Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Much For Rehab

Do you remember last week when I posted the photo of Kirsten Dunst looking like her ratty old self and how I made a comment that when she looks like that, rehab is just around the corner. Well, it won't be long now.

According to the NY Daily News, Justin and Kirsten were making out with each other while waiting in line for margaritas. The Daily News was more concerned with the fact that they were all over each other.

Meh, who cares? Should we care that Justin Long is rebounding with someone who looks a great deal like his ex? Call me when Justin starts making Kirsten do Charlie's Angels poses in the bedroom, then there will be something to talk about. I guess we could talk about the fact that when you are in a line, in public, on the street, that as much as you want to swap spit and grope each other, perhaps you should actually get out of the line to do it. Either that or offer complimentary gropes to those in line next to you. What was once uncomfortable, then turns into which celebrity would you like to grope.

I guess we could also talk about how Justin has now had two consecutive relationships with blond haired women who have drinking problems, and while he was with them, they really drink. Kirsten had been good until Justin and now she is drinking like crazy. Drew went really overboard with her drinking with Justin. What is he doing to them to make them want to get drunk so bad? Is it his whining? The fact he has a small peen? Do they like PC more than Mac and so feel guilty?

So after Justin gets done using Kirsten, she will be off the wagon, sloppy and lonely. Hello rockstars and rehab you are going to get some Kirsten Dunst loving.


  1. Oooh, somebody gave you some inside scoop. Last we heard, you were on Justin's side. Can we have a "blind" item, please?

  2. Also both child stars. Coincidence?

  3. hmmmmm Maybe he is a gigolo who is trying to get them on the sauce and spend all their money?

  4. I guess Drew drinking has to be the answer to a blind somewhere out there.

  5. they are both adults and repsonsible for their own drinking.
    Drew has been toking weed for years despite being 'sober' with her buddy Cammy.
    and Kirstin is a hot mess with or without Justin.

  6. Anonymous11:25 AM

    i agree with jax

  7. She looks like a street person in that photo!

  8. Anonymous12:25 PM

    A lot of people smoke weed and drink and consider themselves to be sober. And some of them can use both and be responsible people, myself included. Its a question of whether its in excess and if its hurting other people or affecting their work.

  9. Oh my God. No, no, no! I just have a shallow quibble with the Kirsten/Drew comparison, because

    Drew>>>>>>>>>Kirsten. ANYday.

  10. dammit, this sucks. as a mac person, i love justin as the mac guy!

    must be a software problem.

  11. p.s. before mr. bunny went to disney, he worked at JPL for 18 years, i worked there for 2. i always get a kick out of that pic, like she has any idea what she's reading, even WITH sagan not being the great mind people thought he was (or HE thought he was!)!!

  12. Your husband works for Disney, Bunny? Did he have anything to do with Wall-E? Because I am OBSESSED with that movie. It was SO. FREAKING. ADORABLE!!

  13. Bunny, ditto to what Ernestine sad "Waaaaalllleeeeeee." "Eeeeeeeeevaaaaaa." <3 <3 <3

    Also, Kiki was/is friends with Carl Sagan's daughter I think, so that's why she was carrying around that book - she wanted people to ask her so she could pretend to be smart by association. :) (To be fair, I'd guess she is smarter than the average actress, but that ain't saying much.)

  14. Oops, Ernestine "said" not "sad." Although my heart was thisclose to breaking the entire movie. That's one thing I loved about it - it was so sad, yet so happy.
