Friday, August 08, 2008

Keira Knightly Needs To Lighten Up - But Not In A Beyonce L' Oreal Way

I hate when people take themselves so seriously that they can't even take a joke. Obviously I love to have fun and laugh and give a lot of crap, but I also know how to take a lot of crap as well. You learn to do that when the basement door locks from the outside and the light switch is outside the door. God help me when the parents get too much to drink in them.

Anyway, James Corden apologized yesterday after being snubbed by Keira Knightley for a joke he said about her five months ago. He was introducing a videotape of Keira accepting an award for Best Actress. Apparently this is the kind of award show where you let the winners know in advance they have won so they bother to show up. Anyway, in his intro, he said they had just finished three days of "sensual lovemaking" and "solid shagging."

Apparently Keira was pissed and repeatedly ignored him at a party last week. To me this is just someone who thinks she is either obviously too important to be joked about, or is the most sensitive creature on the planet, or just was at the party and had absolutely no idea who James Corden was so blew him off. Yeah, I'm going with the self-important narcissistic a-hole as well. Not one of my original options I know, so if you are scoring at home, I will take all answers you may have given with the exception of ignorance of James Corden.

Of course I guess he could have got his hair cut since the presentation. I mean it has been five months. That is one hell of a long time for a grudge. I would hate to see how her boyfriend gets treated when he leaves the seat up. He probably is afraid to sleep for weeks on end.


  1. Is no one else disturbed by this lizard in purple underware? Creepy.
    I found this intro hilarious...

  2. "You learn to do that when the basement door locks from the outside and the light switch is outside the door."


    If you can't laugh at yourself, you're going to have a hard time in this world.

  3. ok, I will admit that I a not smart...but I'm confuzed. Ent is locked in the dark? or the light? is that what that means? What does that have to do with this drunk parents? Help...

  4. Bmini, Ent lives in his parents' basement, and when they get drunk they lock him in and turn off the lights.

  5. ohhh...ok! I feel silly now....

  6. Leave a key under a rock. That way you can always get back in.

  7. I love James Corndon, he's so cute and funny too. Silly Keira.

  8. Anonymous1:18 PM

    James Cordon is a disgusting misogynist pig, Ent. Recently at a show he molested a drunk girl on stage while people screamed at him to stop touching her. Look it up. I wouldn't acknowledge that piece of shit either. So, Ent, please do a tad more research before creating stupid fake gosip for your stupid blog. After the Dolly Parton thing you wrote the other day, I'm starting you question all your opinions (and vague, watery blinds).

  9. Research? We don't need no stinkin' research!

  10. @ baba c- what's this about james cordon getting grabby at some girl??

    I watched that awards show, and what cordon said was just silly, boyish humour and could've been taken with a pich of salt. no one took it seriously! who knows if there's some other reason KK blanked him? if not, someone is def losing their sense of humour...

  11. Keira Knightly has always got a stick up her butt about something. If it isn't her eating disorder it is something else. Enough!
