Thursday, September 04, 2008

2 Minutes Is $30,000

What happens when you find two minutes of film of Marilyn Monroe taken by a sailor she took a liking to while she was filming Some Like It Hot? Well, if you are the sailor's kid, you find the film in its unopened box, and then sell it. In this case, the film is supposed to get about $30,000 when it goes on sale in Australia on September 25.

To me, it is just kind of cool that a US Navy sailor meets Marilyn Monroe. She likes him. A lot. Invites him to the set in San Diego and lets him film her filming. Then, over the course of the next fifty years somehow the film, and the box end up in Melbourne, Australia. So many things could have happened to it in the interim, but nothing did, and the daughter of the sailor just happened to find the film by chance. You would have thought the guy would have retold the story a million times about how he got to spend a day or night or whatever with Marilyn Monroe. Guess he kept the story to himself which is why it took so long to find the film. Below is some of the film, as well as a story about it. (Thanks CB)


  1. She is such a fascinating person. Even with all she saw and did, she always looked so innocent and joyful. The only way to describe it is "magic."

  2. Wasn't she married at the time? And pregnant?

  3. Whatever happened to that "alleged"
    sex tape? I would much rather see a nicer story about her, like this one.

  4. This is one of my all-time favorite movies. Coronado is a hangout and everytime I'm there I think about what it must have been like filming on the beach with Jack, Tony, and Marilyn.
    I still can't believe she got away with the "naked dress" she wore towards the end of the movie when she sings "I'm Through With Love."

  5. That is a really cool story. I love that movie.

  6. i would have thought a much higher amount.

  7. Anonymous2:38 AM

    The sailor was probably married, too. Otherwise he would have told the world about his little fling with the world's sexiest woman.
