Wednesday, August 06, 2008

It's Just Sarah Jessica Parker

In another sign the world is collapsing as we speak, Sarah Jessica Parker is claiming that the apartments surrounding her apartment are now not filled with regular tenants, but instead are filled with paps who basically have her surrounded 24 hours a day. Now, I know that my math skills do not extend much beyond what I can do with my fingers and toes but to me this seems, if true, a colossal waste of money.

How much money can a juicy photo of Sarah Jessica Parker generate? I mean do they really think she is going to bring some guy back to her place and have sex with him on the front stoop just so the paps can get a good photo? The only photos anyone ever gets of her are her walking down the street, going into a store, out of a store. Who the f**k cares? They can do all of that from outside in the street. I just don't think that Sarah or Matthew are going to do anything stupid enough to warrant the prohibitive cost of renting a NY apartment. Does seeing a photo of Sarah walking with her kid on page 63 of a magazine make you more likely to buy the damn magazine? So, where is the market?

The only thing I can guess is that perhaps the paps are in the apartments for other reasons or have other tools other than cameras to catch some type of illicit remark or conversation. Of course that would be illegal, but can always be attributed to an unnamed source or insider. I guess if you have a parabolic mike or a bug that would certainly be an insider and would probably actually lead to revelations that would get a cover story and sell magazines.

"Photographers moved into apartments next door to us and we really found ourselves kind of living like a spy movie... I feel like they think they have to be there. Like they punch in or something."

According to NY Magazine, Sarah and Matthew have had enough of the intrusion and so are about to purchase an $18M home that would keep all their secrets a secret.


  1. That SJP surely thinks highly of herself, huh?
    She had one breakout role which she has milked into movies, perfumes, etc (and unfortunately pigeonholed her as only being able to play Carrie) but now she thinks she is on the same level as AJ.
    Trust us SJP, no matter how many SITC sequels you turn out, no one is really checking for you like that.

  2. sorry i don't see where you get a 'high on herself' vibe from in those two sentence quotes.

    sounds like she's concerned for her personal safety and privacy.

  3. That $18M home isn't in LA is it...?

  4. yeah, I didn't read the "high on herself" either in that...I had to go back and re-read it as I thought I'd missed something...

  5. you can't live a "regular" lifestyle and have privacy when you're a celeb with attitude. SJP needs a doorman or a gated cul de sac because she's a pain in the ass. i still think all her bullshit distractions in the media are covering for an upcoming separation announcement.

  6. Ummm does she have any idea how much rent in NY is? Is she that delusional? With all the celebs in the city, I think a photographer could find someone much more newsworthy to stalk. How about Jerry Stiller? He's more interesting.

  7. Ellen bought every home/property on her street(big,big bucks) just so she could gate the street. if you want to be left alone you have to pay.

  8. How egotistical of her to think that the paps are there for HER. They're looking for the mole!!!! (Double entendre intended)

  9. SJP is boring! Though I did love SATC. And Square Pegs. She's picked some great roles. But her personal life doesn't really interest me.
