Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Threesome For Kirsten Dunst

It seems as if a tug of war has developed between the US and the UK. No, it isn't anything serious, but rather a fight between the tabloids as to who Kirsten Dunst is f**king. As you know, here in the US, no one can even breathe because they are so excited at the possibility of Kirsten f**king Justin Long. I mean people are losing sleep planning her shower and wedding in their minds and how she will finally wear clothes that have been washed.

Meanwhile, over in the UK, they have Kirsten f**king Andrew Vanwyngarden who is in the band MGMT, and who used to have a girlfriend who f**ked Kirsten's ex boyfriend Johnny Borrell. All sounds like one big pile of STD's if you ask me. One big, messy, bacteria infested love circle. But, no matter, their life, their private parts.

So, as it stands, I don't really care who Kirsten is with. I find it interesting that anyone really is that hot for her. She's skinny, doesn't shower much and seems to always have a very confused look about her. Kind of like the female Keanu Reeves. See, now they would make a great couple. They could go for weeks without showering or saying a word. Drink quietly together in the dark while watching Bill & Ted.


  1. LOL Ent, I think you're right - excellent couple.

  2. "One big, messy, bacteria infested love circle."

    You found that in the dictionary under "Hollywood," didn't you?

  3. ain't that the truth.

    i can't beleive Jake G even fake dated her.

  4. ^^ or my high school

  5. the last time she looked good was when she was in little women.

  6. Now look I know I say everyone is gay but I really do think Kiki Dunst is into girls on the sly and all these boys-childs are just publicity to have her look like manbait after her rehab time.

    Johnny Borrell, I'm told, was a total camera op. Nothing going on at all. I was told he'd be ditched afterwards, and he was.

    Hollywood is darned predictable.

  7. enty, enty , enty,

    i missed your keanu reeves side swipe. **cracks whip**

    waits for ragdoll.

    btw, where's my ragdoll? is she lurking? i miss her. :(

  8. The cig hanging out of her mouth is so flattering.

  9. This picture of Kiki and Borrell. Ignore Borrell's straggly birdnest hair and his profile is more attractive somehow (both have matching bony, knuckly hands).

  10. he looks like C. Thomas Howell's lovechild with Richard Ashcroft from the Verve.

  11. George Clooney looks like a wax statue in that picture! Is it botox that does that?

  12. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Sometimes I agree with you, Ent. But when I look at her I recognize the cloud of severe depression around her and I feel so much love and pity. She seems like she has been very low for years, and I hope she does find a way to break through that and realize some happiness in her life.

  13. p m, i think getting off the substances would help.
    self medicating is never a good idea.
    she was actually very good in "interview with the vampire", a movie i dreaded. now she just looks like she's living the lifestyle.
    oh, yeah, tommyboy could save her. only the scios can save her, remember?
    yeah, right. bite me. pun intended.
