Thursday, August 07, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I think that in the blind items there have been stabbings, beatings, overdoses, and even a poison, but I think this is the first time anyone has actually been shot. I know there have been guns being shot, but no one actually hit. The thing about this one which is scary is that even though it was probably an accident, knowing the history of this family, you can never know for sure.

Film star, although back in the day he did some television. In fact even though no one really likes him now, they probably did then. Aging, but not old. B list although he was A list and he could still open a film, although you probably wouldn't want him to. Not a franchise guy. Oh, not Ben Affleck, so lets get that out of the way. Anyway, our actor was at what he likes to call his estancia but is really just a ranch and was shooting off guns with his son. Apparently at some point he started drinking and got angry at something his son had done and just fired down at the sand in front of his son. Missed the sand, but got the son right in the shin bone. Private security guards, a doctor and all just a whisper. The only reason it got out at all is one of the teachers who home schools the child(ren) let it slip to someone who passed it on to me.


  1. Um. Burt Reynolds?

    I'm just starting things off here, folks.

  2. Mel Gibson

    He did an interview once where he talked about teaching his boys (and I think he has a set of boy twins and an older son) how to hunt rabbits.

  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Val Kilmer.

  4. Has Mel done TV?

    Do Antonio and Melanie have (a) son(s)?

  5. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Chatty - I think they have a girl.

  6. Mel is kind of a franchise guy, though, what with the Lethal Weapon and Mad Max movies, though. He's batshit, though. Sure. He'd shoot his kid.

  7. How many times can I say "though?" Sorry; sometimes I honestly don't proofread. *smacks head*

  8. and now the teacher is out of a job...oops!

  9. The only TV Mel has done is Saturday Night Live.

  10. 1st thought was Nic Cage. Seriously- think about it.

  11. Tom Hanks?
    Kevin Costner?

    no idea really

  12. I haven't even read the blind yet, but THANK YOU for changing the ad with the mustachioed chick in the black maillot to the left there...

  13. Michael Douglas? He got his start with "Streets of San Francisco"

  14. Michael Doughlas with older son.
    Streets of San Francisco for tv, Alist movies etc.

    Has 2 small children with CZJ ie. home schooling.
    Eastancia is spanish for ranch..MD has a ranch in Mallorca Spain.

  15. robin williams?

    Hard one!

  16. ...Aaaaannnddd, got nuthin' as far as guesses, now that I've read the blind.

    But, wouldn't any child of Nic Cage's be really young still to even be near firing range?

  17. yup.
    gotta agree with jax.
    my first and only thought was michael douglas. although, i WOULD call him old... at this point.

    TV was "streets of san francisco"

  18. Definitely Michael Douglas. That family has lots of secrets and drug/alcohol problems.

  19. I'm going with the Val Kilmer guess.

  20. Cage began dating Christina Fulton, mother of their son, Weston Coppola Cage (b. 26 December 1990, a real rocker kind of kid. Looks like the kind that would piss you off enough to take a shot at. Ther than that it could be anyone.

  21. Ryan O'Neal likes to take shots at his kids. Done it before could have done it again.

  22. Michael Douglas and his idiot adult son Cameron immediately came to mind to me as well. Amazing Cameron wasn't shot intentionally years ago; he's been a loser forever.

  23. Russell Crowe has enough 'anger issues' to do this. I'm not sure how old his kids are though.

    Nic Cage - he seems to get on well with Weston. They write comic books together.

    Mel fits this pretty well. I'm guessing his dozens of kids are home-schooled because of his extreme religious views. Is he really B list though with those high-grossing films?

  24. i must be the only one thinking the son he fired in front of is the same one who is home schooled. how old are md's younger kids?

  25. But do people not like Michael Douglas? Val Kilmer has a son and he's not too well liked right now.

    Burt Reynolds adopted his kid in 1988 so a home-school situation would not be in the equation now.

    So this has to be someone with kids of school age with a son.

    Mel Gibson was in a franchise, darn it, because he's just crazy-insane.

  26. Sean Penn? He's a crazy bastard.

  27. Michael Douglas has 2 kids of home schooling age - Dylan and Carys. The blind doesn't have to mean that the kid he shot at was home schooled, just that the teacher was told. And what 8 year old isn't going to pass along that daddy shot his older brother?

  28. Estancia is a spannish word for ranch so I am thinking the person is spanish..

  29. CZJ and Michael Douglas live in Bermuda

  30. Sean Penn IS crazy -- he did two eps of Friends in 2001; SNL; very little else for tv, though.

    Stephen Seagal has a son who was born in 1990 -- too old to be homeschooled? Or right in there? He could still open a film although you wouldn't want him to. Currently he's doing direct-to-DVD, so I'm not sure if this means he qualifies.

  31. Why hasn't anyone said John Travolta?? He certainly has the TV background with Welcome Back Kotter, and I would say that though he could have been considered an A list movie star back in the day, he certainly isn't now. Can he sell a movie opening on his own? He also has a son that the family never brings into public because of rumored autism, and so this boy is definitely home-schooled.

    If not him, my second guess was Robin Williams.

  32. remember the good old days when ent would come and post comments too?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. The first person I thought of reading this was Ryan O'Neal. Family history of violence, has older kids and younger kid. Has done both film and tv. Complete jackass that you can see putting a cap into his kid's ass (or shin as this case is...) Didn't/doesn't he have a major drinking problem to boot?

  35. They also have homes in Spain, Wales and LA.

    Are those movies of Douglas's with Kathleen Turner, the ones about jungles and quests and some such shit, considered a franchise?

    Never saw them. Douglas reminds me of my prick father, so I avoid him.

  36. Anonymous3:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Definitely Michael Douglas. I agree that the "estancia" gives it away as he has an estate in Mallorca, Spain. Also, Mel IS a franchise guy... Lethal Weapon anyone?

  38. Holy shiz -- we have a winner:

    Hollywood and Mallorca are inextricably linked. Michael Douglas first came to the island more than 20 years ago and now owns an estate here.

    Archduke Ludwig Salvator ... abandoned 19th-century Vienna to go wild in the mountains of Mallorca and fell in love with a local girl, Catalina Homar.

    ****He bought a villa for her called S'Estaca, which is now owned by Michael Douglas.

  39. ...or maybe not Douglas. I think it's close enough, but aren't his kids like under the age of 5 or 6?

  40. He has an older son named Cameron -- who's also crazy too, right?

    I'm going with Michael Douglas. All the clues fit. Way to bring it home for the team, Jax. If only it were always this easy.

    Pope-rah, you have my absolute favorite CDAN moniker. Just wanted you to know!

  41. realizing that we've probably cracked this one, this bit of info is obsolete, but mel gibson did a t.v. series, just before his fall from grace. i can't remember the name of it, and it wasn't very good, but i used to love him, and i watched it. he was a dad with a bunch of kids or something. very short lived. just FYI.

  42. Long time lurker, first time poster...You know the first name that popped into my mind was Woody Harleson. A list back in the day for Cheers, and when was the last time he was in a big movie? If I recall his father was in jail for years for shootings someone.

  43. My inital thought was John Travolta but rezally like the Michael Douglas guess

  44. Woody Harrelson's father is in prison for taking out a hit on a judge.

    Pa Harrelson also had some connection to the Kennedy assassination, in the tangled web of conspiracies.

    I like the Woody guess, but he was never A-list anything, and never opened a movie on his own.

    Still thinking MD is the best guess.

  45. Michael Douglas was in the romancing the stone, jewel of the nile franchise, mel gibson lethal weapon. This is Val Kilmer. Not a franchise guy is the big clue seeing as he did batman once in the batman franchise. And yeah also has a 13 year old son and lives on a ranch in new mexico and how can you forget the after school special,'one too many'

  46. Yup, plot, the "Romancing the Stone" and its sequel "The Jewel of the Nile".

    Can a twofer be considered a franchise? It seems like a trio because of "War of the Roses" starring MD, KT, and DeVito, but it was an unrelated movie that just felt like the same dang characters again. Also, Michael Douglas is that not considered old anymore? Or does he have to be of Social Security retirement age?

    Additional (meaningless) thoughts:

    P.S.- Cameron Douglas is 30, and probably no longer requires home tutoring. Dylan Douglas would be 8...which is definitely "home school age". Hmm.

    P.S.S. - "Estancia" is a word primarily used in South America as another word for "ranch". In Spain, however, it is more likely to be used to in regards to a resort, hotel stay, or a really posh rental in a grand mansion. Not to say it can't also be used in Spain for a really *gorg* place to spend a few, just we might be looking on the wrong continent for clues. But then again, those crazy Hollywood types probably just pick up words from wherever and apply them at will to whatever they want. For all we know this "estancia" is in Santa Barbara!?

  47. Woody is a vegan tree-hugger. He even led a huge yoga class on the grounds of University of Toronto four years ago while in town for eth film fest. I can't see him drinking & shooting a gun near his kid.

  48. This screams Ryan O'Neil to me.

  49. Val-

    I TOTALLY REMEMBER "ONE TOO MANY"!!!! One of the more depressing (ASS) AfterSchool Specials! I think that one is only second to the family that went homeless and had to live in their car and thus had to put their dog in the shelter and no one adopted him! (Yes, that's worse- in my opinion- than the suicide episodes and the "Oops, shouldn't have got drunk!" episodes of ASS.)

  50. Martin Sheen? Spanish, TV, movies, 4 sons....

  51. Sorry, but I don't see it as Michael. Maybe if it was the wife shooting at the hubby.

    I'm hopping on the Val train. Come on baby light my fire...

  52. I think Val Kilmer fits the clues

    "aging, but not old"
    "he was A list and he could still open a film, although you probably wouldn't want him to"

    better than Michael Douglas who has never once seemed to be so out of it as to make out with Paris Hilton on a dirty couch. (Don't make me Google those pictures...ew, gross!)

    besides, he's gotten fat and Elvis-like in his middle age. (Ironic, considering "True Romance", ha!) If it weren't for taking a shot at a pile of dirt, we'd probably be reading about him shooting at a TV and ordering a bacon and peanut butter sandwich.

    Boarding the Val Kilmer-wagon, choo-choo!

  53. Lisa: My first thought was Travolta too! All the clues seem to fit that you've mentioned. Scientologists often homeschool. He hides his son reportedly due to untreated Autism. Parents often get frustrated and angry with Autistic children's actions, so all pretty plausible.

  54. I have a thought -

    Bill Murray
    he's 58, former A list movie star, did Saturday Night Live for television.

    Has four younger sons with second wife - born 1993, 1995, 1997, 2001.

    He's famous for boozing, second wife (now ex-) alleged spousal abuse, and he's been known to have a temper.

    Now, if anyone knows if the house he owns in LA is a ranch, that would be perfect.

  55. Val Kilmer has what wikipedia calls a huge ranch in New Mexico, is 48, has a son born in 1995, used to be A-list movies, only TV role I can find is the after-school special.

    If this BI turns out to be Val, then he did indeed have One Too Many!

    But in his defense, he hates Tom Cruise. Just for that, he should be considered innocent.

  56. I'm going with Bill Murray because of the crazy family implication in the blind. The second wife had a bunch of drama during their recent divorce, allegations of violence and drinking back and forth, if I'm remembering rightly. Might be fuzzy on it, though.

    I don't know if anybody considers Val's family crazy?

  57. I take back Martin Sheen--I forgot that Charlie Sheen was expelled from school. And he has 3 sons, 1 daughter. Sorry.

  58. If only it could be Tom Cruise.

    He's got a son.

    That would nake me so happy. so what if he hasn't done tv. one little problem. not so much to get past, right?

  59. Yes Flora you're awesome. I'm the one who posted as Val Edward Kilmer because I'm pretty sure it's him. Hello Ms. Snarky, Bill Murray is a good guess but I still think people like him and about Kilmer's family being crazy they were Christian scientists and no offense to them but I personally think it is a little whacked.

  60. Michael Douglas

    I wouldn't call Romancing the Stone (still love it!) and Jewel of the NIle a franchise. Also, War of the Roses had nothing to do with the previous films other than having the same cast.

    Also, Cameron has a history of drug problems, if I am not mistaken, and his brother Eric essentially OD'd.

    Douglas seems pretentious enough to call his whatever in Majorca "estancia."

  61. Does Robert Duvall have a son? "Estancia" is a term I've heard used a lot by people from Argentina and Duvall is married to an Argentinian woman. That and he is super-crazy and a conservative gun-slinger sort. What do you think? Does he even have any kids? I couldn't seem to find out.

  62. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Pierce Brosnan has two sons under the age of 12...but I guess he did more than one James Bond film, right? Hmm, guess I'll go with Michael Douglas even though it doesn't feel right....

  63. Anonymous8:39 PM

    What about Billy Bob Thornton? The name alone screams "I'll get drunk and shoot my son in the leg!"

  64. The teacher is obligated by law to alert the authorities if a child is in a dangerous home setting. It's not just law, it's a moral obligation. That's actually as disturbing as getting mad with a gun and shooting your little kid.

    It sounds like there are multiple teachers and several unlucky children. Can't wait to read the tell all book.

  65. I really really like the Billy Bob Thornton guess.
    No one really likes the guy, he always plays a villain it seems.

    He is 53, so thats aging but I wouldnt consider it old.

    Was on Ellen, Outsiders, and Knots Landing on tv back in the day.

    Prob considered A list around Bad News Bears/Angelina Marriage time.

    4 kids: born 1979,1993,1994 and 2004.

  66. Billy Bob? Could he ever open a movie? I say that as someone who laughed her ass off at Bad Santa and the Bad News Bears.

    The Robert Duvall guess is interesting, especially with the Argentina connection, but I am still going with Michael Douglas. (And I don't know that Duvall has any kids.)

    With regard to reporting the incident to the authorities, Ent doesn't say that it happened in the US. Assuming this did occur at one of Douglas' estates elsewhere, there would not necessarily be a legal requirement to report this to the authorities as something that would endanger a child. (If I recall, I think Zeta-Jones hired a Welsh staff to care for her kids. That may include teachers.)

    Moreover, Douglas has battled addiction issues in the past. Wasn't he in rehab several years ago? Granted, it was supposedly for sex addiction, but addicts like to seek out a new fix when they abandon an old one. Also, other members of his family have had problems, so it seems possible that he could as well. Sorry, that last bit may have been off topic... I'm bored (and boring?) and rambling.

  67. Bill Murray and his future ex live in upstate N.Y.

    Robin Williams' kids weren't home schooled. Daughter is 18 and in college. Younger son is about 16. Older son around 30.

    Not them.

    I'd have thought Burt Reynolds, too, but the Robert Duvall guess is good.

  68. Bill Murray has several homes, one in upstate NY, one in the LA area, and two others. wikipedia.

  69. Bill Murray has a house in Hemet, California, about 50 miles east of LA and definitely looks like ranch country. It's around San Jacinto and 20 miles or so from Palm Springs.

    so he has (or until the divorce, had) houses in Cali, upstate NY, Sullivan's Island South Carolina, and Martha's Vineyard.

    and he's gotten lots of bad press for possibly hitting his wife while they were married, and going overseas to fight, booze, and cheat. And he took some time off from acting. And he's got sons the right age.

    I still vote Bill for this blind.

  70. "...remember the good old days when ent would come and post comments too?"

    Ah, Pope-rah, those really were the good old days, weren't they? I still find Ent himself more entertaining than most of the celeb stories. Drug addiction stories get boring. Snarkiness is always fun.

  71. I miss those days too.

  72. Ms Snarky- Val also made TV movies early in his career.

    Beth- "estancia" IS an Argentinian word, but I refuse to believe that Duvall is that crazy.

  73. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I'm sticking with Billy Bob on this one. He opened Friday Night Lights and the Astronaut Farmer (hey, at least one of them was well reviewed!) He also has a history of domestic abuse (pre-Angelina, even pre-Laura Dern, I think.)
    I also agree that authorities should be alerted, but am confident that that will never happen. No wonder the spawn of Hollywood are so fu@#ed up, huh?

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Russel Crowe?

    Aging but not old. Used to be in television. Not liked so much now. Lives on a ranch and has two sons.

  76. Def. not Martin Sheen like a few of you guessed -- he's very anti-gun. Don't you remember all those photo ops with him sawing guns in half?

    I'd say Michael Douglas is a good guess. He already made one of his sons piss on his back after a jellyfish sting, so those kids are constantly traumatized. LOL

    Val Kilmer could NOT still open a movie. No way, not in a loooong time. He is a weirdo, though.
