Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Fastest Way For Photos To End Up On The Internet

So Miley Cyrus wants to babysit. I doubt she babysits for anyone, but she told Pete Wentz that she would love to babysit for his child anytime he wants. Well, that seems to me to be the absolute quickest way for photos of the yet to be born child to end up all over the internet. There will be the photos of the baby in its underwear and with the shirt halfway off. The baby taking a bath, and the baby posing with its head on Miley's lap. Ahh good times.

It does present an interesting quandary though. Even with the sexy photos that will accompany any Miley babysitting, one has to balance the possibility that your only other option at some point may in fact be Jessica Simpson. Yes, the same Jessica Simpson who didn't know how a diaper worked or how to affix it or clean up after a baby.

I could go on and on about Jessica Simpson, but frankly I'm tired of talking about her. I feel that I have exhausted any possible topic of conversation that would interest me in the slightest about her. Sure, she makes a nice distraction while we wait for any of her nude webcam shows to make their way to the internet, or as I take a break from watching the Eva Mendes CK video for the 4,623rd time, or debate posting the ass photo of Jesse McCartney. But honestly, is there anything left to discuss about Jessica? I actually don't know what her fan sites do all day. Do they just post in the forums about what she wears and says and gush over her? I just can't imagine how empty my life would have to become before I could sit around doing that all day. And then of course I read my own blog and see that she has been discussed frequently as well. So, I'm done with Jessica for now. It's time for a break. I need somewhere else to focus my energy.

I'm not planning on going back to Britney anytime soon. I think the rest of the world pretty much has that covered. Paris is always an option. I mean at least she tends to polarize people and is generally good for some kind of snark on an almost weekly basis. It just seems though as if the same people are always thrust before us, and frankly I'm tired of the thrusting. I know, I know, that's what all guys say. Hey, we're lazy. So, for now, no more Jessica.


  1. Please not Paris. I'll take Brit over Paris any day.

  2. I agree!! I'm tired of them all...can't we find something else to talk about? You go first....

  3. hey i watched Blonde Ambition last night and didn't hate it.
    i know. i was surprised too.

  4. Jax, please have someone take your temperature asap. Do I need to call an ambulance for you? I'll do it, just say the word.

  5. "hey i watched Blonde Ambition last night and didn't hate it."

    Well, duh, anything with a Wilson brother can't be all bad!!!

  6. I personally think Jessica should do a very tasteful yet knock-out Playboy spread.

    THAT'LL turn her "career" around, but God, AND give us something to really dig deep into.

    I'll bet her issue would break publication records!

  7. No worries, Enty. Now that Shannen Doherty is back in the spotlight the other lame bitches will have to step aside. She's bound to give us something good to talk about soon. And if that doesn't work, Dakota Fanning is about due to start hitting the clubs.

  8. I guess you could talk about Jessica being on Tony's sports show tomorrow to discuss football with him..........

  9. I kind of like Jessica...maybe it is her perpetual unsavviness (I don't think that is a real word though). After all her years in the business of "being famous" or whatever, she has yet to learn that sometimes the best thing to say is nothing - especially when it comes to relationships. In a sea of media manipulation it is kind of fun when a celeb just doesn't get it.

    My main reason for comment is that she actually looks good in that photo AND most importantly she is with the Paves...I did not think both could happen at the same time.

  10. Please, no Paris. I agree with caliblondy, Britney over Paris any day. But, quite actually to hell with all of the Paris, Nicole, Jessica, Britney and Lindsays of the world.

  11. When she was with Nick I thought they were cute, but apart they are just annoying.

  12. seriously it wasnt bad...Luke Wilson looked like he was on a Vince Vaughn induced bender the whole movie but other than that her acting wasn't too shabby, no worse than say Lilo in Just my Luck?

    'course i was high as a kite so...

    I say we stick to people who deserve it..like Miley.

  13. I agree, I'd take Jessica over Miley any day of the week.

  14. NO. FUCKING. PARIS. I come here SPECIFICALLY for the lack of The Skank Who Shall Not Be Named.

    That's not a request, Enty -- it's a straight-up plea!!!
