Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Take Note Of The Day And Time - I'm On Michael Lohan's Side

My original plan today was to talk about the idiocy of Erin Muller, who is now affianced to Michael Lohan. I know, I know, someone is actually going to marry the guy. He popped the questions just as soon as the box from QVC came in the mail. Free shipping.

Anyway, when Michael was doing all the press about his engagement, and when I say all the press, I mean he was making calls, and then some guys came over from the school paper. Anyway, while he was doing press, the story came out that Samantha Ronson has a book deal. The same Samantha Ronson who no one had heard of outside of LA prior to her sleeping with Lindsay Lohan.

What is the book going to be about? Her life with Lindsay of course. What she and Lindsay do from morning until bed. So, basically she is going to be making money off of her relationship with Lindsay. There is not going to be anything in the book other than some talk about her siblings. Michael is pissed. He thinks Lindsay is being exploited and I agree.

Yes, I think we can all agree that Samantha has kept Lindsay in one piece. Maybe as a reward Lindsay is going to let her write all this stuff about her. No one would buy a book only about Samantha Ronson. Of course she needs something to make people want to buy it, and right now all she has to offer is Lindsay. Maybe she will out Lindsay in the book, or maybe she will say that Lindsay sleeps on the couch alone surrounded by empty boxes of wine.

I don't know, but it does seem highly suspicious that she is writing the book about Lindsay and making money off it. I think we all had this vision of Samantha as some kind of savior of Lindsay. What I think she is doing is planning for the inevitable breakup by having a book deal in place, ready to go, and will just be able to come right out with a book after they break up. Of course it could just be a book about hats and the women who wear them.


  1. Sam has always been bad for Lindsay in many ways, but without her I think Lilo might be dead, so I don't know what to think on this one...

  2. Lilo might be dead without her because Lilo chooses it to be this way. Something suspect about a "friend" who parks underneath a bright light with paps around while you're so high you're passed out in the passenger seat, and she waits until they get all their shots in. Yeah, she's a real lifeline.

    Try as SamRo might, she will never outshine her brother.

  3. Awww, man. Bummer if Samantha is really just using Lindsay.

    I, too, have thought she has been the very best thing for Lindsay. Nothing and nobody else has had the effect on Lindsay that Samantha has (apparently) had.

    Of course, no telling how f'ed up Lindsay still might be, we just don't see it every day like before.

    But she stuck with a job without one peep of trouble, and that's gotta be a step in the right direction.

    But as boy crazy as Lindsay was, I don't give them great odds of lasting in a lesbian relationship once next irresistible piece of man meat comes along, and I'm sure that thought has crossed Samantha's mind, too.

    Gyahhh, I need to get a life!!! Who cares???

  4. Given the irrelevancy of Lindsay these days, how much money could she possible make? She probably makes more in one night of DJ'ing.

  5. Wayyy OT, but shakey--your name reminds me of my favorite birthday parties as a child at Shakey's Pizza in Newport News.

    M&D would take me and my little bro with a few of our friends to Shakey's for our parties.

    We'd get fake straw hats, the player piano would be jamming out old-timey ragtime music, a guy would be plucking a banjo giving out birthday prizes, you could watch the guys making pizza behind the glass, and the pizza was so good.

    Then M&D would take us to play Putt-Putt and then to High's Ice Cream afterwards.

    VERY good times!

    Sorry--I couldn't resist relaying those fond memories...thanks, shakey!

  6. I'd lean towards Lilo being involved in the deal from the get go. She would not miss out on the $$ or the attention.

    I've always been under the impression that Sam would have her own family money...I don't know if cash would be her reason for a book.

  7. LOL! Glad to help. My name is after a cat we "saved". When she showed up, she seemed so weak she shook. Turns out after having her hang around/take off/hang around for 2 years, she belongs to a neighbour down the road who doesn't believe in spaying her. Now we're "family" to her not-so-kitten Hissy.

  8. hee hee love that last line!! "Of course it could just be a book about hats and the women who wear them."

    I agree with jlb, Lindsay must be aware/ok with it, gotta stay relevant somehow if the only movie you've done in a year or two is probably going straight to dvd

    OT, there is a seriously dead-on SamRo look-alike in my tiny town. I had to do a double-take, she had the hair, the skinny jeans, even those obnoxious sneakers!

  9. I can't hate on Michael, most of the time the stuff he says is the truth and unlike White Oprah doesn't party with the kids.

  10. What could Sam write that we don't already know? *yawn*

  11. Sorry I think that IF Sam is writing a tell-all then Lindsay is probably in on it. With the way her career has been going, Lindsay needs press as badly as Sam desires it. I can totally see Lindsay agreeing to do that sort of book to stir up speculation and interest. Like Judi says, it is not like there is that much about her that we would be shocked about.

    I also tend to believe that if Sam were planning a tell-all that she would keep the lid on it till the last minute.

  12. let me rephrase that last bit. If Sam were writting a tell-all, without the consent of Lindsay, I think she would be more careful about running her mouth to her friends about any sort of book.

  13. oh you know Lilo gets half!
    i dont think shes as 'good' as we think...there has been a few questionable pics of Lilo looking..elevated.

    Depending on someone to keep you sober is a trainwreck waiting to happen...hopefully when and if there is a breakup, Lilo can get her shit together without skinny ass Samantha Madden at the helm.

  14. shakey--that's a nice lil' story!

    I agree Lindsay is probably in on it. Hell, wasn't Madonner in on her bro's book, too?

    Nothing is pure and simple these days--all planned and played.

    All for that GD almightly dollar for us peons to fork out like cattle.

    And, I also thought Sam and her family had bucks.

  15. I love that pic of a young Keith Richards and LiLo.

  16. I agree with Princess B, we don't even know what this book is - or IF it is so maybe we need to put down the stake and garlic and just see what happens. Why condemn the girl when there's like, NO proof of anything cept crappy tabloid stories?

    I'm pretty darned sure Lindsay would have some say in whatever gets writ anyway.

  17. Yeah, I agree. Lindsay's in on it.
    And Sam is a weasel. Ted Casablanca called that one eons ago.

  18. Lindsay would totally be in on it! Her Dad is just pissed he's not getting any of the cash.
    Agree, Sam is not to be trusted but I doubt either of them is in the dark about that relationship. I'd say it's as much of a business decision as anything.
    I keep thinking that Sam must have her family money as a back-up but if she's loaded then why couldn't she buy first class tickets for her & Lindsay? Does all the DJ money just go on sneakers and drugs?
    Yes, it troubles me that I've pondered this...

  19. damn...that's one pissed off girl!

    on topic, now. I can see Lilo being in on it...who wouldn't help their significant other if he/she were in a place to do so?

    Hope it ends happily...

  20. Aren't they both using each other?
    By having this relationship, real or fake, they are both assured of being photographed & written about every time they step out together. They
    both thrive on the constant publicity.

  21. selena--
    we used to do the shakey's thing too-- in fact my bro worked there!
    where i live now, they're moving the one that was in a real shady area to a better part of town.
    in fact, remembering back, when i was married to the asshole, i got off work at 2:00 and my guy friend worked nights. we used to meet at the shakey's next door to the ice rink where i worked to drink beer and "waste aliens" (play galaga)!!!
    ah, good times.
    and mojo potatoes.

  22. The Ronson kids had a pretty cool/interesting life. I'm pretty sure Sam'll have more to talk about than goddamn Lindsay Lohan.

    Also, Michael Lohan's a creep and I would rather punch myself in the face than think him to be correct about something.
