Wednesday, August 06, 2008

At Least It Will Give The News Channels Something To Do

So, I guess that whatever Mary Kate Olsen told the feds, if in fact she did tell the feds anything about Heath Ledger and his drugs wasn't good enough. Last night Mary Kate was subpoenaed and now she is going to have to testify before a grand jury.

News worthy? Sure it is. It is a high profile death and some really strange shit happened after Heath was found unconscious. Really strange. Has anyone ever wondered why the masseuse called Mary Kate before 911? I mean really thought about it. I think that almost any human on the planet would call 911 first before making any other call, so to me the fact that she called Mary Kate first says to me that some other freaky stuff has happened in the past with the masseuse or with other Mary Kate employees, or that Mary Kate told someone to call her if Heath was acting strange.

Anyway, I'm guessing that as soon as the 24 hour news channels know when Mary Kate is going to testify that news vans will start camping out in front of the federal courthouse and really start investigating the circumstances surrounding the death much more thoroughly than they have. Someone must know something. There are too many people who were there who must have spoken to someone and that person will be found and interviewed, or bought.

I can just see the scrum that is about to begin. All of the Britney pap people are going to be shipped to New York to stalk Mary Kate. She will not be able to leave her place. When she does leave there will be hundreds of people following her and, although probably wrong, people are going to link her testifying before a grand jury with an actor who died of a drug overdose. She will never be able to get around it. For the next few years even if nothing happens, every interview will have at least one Heath Ledger question in the hopes she will say something she has not said previously.

No one has really dug into her private life previously, but they will now. If there is any kind of hint of impropriety there will be an unauthorized biography and stories will be written and people will be interviewed and her life will never be the same.


  1. Good. She's only a billionairess because of her horrid little poorly-acted videos and her Wal-Mart clothing. I say rake the little troll through the coals if she's somehow responsible for Heath's death. I LOVED him.

  2. she better not lie. that's all i got to say.

    911 should have been called first, but heath was responsible for taking those drugs. no one forced him.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She obviously knows something, otherwise she would not have tried for immunity. Whether it was Heath Ledger, or some random guy, if she was somehow inolved, she needs to come forward.
    she was cute 20 years ago, but now she is just annoying & uninteresting.

  5. I don't know whether to laugh or gape in horror at it all, because you're absolutely right about the whole thing. Probably laugh, because I'm a vindictive little bitch like that. I'm still bitter about getting her videos when I was like 6, and Heath was one of my favorite actors. Let the witch hunt begin! I'll be in the background munching on popcorn.

  6. "If there is any kind of hint of impropriety there will be an unauthorized biography and stories will be written and people will be interviewed and her life will never be the same."

    I don't know about all of this. I think most people assume she does drugs of some sort. Her involvement with Heath's death has always seemed shady and I haven't really seen her image suffer any more than usual.

  7. The FBI is all over Anne H over her con artist boyfriend but I am not sure it will ruin her career.

  8. Maybe Mary Kate is the new Fatty Arbuckle. Hee, irony!

  9. Ernestine said...
    Good. She's only a billionairess because of her horrid little poorly-acted videos and her Wal-Mart clothing. I say rake the little troll through the coals if she's somehow responsible for Heath's death. I LOVED him.


    Liquid spew. I hope I'm remembering correctly, ernestine, that you really don't like JLO. Right. I think a fitting punishment for MKO would be living with JLo for six months as a nanny.

    What do you think?

  10. I'm guessing that she has something to do with the prescription drugs.

  11. you're probably right punkimeowzer.

    if she does not lie, she will come out unscathed. billionaires tend to have powerful fixers on the payroll.

  12. the masseuse can answer why she called MK instead of 911. she knows why. maybe they need MK for confirmation.and maybe it wasn't the first time.....

  13. If I remember correctly Ernestine doesn't like ANYBODY and I love her for it. But that is an excellent suggestion, but c'mon. Those poor children are already victims....

  14. Liquid spew. I hope I'm remembering correctly, ernestine, that you really don't like JLO. Right. I think a fitting punishment for MKO would be living with JLo for six months as a nanny.

    What do you think?
    I think that's an absolutely brilliant suggestion, Mags, and I only wish I had thought of it first. I'd expand that nannying gig to three or so years, though -- long enough for MKO to endure the Dragon Tails twins' potty training and teething.

    And BigSur, I certainly don't hate EVERYONE. I just praised Dolly AND Heath in the same day. I've got nothin' for love for both those fools. So there!

  15. i wonder how many accidental deaths like this happen within their crowd. they aren't all famous like heath. i'm sure there have been a few deaths already within that circle. this one just caught national (ha, global) attention.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Rivermet, you do realize that it was ruled an accident, right? I mean, he even had plans set out for the next day, no suicide note, etc. etc. I've known people who have taken more drugs than that for insomnia or headaches (out of ignorance and stupidity, sure), they just had the luck not to have access to oxycontin and others to mix in and have a bad reaction. But no, let's just call the dead guy a selfish prick who hated his daughter. That makes much more sense than being one of the thousands of people who accidentally die from misuse of pharmaceutical drugs every year.

    Aw hell, why do I bother? People never learn and would rather talk about the dead guy as being a douche.

  19. Annnnnnd that comment disappears. Nevermind, people, carry on...

  20. My Lord, those poor little calves are horrendous. Really.

    Haven't even read the post yet.

    God bless her is all I can say. I hope she gives copiously to charity. She might as well, since she doesn't know how to shop for herself properly.

  21. whether someone does drugs or not it's pretty callous to not bother calling 911 because it. or even suggest it.

    ignorant actually. possibly illegal? or just morally fucked?

  22. Wealthy bag lady.
    That said, yesterday in the press, it came out that three of the five meds found in Heath were linked to doctors who had prescribed them for him. What is at issue is how he got oxycontin and vicodin. Authorities need these questions answered before they can close this case.

  23. I’m assuming the masseuse had to sign some sort of confidentiality agreement when she began working for MK Olsen, but would that sort of contract remain binding if the masseuse was called upon by the Feds?

    Also, has anyone else heard that back in the day MKO’s trip to rehab for “anorexia” was really due to a heroin addiction?

  24. RDJ has been looking middle aged since we saw him promote Iron Man. However, his face shows character and hasn't been erased away with filler, botox, and surgery.

    I like his face!!

  25. @judi:
    right this minute in my medicine cabinet i have: vicodin, oxycontin, percocet, darvocet, ambien, xanax,norco,flexeril, plus an anti depressant and anti seizure 'scrip.
    the first week or so following surgery(s) i have been on oxy, ambien, the anti depressant and anti seizure, and either the percs or vicodin. 3 different docs (primary, neurologist and ortho).
    the difference is, i'm responsible and stop taking the hardcore stuff when i don't need it anymore. i don't flush it, because sometimes i hurt myself. and my primary takes over the pain meds as i'm released from the ortho.
    i only spelled all that out because you mentioned he had 'scrips from 5 different docs. now, i wasn't a fan of his, i mean, i didn't really know who he was before this whole thing, but i read somewhere that he really threw himself into his roles (method actor?) and he had problems. doctors aren't to blame if a patient isn't honest about other drugs they are taking. i believe it was an accident, but one thing about the whole thing that has bothered me since the story broke:

    and, lol, i only take one darvocet and one flexeril at night now, i'm not high, just gabby!

  26. He was dead when the masseuse got there. The maid said she heard him snoring--to the untrained ear it sounded like snoring, but those were really his last breaths. The meds had depressed his respiratory system.

    As for not calling 911, so what? I wish I had MK's number, I'd call her too. He was already dead--why is everything the gubment's bidness?

    I'm glad she's not talking, and I don't think she should. Nothing good can come of it.

  27. snoring-- he could have been seizing--

    i will still always wonder.

  28. the DEA says Heath had 5 meds in his system but only 3 Rxs in his name. They want to know where he got the other 2, which were vicodin and oxycontin.

    merriweather i don't know where you're from but 911 is the first call and imo i don't care if they beat the shit out of MKO.

  29. You know I just can't understand all these pills and drugs. Why do people like to feel strange. I get loopy on a cup of coffee. Getting stoned is just not something I would enjoy. Like to know who and what I am doing.

  30. so enty, what do you think of the dea now dropping the investigation? I think it stinks.

  31. detroitrocker: have you ever been in love? had a great hair day? have everyone look at you like they want you? vicodin makes me feel like that....all three at once. there's no loopiness or being out of it. it's wonderful. but 10 years ago after almost 3 years on it [for recreation] i decided that reality, no matter how shitty, is the best - it's real life and it's the truth no matter how difficult it may be. i'm lucky, i just stopped on my own cold turkey - alot of people can't.

    another thing is that the drugs found in heath were all medicinal. he was very sick. he made the mistake of taking a couple that weren't prescribed for him, not realizing that the combo with the other ones was deadly. my hunch is that he had sore ribs and maybe back spasms from coughing and took them to relieve the pain.
