Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cate Blanchett - For Donna Karan

For the most part I have stopped posting fashion shoot photos or advertising campaign shots, except for maybe one from a shoot or if it is a really cool ad. Of course this does not apply to Johnny Depp or Daniel Craig so don't have a heart attack. I also decided to make an exception for Cate Blanchett. Not only is she stunning in the photos, but all of you seem to love her as well, so I figured what the hell, and posted the entire ad campaign from Donna Karan.


  1. Since you made mention of Daniel Craig, Cate looks very much like 007 material. Love that black dress.

  2. Me loves her!!!! She's so classy and sophisticated.

    So talented too. How come she doesn't get as much attention as some other celebs? God knows she deserves it.

  3. Hottttnessss!

    I LOVE you, Enty. Love, love, love. This woman is my girl crush! Well, Cate and Helen Mirren are sort of tied for that title -- though Cate is sort of a baby Helen, and I can see her following a similar career trajectory.

    She is MESMERIZING. I'd seriously watch a film where she's just driving a car in the suburbs or getting a two-hour pedicure or something. She's SUCH a lioness. I ADORE her. Notes on a Scandal? The Aviator? Holla!

    She and Julianne Moore need to make a film together, because I ALSO love her. I even forgive Julianne for the atrocity that was The Hours.

    I DO hope the fur in the last photo is faux, though. :-(

  4. she's just fucking cool. period.

  5. The clothes are great and she makes them look even better. Molto gratzi Enty!

  6. Simple gorgeous, how does she do it? I'd like her diet and exercise tips. She looks healthy and natural. Impossible to believe she had her 3rd (?) child earlier this year.

  7. Merci for posting the ad campaign Enty!

    I agree with Ernestine. I love Cate Blanchett. She's possesses various qualities that set her apart from the other so-called actresses. The woman is naturally talented, classy and looks absolutely fabulous in this ad campaign. On top of that she's a happily married mother of 3 boys!

  8. Three words: Stunning, smart, sophisticated.

  9. Love her too. So talented and seems like a really classy chick.

    Notes on a Scandal is one of my favorites. Dame Judi Dench is so over the top and campy in that film, I could watch it over and over. A must see!

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    is there anything this woman doesn't just knock out of the park? Seriously these are stunning photos.

  11. Christine, I finally saw that movie a few weeks ago. I had no idea what it was going to be about and lo and behold Cate is having sex with a 15year old by some train tracks. That was craaaaaazy.

    Anyway, she looks gorgeous in these ads. I can't help but wonder if these were taken before or after the recent birth. She's a beautiful woman.

  12. If you mention Daniel Craig, I expect NAKED PICS.

    I'm a bit disappointed. But I agree, Cate Blanchett is stunning...these pictures are gorgeous.

  13. I LOVE Cate as much as anyone, but I'm confused: Aren't these campaigns almost 5 years old now?

  14. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Just a flat out amazing woman. Talent, brains, and class.

  15. Such a classy, elegant woman. She reminds me of the movie stars in the golden age of Hollywood.

  16. i'm a huge fan of her work and she has beautiful bone structure. her face and coloring are easily changed with every new role.
    however,the garments are boring. there's nothing interesting or original. i've seen them before.

  17. It's nice to see an actress who hasn't sliced up her face and doesn't walk around with her tits out. Talent helps too.

  18. See--we at CDaN can actually say something nice about someone who deserves it!!

  19. Adrian -- Indeed! And I hope Cate reads CDAN and will read these comments, but she's probably too busy being gorgeous and making amazing films and stuff.

  20. Ernestine-- i thought we were all too busy running around being gorgeous! She just gets photographed doing it!!
    She happens to be beautiful, a great actress, & a decent person! Of course that lends itself to being boring, but that is where every one else comes in!

  21. Damn! I want to look like that NOW, much less after three children!

    Classy, sophisticated, timeless.

  22. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Fuh. I'd love to post these pics on my site but I have a real hard time even looking at someone who openly supports a child molester. FUCK her.

  23. Um, bad fish, I don't believe that the dude was molesting any child, or we surely wouldn't have heard a peep out of our Cate. Purveyor of indecent photos of young children in the name of art, perhaps, but molester, no. That's a pretty horrific accusation.

  24. Sorry, but no.

    Cate looks like a horse-face & those outfits are horrid. It's like Blade Runner, but worse.

    *dons flame-proof Doc. Dentons*

    Ready - do your worst!

  25. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Listen...I love Cate. Really, I do. But how did Bitch drop that baby weight so fast? Jesus H. Christ...I've still got a hell of a muffin top and my kid's 2.

  26. badfish -- what?! I'm confused. Fill me in!

  27. Notachance, I hope your idea doesn't live up to your name. I would LOVE to see her as a bond girl.

    Ernestine, here's the story.

    Thanks for the excuse to watch "Life Aquatic" again - god, do I love that movie.

  28. If Cate was a bond girl, she'd have to be an uber sophisticat and hopefully a double crossing agent- something juicey and worthy of her, quite frankly. She's brilliant and a real camelion (spelling prob wrong, but you know what I'm saying!)
