Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Diddy Needs To Stop Drinking So Much Coffee

You know that even if I dislike someone immensely, if they do something interesting or funny or amusing, or really just about anything if it is a slow day, I can be nice to them. I'm a nice guy. So, Sean Combs, aka, The HeyDiddleDiddle, posted a pretty funny video on YouTube about how even he hates high gas prices. Now, his definition of hurting the pocketbook is different than ours. In the video he talks about how it costs him about $200,000 to fly two round trips between NY and LA on his private jet, and so for now he is going to fly commercial. Specifically American Airlines which, knowing them has probably already dropped to its knees and opened wide at the chance for serving The Diddinator. For Oprah they just usually bend over, so this is different for them.

Anyway, you know it must be killing Diddy inside to have his jet just sitting on the ground at some airport. No more, "let's go for a ride Sienna in my jet." "Now, it's hey Cassie, make sure you get me a Cinnabon on the way back from the bathroom."
I love Cinnabon. They are like the crack of pastry.

In the video, Doody, wants us to feel sorry for him that he is having to go to the airport and see regular people and fly next to someone else in an airplane, and eat really bad food. It kind of comes out sounding hollow and untrue, much like the rest of his life. In addition to the superficiality of his life, you also have to endure what appears to be about a 50 cup of coffee a day habit from Diddily Piddily because the camera just will not stop shaking. Blair Witch was shot on a tripod compared to this. Anyway, with all that being said, it is 2 minutes of your day. What the hell else are you going to do today? Work. Haha (voice of Nelson from The Simpsons)


  1. He makes it sound like flying commercial is like being at Abu Ghraib.

    "Shout out to... all my brothers & sisters from all the countries that have oil..."

    LOL. Geology much?

  2. He scored some points, well maybe one point, in my book when I read about this. I will spend a fortune on drinking, gambling, clothes, and shoes, but this gas thing pissed me off and I won't use an extra drop if I can avoid it.

  3. Screw Diddy, I just love the Nelson from the Simpsons' reference.

  4. can we have a ban on him too? no more paris, britney, diddy...oh add amy to that list too.

  5. I agree quint...don't like him. never have, never will..

  6. Okay, the Nelson reference was gold, but I've gotta give this one to Michael K., sorry.

    "Has he tried plugging himself into his private jet? I'm sure it can run on his ego alone."

  7. Just read where he and his followers were pulled over leaving a club. He had a caravan of eight SUV's. Really saving gas there Dildo.

    That sure didn't look like any coach seat that I ever sat in when I flew American Airlines. mmm makes you wonder if he paid for coach and was upgraded.

  8. Somehow I doubt that it's coffee giving him the jitters.

  9. why doesn't Revolta fire up the jumbo jet and become the friendly bus driver to the stars?
    you know that bitch would put it on autopilot to squeeze into a sexy little flight attendant number.


  10. Heh, heh...LOVE the name "Dildo," detroitrocker!

    You just gave me the only name I'll ever use to refer to that spit-corner mouth, no-talent, arrogant ass again.

  11. Anonymous1:20 PM


    Can't stand this idiot. To me he just wanted to brag, brag, brag. He has a BIG mouth.

  12. bwahhhhaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Jax.

  13. He's one of those people who, if he were shot in the face tonight, I'd just shrug and go "oh. Okay. He's really dead? Cool." I really don't care if this makes me an evil person. I feel the same way about Paris.

    Rich people who complain about gas prices can kiss my ass.

  14. Boo hoo-poor you!! He's not the brightest crayon in the box!!

  15. I love how he says mumf when he means month, he's an inarticulate idiot.

    What Diddy doesn't understand is that no one wants to touch him, or his acting career *tee hee* - they don't want his band of gun toting asswipes near any producers or directors, he's like the plague in LA.

    He has to go back and forth because he keeps getting shown the door out west.

  16. Yo, Diddy. Do you think gas prices are too high? I feel your pain brother! It sucks to have to fly commercial. WTF? Coach???!!!!
    R-U-4 Ril?

    Why don't you jump on the McCain wagon. He sure could use your celebrity power right about now for his campaign. You do know who's running for President, right?

    I'm sure AA will pay you to endorse them! Maybe you could put your good taste & designer power to work for them & re-design their coach section!

  17. ent, keep coming up with the names. we'll help you. hate him.
    @ ernestine--
    first kanye, then doody!
