Friday, August 22, 2008

Uma's Going To Get Some Magazine Covers

Guess what? Uma Thurman doesn't mind the paps that follow her each day and stake out her house looking for guys she brings home. In her mind, the paps are just people doing a job.

"Sure it's intrusive. Sure it can be a pain. But, at the end of the day it is just people doing a job."

Of course if you are Uma and you have most of the ones who follow you on speed dial it makes things much better. The paps know they can be at home, hanging out and that she will give them a call before she goes out. She will tell them what time to be there, what she will be wearing, and where to meet.

It, is why for the most part you never see Uma looking the worse for wear when you see her photo taken in public. Hair generally looks perfect, makeup done.

You think someone with that close of a relationship with the tabs and the paps might leak a few things that maybe would put her in the best light. Uma really came out ahead in the whole Ethan Hawke thing. Yes, he was boffing the sitter, but you think Uma was just sitting at home knitting? Didn't hear about that part did you?


  1. so if she wasn't knitting, what WAS she doing?

  2. Well honestly, if you're famous and know you're going to be putting up with the paparazzi, why not shape that relationship to your advantage? To me, it says Uma's a smart cookie. Go Uma!

  3. lil..I agree with you.

    The paps aren't going away. You can run and hide but they'll just get you looking awful.

    Might as well go with the flow and at the same time get some beautiful shots of yourself out there.

    Uma is a very smart cookie and gorgeous too. Love her hair always.

    ps...Ethan Hawke always looks dirty to me. I only liked him in the Nic Cage movie "Lord Of War".

  4. not a fan of the uma and her uppity ways, plus she married that guy who's allergic to soap. ethan always looks unkempt. isn't she engaged to a billion dollars?

  5. I prefer this approach than the one where the celebrity tips off the paps and then turns around and complains about them. At least Uma's not talking out of both sides of her mouth.

  6. good for her, sounds like a good deal.

    she doesn't strike me as the monogomous type so if she wasn't knitting im not surprised.

  7. lil, you're right. she's playing them which is smart. if you have to deal with them, use them to your advantage. they probably leave her alone knowing she'll call when she's out. that's smart.

  8. I have a slight girl-crush on Uma.

  9. if you cant beat em .. join em .. smart more on her part ..

  10. Uma sure knows how to work it to her advantage. More power to her!

    She totally upgraded and is engaged to Elle MacPherson's ex Arki Busson. He's filthy rich not plain filthy like EH. I read EH knocked-up the sitter and married her.

  11. Anonymous11:41 AM

    If Uma wasn't knitting she wasn't caught LOL.

  12. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Honestly, if I had them in my face all the time and had to learn to live and deal with it, I'd probably try to put a positive spin and good philosophy on it too. And I would totally have their number so they could make their money when I look good. Feed the sharks, let 'em move on to their next prey and do your dirty business while they're good and distracted.

    I knew ole Uma was up to that the minute I saw those pictures last year of her on a Sedgway or whatever. Or was it a scooter? Don't care. It was deliberate.

  13. This sounds like a Blind reveal or two.

  14. i always thought ol' ethan got a bad rap.
    i've never been a fan of hers, but i did love her in "the producers" (of course i loved the original. last day of school rented fatigues and got the drama club together to sing "springtime for hitler" for my history teacher. everyone thought we were crazy, because no one had ever seen that movie, and i was the only one EVER who loved history. true story).

  15. So is she pregnant? She seems like she is trying to hide something under that outfit.. I remember a few weeks ago seeing a pic of her in a bikini and I thought she looked pregnant. Either that or she had a 3,000 calorie lunch that day.

  16. Uma's got it right. Use the paparazzi anyway you can. If they're gonna be in your face, make it work for you. I never understood celebrities complaining about the paps ... I mean, you knew what you were getting yourself into by becoming famous, so deal with it. If you don't want to look like a jackass, don't act like a jackass. If you can't handle it, move somewhere else. Honestly.

  17. I love Uma. That ho is flawless, and she's a genius, too. And her dad is some (Caucasiabn) professorial expert on Buddhism and he doesn't come off like a total asshole. Good job, Thurmans!

  18. Seems the only person who hates her is Ent. Boy does he, from the sounds of that posting.

  19. Forgot to add...

    Ethan's cheating came about in 2003. How time flies. Uma gave birth to their son in early 2002 then immediately went to work training for Kill Bill. I later learned much of it was done in an empty warehouse right next to my old apartment in Marina Del Rey.

    From there, she went straight into filming two movie. So, two intense movies, two young kids. When the heck did she have the time? There wasn't a word on her playing around.

  20. There's the tradeoff. She gives the paps their shots, they keep her secrets.

    It's entries like this that keep me coming back here, but Enty, one thing: "boffing?" Get out of the basement a little more, son. The 80's packed up and left 20 years ago.
