Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Doctor Should Be Shot

You know how Naomi Campbell said she went to Brazil to have a procedure last year? Everyone thought it was plastic surgery or an abortion. Well, Naomi said it was the removal of a cyst. Now she says the operation took care of an infertility problem she had, and that now she can have babies and she is trying hard to get pregnant. Sounds like maybe she got her tubes untied. Should have left them tied, and someone should go smack that doctor around too. He obviously has not been on the receiving end of a Naomi Campbell cell phone toss.
Umm, in what country would anyone allow Naomi Campbell to have a baby? Does anyone here honestly think Naomi Campbell would be a good mother? I guess in the sense she could hire enough help to pass the baby off to hired help she would be a good mother, but in no other way would she. I think she just wants a little doll or is jealous that her other model friends have one, or the guy who gave her a $5M gift would probably give a lot more if she got knocked up.

Oh, let's stop here for a second and talk about that gift. So, Naomi is dating some Russian guy who obviously has more money than sense. $5M on a gift for Naomi Campbell. He bought her a house or condo or hair extensions. I can't remember. I do remember the cost though and said to myself that I need to find a rich Russian billionaire and fake it for awhile. This is a girlfriend, and not even a long term one and he just doles out a gift like that. For $5M, I am sure you get the entire Girls Next Door cast to come live with you and they would probably actually have sex with you and wouldn't try to throw crap at you after. God help you if you don't take care of Naomi first if you know what I mean.

See, Naomi and children would not be good. Naomi and pregnancy would not be good. Is she that self-delusional that she thinks she would make a good parent? She obviously has money, or does something in some way that brings some in, so what would be the reason? You can't tell me she has maternal instincts, and that kid would be beaten more than Mommie Dearest on meth.

I would be willing to wager that Naomi Campbell has probably never changed a dirty diaper. She would no doubt get mad at the kid for having the nerve to not find a toilet and wiping their butt.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    She's a grade-a beyotch, but Ent she wouldn't be the first parent who really shouldn't have a child.

  2. even pitbulls want babies.

  3. dear God... Naomi Campbell is the last person who should be reproducing. The only upside; fortunately she WOULD have the nannies doing most of the work. But of course then the question becomes: Does the world really need another ridiculously-named child whose life will be mostly made up of years of being spoiled by mommy's money and the nanny-love, whilst simultaneously being emotionally screwed-up?
    Naomi should be spayed.


  5. I can see her throwing her morning coffee in the poor baby's face just because it was crying to be fed. She will be one of these moms that prop the bottle up on a blanket or something so she doesn't have to take the time to feed it.

  6. I'm all for Naomi having a baby. She's insuring our future gossip entertainment. 17 years from now, someone will have to replace Britney's kids in the general 'screwed up celebrity offspring exploits'.

  7. one word:


  8. Naomi wants a baby for the same reason all these narcissistic single, verging-on-40 women want a baby.

    It's trendy. They want attention and publicity. They want to dress them up and shop for them. They want unconditional love. They want to be in total control of a completely helpless person. They want bragging rights. They don't want to be completely alone when they're old. They want to "get back" all the gifts they've given to others at their baby showers.

    You can BET on it. I know a few women like this and have actually heard some of these reasons come out of their mouths. I PRAY they don't get pregnant.

  9. Oh, and they don't like to see their "inferior" friends who have "settled for less" actually getting and enjoying something they don't have.

    They won't actually enjoy having or raising children, but they won't be bested by their inferiors.

  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    You've got it so nailed, Ayesha! Here, here.

  11. She probably went to Brazil for the procedure because none of the doctors in the US or UK would touch her!

  12. ayesha, you're right. i just wish she'd settle on one of those trendy tiny dogs that fits in your purse that she can take everywhere instead.

  13. The kid will have to wear a football helmet in case she throws her cell phone again.

  14. When the story first came out they named the doctors, and then their specialties. I laughed because one was an OB/GYN, and the other specialized in infectious diseases. It cracked me up that Brazilian MD's are not discrete, plus I figured she was being treated for a case of KiLLer HERpeSSsssss! I love me my HIPPA laws.

    What's to keep Naomi from beating the Ruskie Bazillionaire WITH the Baby?
