James Havers is gay, she didn't sleep with her brother, she loves him and is protective. But if you have met James, it's quite obvious he plays for the other team.

    Cute babies, they look like babies.

  6. Boring. I find these two (Pitt-Jolie) totally boring. Nothing they do impresses me and I could give a sh!t about seeing their babies. Seen one you've seen 'em all. ZZZZzzzz. ZZZZZzzzz.

  7. Well hopefully we finally can breathe air without having to worry about wether or not someone next to us is talking about this Pitt Clan. I'm not a hater, I'm just tired of their media domination. It's getting ridiculous. Yes the children are cute. Yes, they're big-time actors. Yes, they're celebrities, but Christ! Can I breathe please!


  9. I don't care. I love them. I will always love them. Brad was SO FREAKING GOOD in Fight Club, and I've adored Angie in nearly everything -- though my friends and I took our collective Angelina love and went to see Life or Something Like it back in college, and I totally remember my pal Martha, in the middle of the film, inquiring loudly if we each agreed on the massive suckitude of that piece of cinematic crap. We left early. There was not enough marijuana in the world to keep us in our seats. It was so unbelievably awful.

    Oh, here's my question: don't you need to NOT have been pregnant for a certain length of time in order to recieve IVF treatments? Shiloh is just barely two, since her birthday was in May (kill me), and I'd think that a doctor might say no to excessive fertility treatments.

    Um, Shiloh makes my uterus hurt. What a gloriously sunny, beautiful child. GOOD. GOD. They ALL kind of make my uterus hurt, actually. In a good way. My favorite one is still Maddox, though. And twins run rampant in my family! Yay!

  10. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Wow, maybe people should take a step back and just be happy that there were two more healthy babies born to (seemingly) good parents in this world.
    And while I doubt I'd trust Angelina around my husband (moreso if he were Brad Pitt,) you have to at least respect that both A.J. and B.P. put their money where their mouths are. So what if they get media attention for their charitable work? At least they do it!

  11. I had assumed she had IVF since we it was announced she was having twins. I could totally see them wanting a 8/8/08 delivery and it seemed convenient that she was having twins ( a boy and a girl at that-with equal boys and girls in the family now). I figured as in control as these two are they would plan every detail.

    With that being said, I do think she would be truthful if asked, so I guess they are just very lucky and blessed.

  12. Don't care if she did IVF...although I feel where ENT is coming from about AJ admitting if she did get it....

    The twins are so cute!!

    I agree with a previous post about Shiloh being on the cover holding one of twins. It should have been a group pic or none at all. Not cool!!!

  13. Having struggled with infertility treatments for years, I get really, REALLY annoyed when people like Julia Roberts, JLo, and now Angelina Jolie try to deny that they've had fertility treatments, as if it is something to be ashamed of. I'd admire them a lot more if they were simply truthful about it.

    P.S. It should be noted that, while Ange denied the use of IVF, she didn't deny the use of IUI (artificial insemination), which also carries a risk of multiple births.

    P.P.S. I'm happy to report that I am currently pregnant!

  14. Congrats Christine--good luck with everything.

  15. Gook Luck Christine! I have to say I'm a leetle jealous.

    What most impressed me about the covers is how genuinely happy the two of them look. AND the babies are adorable. But then, most babies are adorable...

  16. I bet people magazine worked it into the deal to have the other biological girl hold the new biological baby girl. Shiloh and Maddox do seem to be the papparzzi fav and parents fav as well.

  17. Congrats Christine!

  18. Send Brad on over, and I'll give him a chance to prove his fertility.

  19. Is this going to be the fist CDAN-baby? Congrats, Christine!

  20. Awww. Congratulations, Christine! Even if you don't end up with two or three of 'em, I know you'll be a joyful parent, anyhow. Kids are so lucky when they enter the world wanted and loved.

  21. Re: Brangelina baby pictures. I find the picture silly. I can't help it, but I just sighed when I saw it. It's too perfect. It's too much. It has pushed me over the edge and I'm now happy if I never read anything about these sanctimonious douches ever again.

    Unless there is some sort of confirmation that she is in fact a heroin addict. THAT would be an interesting story.


  23. I'm not a huge fan of these two, but I'm glad the babies are healthy and do not give a fig if they were in-vitro or whatever. It's not something to be ashamed of!

    Christine: Congrats and good luck! There's nothing like it.

  24. Interesting that they don't show the full face of the blonde one. It looks like it has something wrong with its facial structure.

  25. Anonymous9:48 PM

    The cover of Hello (UK mag) shows the opposite view of the twins, and you can see the blond baby's face.

    Best I can tell, they had a boy who looks exactly like Brad and a girl who looks exactly like Angelina Jolie. Like little Mini-Me's.

    Eh, I love them. If I had their money I would roam the world with my children and love every minute of showing it to them. Can't even say I'd be generous enough to do the charity work - I'm not that noble - I'd just travel and make babies with my true love.

    I think Jolie & Pitt hit the powerball in life = extremely attractive, talented, successful, wealthy, etc etc . . . well, if it couldn't be me, SOMEONE should have it all. Good for them =)

  26. Christine, congratulations. That's great news. Take care of yourself.

    Ernestine, I'm with you. I love these two and am constantly defending to every hater (the Queen Mum) who talks crap about them. I've loved Angelina since "Gia" and Brad since "Thelma and Louise."

    I showed my People magazine to a family member tonight and she said "Angelina looks beat down." Well, ya, she just had twins via c-section. How confident (or just happy) can you be to pose in your nightgown without make-up? Wasn't J.Lo fully made-up for her cover?

    I like how the Mad, Pax, Z, and Shiloh look like they just ran in from playing and posed for the pictures. They're not dressed up to look perfect, they're just them.

  27. shiloh is beyond fucking adorable.

    Christine-congrats you you!

  28. Angie prob took fertility pills..
    Months before she got pregnant, the paps caught her coming out of a fertility doc's office I remember..

    those kids are too perfect. I'd keep procreating too.
