Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Today Is Brooks & Dunn Day

Ahh, I love the days when I can sit back and find a celebrity to honor. A celebrity, or in this case two who make a difference in the world and unite the world's population in a moment of joy and harmony. Of course the way to have a day named after you here at CDAN is by doing something that very few people in the world have done. If everyone did it, then the world would be a much better place. Until that day, we only have the very few, the brave who try and take the world back for hard working decent, everyday people.

So, last week Brooks and Dunn were doing a morning show interview and related this award winning story. Apparently Brooks and Dunn were on a flight and flying first class. Generally they sit next to each other, because hey, you can't have Brooks without the Dunn and this way if they are sitting together people don't look stupid trying to guess which is which.

So, instead of sitting together on this flight, Brooks was in an aisle seat and directly in front of him was Dunn. Sitting to Dunn's left in the window seat was Paris Hilton.

So, almost immediately after Paris sat down, Brooks started tapping Paris on the shoulder asking her inane questions and then finally asked to see her ferret. At that point, Paris wanted nothing further to do with Brooks. So, she then turned her attention to Dunn who of course was seated next to her. She tried to snuggle closer to Dunn and wrapped herself around him. (From what I understand, he got the antidote in time and is going to pull through with no permanent physical scarring. The mental healing will take years of therapy) When she felt she had ingratiated herself enough and she was apparently confident that he was weighing the merits of a lifetime of Valtrex, she then asked him to massage her feet.

Dunn declined and added for those in earshot, "those hooves are horrifying." She then spent the remainder of the flight as far away from him as possible, tearing through gossip magazines and removing the photos and articles about herself and putting them into a file.

For your courageous efforts gentlemen and for your sacrifices to the world, today is Brooks & Dunn day at CDAN. As is traditional among winners, you may respond with a speech or have a video played. Hearing no speech, we will go with a video from Australian television.


  1. LMFAO at the ferret inquiry. And she DOES have heinous feet! I wear a size 10 shoe and I can say that.

    Hell, I love them now, too. As long as they don't love George Bush as much as they loathe Paris, that is. Things might get cancelled out if that's the case. You can't just trade one Satan for another.

  2. Massage her feet? She's crazier than I thought.

  3. I KNEW I liked those guys......

  4. Now THAT's a good story :-)

  5. Aaahahahahahahaha - that totally made my day. Canadians were off yesterday so today is my Monday, so I needed that...*L*

    I might even buy one of their albums for that.

  6. .....Now boot scoot your ass away from me!

  7. Ernestine - you're my almost shoe sister! I'm a 10 1/2, and for the record, women's shoe manufacturers do NOT MAKE 10 1/2 size shoes. Fuckers. Hah, just checked, and she's a size 11. At least I've got a couple of inches on her so my feet match my body instead of looking like flippers.

  8. Mooshki -- isn't it great that we have Paris to make us feel as if we have dainty little footsies instead of bigass boats? Oh, and to remind us that we're not total Herpes-infested skanks?

    *sigh.* THANKS, PARIS!

  9. Bwahahahahaaaaa!!!!!

  10. Ok...I apologize in advance for my naiveté, but Dunn is MARRIED... Does she just think that any guy is fair game?

    (And I usually try to give her a fair break)...

    And, damn, I think Brooks would be FUN to hang out with... He's a riot!

  11. Brooks is a very funny guy, laughs a lot. Dunn is a hugely underrated singer. Great live.
    They would've been having some fun that day.
