Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Is She Stupid?

Is Angelina Jolie as dumb as a box of rocks? Joan Rivers thinks so. In an interview with a morning show in the UK, Joan Rivers had this to say about Angelina Jolie. "I mean, she's attractive, but not a bright girl -- stunningly beautiful, but stupid."

See, I get an entirely different impression from Angelina. Maybe Joan was confusing Angelina with her daughter Melissa. No, because then she would have to amend the beautiful part to ugly and stupid.

To me Angelina Jolie is one of the brighter celebs around. When she speaks about a topic she actually seems to know what she is talking about. I hate when a celeb supports some issue of the day, but when you get beyond question one they are at a loss about what the issue actually means. Angelina, at least comes prepared to answer questions and can present her side well. Is she a rocket scientist? No, but she does what she does very well. I don't care how beautiful or how famous you are, when you get invited to speak at Davos and their conference, you generally need to have something to contribute besides whether you made out with your brother, while Billy Bob Thornton watched.

To me, Angelina uses the press better than anyone in a very long time. She makes the films she wants and gets the price she requests. She is a very good actress, and despite some missteps that would have crushed any other actress and brought their career to a screeching halt, she somehow manages to always have public opinion firmly planted on her side.

I think Joan Rivers at this point in her career is trying to make herself relevant again, and so is taking whatever opportunity presents itself to get herself noticed. Do we care about Joan Rivers? Do we care what is happening in her life? No, but then she makes a statement like the one she did today, and suddenly she is front and center. I respect Joan for what she has done with one bit she has played repeatedly for 40 years, but perhaps, now is the time to just gracefully retire, so as to not become the butt of jokes, rather than the giver of them. She ceased being funny a long time ago.

Of course, all of you might think Angelina is stupid and that I am wrong. What do you think? Stupid or not?


  1. I don't think Angelina is stupid at all. I do, however, think she is severely mentally ill.

  2. I think Joan is hoping this will motivate Brad into leaving Angelina for Melissa.

  3. Definitely not stupid. Rocket scientist, no, but very, very clever.


  5. LOL, Adrian!!! I think you hit it on the head!

  6. she's very affected and i can't stand her, but stupid, she ain't.

    rivers hates her because aj is probably the daughter she wishes she had.

    or she's just looking to get press.

  7. I think she's smart enough to have secured excellent representation and they, in turn, are savvy enough to guide her discretely. She's also likely a well-intentioned person. But do I think she's particularly bright? Meh.

  8. I don't think she's stupid, but I do think she is smug.

  9. I think hooking up with Brad Pitt was pretty Stupid of her, but maybe that's just because I think he looks like a monkey with no personality of his own. She must be bored out of her mind with him. Other than that I think she's cool.

  10. Even in her goth, brother-kissing days, every interview with Angelina revealed that she is smart as a whip. Always has been.

    I have always admired that about her.

    And there difference between Angelina and Jen is that Jen is a "girl" and Angelina is a woman in charge of herself.

  11. Joan Rivers is in the UK with a play based on her own life. Insulting people is what she does - remember those early red carpet commentaries?

    This is Joan being Joan for publicity, nothing else.

  12. Well, I think her Davos speech wasn´t that great, just common sense- she is not particular bright ,rather manipulative.

  13. Angelina is very clever. She has a PhD in b*llsh*t and has used it to mesmerize a large portion of the population into fawning over her and imagining that she is a beautiful highly talented actress and great humanitarian who actually cares about the world.

    What a joke! Anything that she does will garner her an equal or greater return than what she puts out.

  14. all broads are stoopid


  15. berlin_inside I agree.

    Manipulative is an excellent description of Angelina.

  16. Agree w/Berlin_inside. There are good reasons the SAG doesn't have its own Mensa chapter; compared with most of Hollywood, Angelina has some basic smarts, but I'm not impressed with her.

    Joan Rivers needs to retire. Her crudeness and vulgarity have never been entertaining, just pitiful.

  17. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Angelina strikes me as someone who is naturally intelligent. She does not have a formal education outside of her craft, or didn't, until she began working with the UN.

    Since then, she has been smart enough to thoroughly study what she needs to know to be effective in her role, especially when she gives speeches and presentations, and she is good about not commenting on things outside her scope - and points out that is the reason she isn't commenting.

    One of the clearest signs of intelligence is to know what you know well, and to know what you do not know as well.

    And etc. oh etc

  18. to my lovely peeps,

    Caps = yelling. No need to yell, we are all friends here.

    Besides, the only person who is allowed to type in all caps is Ramsay!!!!!!

  19. We shouldn't care what Joan Rivers says one way or the other.

  20. Angie conveys a strong sense of honesty and empathy. these two qualities are essential to an actor. she's not stupid for sure.

  21. She has always struck me as slightly above average in the intelligence department...this screams "publicity stunt" by JR

  22. Anonymous12:38 PM

    very very clever. and she understands her fame and the publicity better than anyone else.

  23. Angelina is very clever. She has a PhD in b*llsh*t and has used it to mesmerize a large portion of the population into fawning over her and imagining that she is a beautiful highly talented actress and great humanitarian who actually cares about the world.


    as for typing in all caps, sometimes people have cap locks that are stuck, sometimes their vision is bad. i did say sometimes......lol.

  24. bmini in the hizzy! lol.

    Joan is joan and that won't change.
    she says a lot of stuff in passing that can be construed a million diff ways.

    everyone is beautiful and dumb according to her.

    Angelina has us all played like the golden fiddle she expects us to be. the word savvy was invented for her.

  25. i'm with ayesha on this one.

    as for joan, i do like her geico commercial. the guy looks like he's having fun.

    i don't think angie is THAT smart. i think she's coached, and she can present herself well when she needs to. there's just something about her that's not right, other than the really overt craziness, i mean.

  26. I think she's incredibly stupid, but that she has excellent behind the scenes handlers, who spoon feed her info., so that she appears to be well-informed on a given topic. I also agree that she's smug, arrogant, and manipulative. Brad Pitt is dumb as a rock.

  27. I agree that shes not stupid. A home wrecking tramp maybe but definitely not stupid.

  28. Okay so I know one of you haters up there has to be Jen Aniston or one of her friends.

    Jen, which one are you? I'm thinking "sillyme"

  29. I've always liked Angelina specifically because she's so articulate and genuinely interesting in interviews -- the topics have always ranged from interests that divert pretty far from herself as an individual(her fancy life, famous dad, crazy beauty, etc). I just know that I've kinda learned more than just what kind of shampoo she enjoys or what designers are her favorites. She talks about unusual art and politics -- and children and global issues. Sorry, but it's hard for me to hate on that.

    I just feel like Angelina is an honestly intelligent woman who's been admirably straightforward with issues like her drug abuse/addictions, problems with men, impulsivity and recklessness, mental instability, etc. And I like that. I like people who aren't all flat and static and outwardly and inwardly flawless and perfect and Reese Witherspoon-y.

    AND she's gorgeous in a very Silver Screen Throwback way, AND she's a good and very mesmerizing actress -- unlike Joan, who is just a tired, trifling old hag who needs to rest her taut little corpse of a body in some easy chair and just chill and pop some 'ludes and watch QVC all day. So much of her career was and is based on pure, undistilled cattiness, and she only spits and hisses like this to get attention.

    I'd be willing to bet a trillion dollars that Angie dissed her at some stupid awards show and Joan's just harbored a grudge ever since.

  30. She doesn't seem stupid. I'm with the others that say she is crafty, manipulative, smooth operator,savvy. She grew up with parents in the business so she probably has more experience with hollywood then others her age. She seems to at a selfish level do whatever suits her needs and maybe counters that with good deeds. BTW- I heard Brad Pitt is indeed stupid and total pot head.

  31. Who cares if she smart - she's an actress - I care more when I pay $17 for a ticket and her movie sucks.
    Having said that I do think she's an evil genius and a puppet master. Mwa ha ha!
    Anyone want to start guessing what she'll do when she gets bored with the current role she's playing? I'm thinking in about 5 years she'll up the ante and enter politics. I can totally see her rocking the Jackie Kennedy look behind the Oval office. Theories????

  32. I'm with Ace & Ernestine. It takes alot of gumption to do what you say and say what you do (especially in the public eye), and she seems like that kind of person. I never hear her whine about past relationships, I never hear her brag about what she is wearing and then to get it for free, etc. What I do hear is how people can help other unfortunate people and she puts her time and money into that, I respect that. Too many other actresses are selfish and conceited and if they looked outside themselves maybe they would be more sucessful and perhaps more fulfilled. I also really respect that she chose her son over Billy Bob, alot of women would have let the child suffer to keep a man.

    Also a side note, nobody plays the press like Jennifer Aniston, that is well known. Angelina and Brad have an excellent security team and if things are private that is where it will stay, unlike other celebrities aka Denise Richards et al.

  33. Not stupid, not ungenuine, but not really concerned about about anyone that doesn't fit into her current agenda. Very passionate in the moment. I am sure she is mesmerizing in person. She is one of those celebrities, or really just one of those people, who would pretend you weren't a real person if you didn't have something to offer her.

  34. being articulate is an actor's job.
    mr. bunny's IQ is up in the genius range, and yet he can often fall all over his own words like any common idiot, trying to make a point (and he also has the education to back it up. and yet he married ME!).
    i'm also fairly intelligent, but when it comes to making a point, i lose all "my words". the doc says that's partially due to one of my meds, but i often come across like the town drunk, when i'm actually quite well educated about the topic i'm TRYING to discuss.

    it happens A LOT here. *sigh* :)

  35. Joan Rivers is a piece of crap. Wait, a FUGLY piece of crap. Her act had been one note since the beginning. Comedians who are unintelligent spend their time constantly insulting others for the "easy" laugh. She needs to put herself in a boat and drift away into the sunset.

    But then she'd wash up on a beach just like the medical waste at the Jersey Shore.

  36. i respect joan rivers as an awesome jewish bitch who doesnt take shit. remember ya'll that she has been a comidianne since forever and was on the comedy circuit when it was totally boys only. i know somewhere past or present she has probably inspired some little sarcastic chickie into going out there in the man's comedy world, and for that alone she holds a little spot in my black heart. p.s. jolie probably isnt the sharpest knife in the kitchen(who can know for sure?) but savvy she is and she has done a lot of selfless work so they are both cool in my book.

    awwwwww, i am sweet today, i need to go take my bitchy pills and recuperate.

  37. Does anyone know why Joan's husband committed suicide? People are right Joan needs to cut back on the face lifts and tucks because she is starting to look like a clown. A scary clown at that.

  38. I don't think Angelina Jolie is as smart as she makes the world think she is - her interviews sound very coached - and I'm not sure about her motiviation to engage in charity activities either - but even IF she does it all merely for the good press, she still does some good with her work, so power to her.

  39. Motivation, sorry.

  40. As far as I know, Angelina supports the causes she supports and seems informed about them enough to represent well, without ever pretending to be an expert a la Bono or Bob Geldof (I want to start calling him Gandalf. I still might). That puts her streets ahead of the average idiot actor on a trendy crusade- whales, fur, environment-who don't seem to understand how to use their profile in a useful way.

    Is she manipulative? Not sure. Being provocative and being manipulative are different things, and she definately knows how to provoke. If manipulative, she does it well and again, I give credit for that. Better her than that preening goose Aniston and her annoying 'girl next door, girl looking for love' boring bullshit.

  41. I think she is an idiot too. But that is just me. I also think Brad is an idiot as well. They just happen to be in Hollywood where looks are everything.

  42. Joan Rivers > Angelina Pitt
