Tuesday, August 19, 2008

That's Reality Television

I know many of you have no idea who Jade Goody is, but she is a reality star in the UK who became famous one year on their Big Brother. Last year she became infamous for making some racist jokes about an East Indian and was vilified by the British and Indian public. Well, to make amends she entered the Celebrity Indian Big Brother House two days ago, and then was told live on the internet in front of millions of people today she has cervical cancer.

The way they told her was they had her go into the interview room and had her speak to her agent and her doctor who passed along the results of the test. She then broke down and immediately left the House.

Now, the producers say they will not air the footage on the television broadcast, but everyone who has a computer and was streaming online already saw the footage and watched it happen live. Was that really necessary? Are you telling me that there is no way those cameras can't be shut off? If you are not going to air it, then why film it? You must have known what was going to be said before she went in there. So, why not stop the cameras and let her decide whether or not she wants to share the news with the world.

Now, the cynic in me is really glad there was a doctor who was involved in this conversation with her, because if it had just been her agent, I would have thought perhaps the fix was in. Jade has had three other cancer scares, despite which she still drinks like a fish and is constantly abusing her body. She was immensely popular in the UK before her racist comments and as a result of those comments lost a bunch of endorsements. Now, she goes into the Indian Big Brother House to pay her bills and support her kids and wham, two days later she gets the cancer announcement. Now, the Indian people will be sympathetic, and love her. Sharon Stone of course would say it is karma, but that's why Sharon Stone has no hope of a career anymore.

I choose to not be a cynic in this case and pass along my best wishes to Jade and her kids.


  1. I am sorry that she has cancer especially with two very little boys at home but I dont think she has any chance of regaining her popularity after what happened, and entering another big brother house is going to do little to help that

  2. shes is a wreck and always has been. i was in the UK while that orig big brother was on and my god..the things she said and did.

    having said that i really hope this is a turning point to get her shit together and be well.

  3. Why would a doctor violate his patient's confidentiality in this manner? Did she agree to it? I can't imagine any other way a doctor could do that. And even if she agreed to it, as a doctor I would refuse to do it.

  4. Whatever happened to that idiot who said he wasn't going to get his daughter vaccinated with Gardisil because she's such a good girl who will never have sex outside of marriage?

    Sam, it's definitely unethical, no matter what she agreed to. The producers and her agent knew before she did? Not okay.

    Sharon Stone can shut the fuck up about life in general.

  5. I wouldn't wish cancer on ANYONE.

    Do we know what kind of cancer? Some types are not an automatic death sentence, so she might just have a long life ahead of her.

  6. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Its cervical cancer.

    You know, the type you get from having STDs and sleeping with too many people unprotected. Seriously, those are the main reasons it happens. My best friend got it at seventeen because she was sleeping around without protection all the time, and my sister got it from her ex giving her chlamydia (and probably being a slut, but she won't admit that part). Both of them claim to be "allergic" to condoms.

    I don't feel sorry for her one bit. Either she got this cancer by being a huge whore, or at least by being a non condom wearing one.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Oh, and its the most treateable and least deadly form of cancer besides maybe skin cancer and they do the same procedure in both--just scrape off the bad cells.

  8. i watched her on BB the year she was on and she's a big old bitch but i feel sorry for her with the cancer and the sorry way they handled that. do these people have no heart? guess not.

  9. bad fish not everyone who has cervical cancer gets it from sleeping around. lets not kick someone when they're down that's as pathetic as what the show did to her. anyways you act like people are punished for their behavior by being godsmacked with cancer.

  10. Bad Fish, you can get HPV and cervical cancer from sleeping with one person while wearing condoms. (It can be transmitted through skin contact, not just penetration.) Its treatability depends on the strain and progression.

  11. I don't wish cancer on anyone, no matter how much I hate 'em. I don't know this girl and I never heard of her. If the announcement was staged without her consent, she should be shopping around for an attorney to sue the stupid ass doctor.

  12. Bad Fish, you've got a really bad attitude. That can cause cancer too by depressing the immune system and making you more susceptible to that and other illnesses. You'll have no one to blame but yourself when you become sick with cancer or another horrible disease. Feel better now?

  13. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Actually, sweetheart, I have fibromyalgia, IBS, and endometreosis. Maybe my attitude isn't so much a cause of illness but an affect. Do YOU feel better now?

  14. I bet Julie Chen is pissed that she wasn't in on this.

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Thanks for the info Mooshki, I'm very well certain it is true you can still get it that way, but any doctor will tell you its not the norm. Girls are getting cervical cancer younger and younger all the time and it isn't from keeping their legs closed, lets put it that way. And Molly, I don't believe in God, I believe in cause and effect. Most cancers have a cause, doesn't mean its always their fault, but sometimes it is. I wouldnt necessarily feel sorry for a lung cancer patient who'd smoked two packs a day their whole life, either. I don't necessarily wish them harm, but I don't feel sorry for them either.

  16. I never did understand why she was popular. She was a bit of a bitch, and one hell of a Chav. However, I would never wish cancer on anyone. I hope she recovers, gets her act together, and becomes a great mother to her children.

  17. On this note, I just finished a book called "Loose Girl" by Kerry Cohen. It was about how she became extremely promiscuous at an early age, & even with catching crabs, scabbies, genital warts, an unwarted pregnancy, & having a mother who was an ob/gyn, she still continued condom-free random sex with strangers.
    Very interesting reading.

  18. I'm sure everyone will be cheering this news, what with this girl being an "EEEVIL RACIST!1!" and all. Yeah, she totally deserves it...but if someone like Kanye West, or Lauryn Hill (both notoriously racist towards white people) were in this boat, the outpouring of sympathy and well-wishes would be staggering. Funny how that works, huh? Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who sees the insane double standards....

  19. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I dont think anyone deserves an illness, even if their own stupid actions brought it on themselves. I haven't seen anyone outright say "Oh, well, she's a racist, so YAY!" But if Kanye got cancer, I'd be like "OMG I hope its tongue or throat cancer so he has to shut the fuck up!"

  20. Bad Fish, I still think your attitude sucks with regard to your comments about cancer and Kayne.

    For the most part, all of us contribute to our illnesses through our habits, attitude, diet and exercise.

    Since you're so judgmental about those with cervical cancer, perhaps you should take a closer look at yourself and the cause of your diseases. New evidence suggests that fibromyalgia can be caused by virus. So... should we judge you negatively?

  21. Anonymous2:09 PM

    New evidence, ha. I'm the one living with it, not you, so you would do well to shut the fuck up about something you know nothing about. Most medical experts with any knowledge on it agree that it is genetic susceptibility combined with extreme mental trauma. I'm the one that has had to watch for over a decade, day in day out, with the different hypothesis that never turn out.They have a million theories as to its cause and guess what, none of them are my fault.

    Speaking of what we do to our bodies to affect our health, I go through a grueling hour of physical therapy daily with a half hour of occupational therapy. I can't tell you how difficult that is with fibromyalga, but hell, I do it anyway because its worth the trouble.

    Oh and viruses don't always have negative connotations. Ever heard of the common cold? Get off your high horse. I don't have to feel sorry for anyone, period. Ever. We're all going through bullshit, and stupid celebrities who would never ever give two shits about whether I live or die, are not going to get any sympathy from me, they're just not.I'm sorry you find that to be a piss poor attitude, but hey, I'm not obligated to be a fucking ball of sunshine just for you types. I'm not going to pretend to be nice bcause you feel uncomfortable if I don't.

    I find it interesting that someone thinks I have a shitty attitude about other peoples' illnesses found it that easy to criticize mine. Guess that compassion you think I should have is in short supply. Way to be an example of your own ideals.

    I'm a cynic, and I make jokes, and that's what my comment about Kaney was. Get over it.

  22. Anonymous2:19 PM

    And I will add

    If fibromyalga were caused by being irresponsible and I were in the public eye, yeah, then by all means, criticize me. Just because someone is sick doesnt mean they're above reproach. When did they write that rule? Would you genuinely feel entirely sorry for a drunk who was dying of liver disease? Sure its sad, but he did it to himself. I'm sorry if you'retoo concerned with being PC and pretending like you're a nice person because it makes you feel superior to those who arent, but I tell it like it is.

  23. The jury is out on the cause of fibro and it is suggested there are multiple causes and fibro is a catch all name to describe a set of symptoms. e.g. Pink Eye.

    I'll say whatever I want about Fibro and anything else that pops into my pretty little head. Just because you've been diagnosed with it, does not make you the world authority. Period.

    I still think you have a very poor attitude. Most medical practioners agree that this aggravates illness, not helps it.

    Your messages are filled with rage. Perhaps therapy will help you deal with it.

    Good luck to you.

    p.s. No one said that you had to behave like a ball of sunshine. That said, if you want to behave badly, don't act shocked when you're called out on it.

    Again, good luck to you. Hugs.

  24. um..i don't believe my BFF's mom who died from cervical cancer will agree seeing as she was married for 30 years to the same man.

  25. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Yeah, its already been established that not everyone gets it for being a whore, Jax.

    I didnt tell you to shut up, Ms., because I'm some kind of authority I'm telling you to shut the fuck up because you have no right to try and tell me about my own disease when you haven't a damn clue about it. Go spout off your nonsense about it elsewhere but don't address me with it you condescending self righteous harpy. I myself acknowledged that the jury is out on the causes: way to use the same defense I did, now we're on the same page.

    You have just as shitty of an attitude as I do, you're just more self deluded because you think you don't. Or maybe you think you're clever because you hide it behind your condescension, I don't know.


  26. Anonymous2:51 PM

    oh and by the way?

    Your "Hugs" and "best wishes"? Shove that condescending bullshit up your ass you patronizing bitch. No one's buying it.

  27. Good point, Jax.

  28. Bad Fish, I'm not going to respond anymore to your rage-filled missives.


  29. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Good for you, its waste of time you self righteous hypocrite. Go hug a chainsaw.

  30. A lot of people hate this girl, but I have seen her on a couple of shows (Friday Night Project, random talk shows) and....i dont know....there is something about her. She is personality +++ I can see how she was able to build a career (somewhat) after BB. I hope she pulls through!
