Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kevin Must Want To Record Again

I wouldn't say no to the possibility it might be true, but according to The Enquirer, Kevin Federline has been calling Britney Spears and apologizing for not being the best husband in the world and has been trying to make a fresh start with Britney.

According to the unnamed source who is not even identified as a friend or even knowing Kevin, says that Kevin told Britney that Britney is the love of his life and soul mate and was sorry things went wrong. Of course now that he sees Britney has a new album coming out that might actually do decently and a possible tour he knows she is going to need an opening act.

Have you noticed that we have not heard much of the musical stylings of Kevin Federline since he and Britney split. Apparently his enthusiasm for music was only alive and well when paid for by his ex-wife's pocketbook. Oh, I'm sure if you asked him he would say that he is writing and working on new tracks everyday and that he is working with some great people, and all they need is some distribution. Uh huh. What that translates to is sitting around the house smoking pot, reciting lyrics and waiting for the phone to ring.

Wasn't the whole split with Kevin what initially started Britney off the deep end. I don't know. Maybe they are right for each other. I can't see Britney with anyone else. I also don't see her ever getting rid of her dad, because if she does, she won't be able to keep it together.

What do you think? Do you think she and Kevin should get back together? Does it make sense? Would he just be using her? Would it be love? I don't have a clue.


  1. Kevin needs to "Leave Britney alone!" heh. Her dad needs to keep watching over her and keep her on her meds, 'cause without it, crazy just doesn't get better. Usually. Though she's never been a favorite of mine: Good luck to Brit-Brit. She needs it.

  2. Aw shoot, I was hoping she was working things out with Adnan.

    Wouldn't it drive Mommy Dearest whacko if Brit and Keven did reconcile?

  3. She really does love him, and they've got kids together, so what the heck? As long as daddy keeps running the rest of her life and K.Fed's just the boy toy.

  4. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I think Britney should learn to stand up on her 2 feet and stop depending on others to help her out. She gave me the impression she was a brat that needed to be looked after 24/7.

  5. I trust him as far as I can throw him. Didn't he allegegly sleep with Britney's mom?
    He is a gigolo who is looking for his next meal ticket.

  6. Selenakyle~~~
    If you are reading, I left you a very important message in the comments about the Emmy red carpet....I know people don't often go back to old posts, but I want to be sure you read it!

  7. hahaha...
    At this point i think it is not even about love anymore.
    She should grow up a little bit , like resume her carreer, work on being a better mom, try to become the kind of person that can do things on its own.

    Pardon me, but i dont see Kevin as the villain of the story at all. he was just too thrilled about dating some sex symbol, and she was too thrilled about dating someone that seemed "real" for the first time in years.
    Both rushed into marriage and kids for wrong reasons. They didnt have the time to figure things out between them...if now it is time to do so, all i can say is that neither of them are really smart ( come on, 3 years, two kids and a nasty divorce..) but if in their little heads that makes sense.....

  8. I'm surprised anyone actually cares. I know I don't.

  9. Uh oh,

    yeah, kimmypie1...I'm here.

    But I'm scared.

    Are you blasting me or something?

  10. not since pamela and tommy lee have two people been more perfect for each other.

  11. Is it just me or is that picture kinda cute?

    Okay, just me.

  12. Nope, calif, I think that is one hot pic. They were cute together.

  13. Kevin used to be one of her dancers, so I could see them working together again, if not being a "real" couple.

    They do have kids together, so whatever they can do to show a unified front is a good thing.

    Besides, he has full custody and I'm sure Britney is paying up the nose for that.

  14. Gotcha. Responded back there. Thank you!

  15. Either he is out of cash, doesn't like full custody of all the kids, or realized he is a douche & she is stupid, so they might as well try to work it pout.

  16. Kevin better back off my girl!!!! Britney nis much better off without hiom, if she has any doubts all she needs to do is listen to her "Why should I be sad" on blackout that should make her realize what a mistake a reconcilation is

  17. britney - rule #1. don't date ANY man that can't support himself.(even at a basic level)

  18. S - I thought you might think that was what I was doing... Glad you read it :)

  19. Well if she can't be with the love of her life, Adnan, she may as well get back with Kevin.

  20. ITA with Captiva. I understand he needs something to do but she doesn't need the distraction. She's been working for months now and seeing good results. He's Daddy and should stay that way.

  21. "Well if she can't be with the love of her life, Adnan, she may as well get back with Kevin.

    brenda--I looked quick & thought you were directing that to me!!

  22. The world's male population owe Kevin
    Federline heartfelt thanks for keeping Moon Bat Looney off the market for a few years. And if he does it again, there's gotta be some kind of Medal of Honor in it for him

  23. No way should Britney take him back, unless he proves and proves again that he has changed (and she proves and proves again that she has changed). While the breakup caused her to go over the deep end, she didn't seem all that stable when she was married to him. He was using her then, he'll probably use her again. Stay away!
