Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

Another week, another riddle involving a coke fiend. Everyone does it, but it's not the doing that's intriguing, it's the who's doing that's intriguing. Especially since her reputation is supposed to be so civilised and enlightened: a doting mother, a successful business, an artist (debatable), and an icon to many a MiniVan member. ironic as it may seem considering the original spirit of the inspiration.

The situation is actually even more shocking considering her past. Having had that kind of experience with addiction though, perhaps there are only 2 roads: to shun drugs fiercely or, as it is in this case, to embrace them dangerously in her time of need.

It's not just genes that keep her so thin.

Turns out it's a habit that's making her very sick. Friends and family are becoming concerned. They're saying "she's not doing well", observing that her use has dramatically escalated, that she is becoming increasingly anti-social and withdrawn, removed out of embarrassment from her usual circle, and when forced out in public, looking awkward and seemingly unable to cope in social settings where she was once comfortable.

The reason?

It's not those laughable rumours of infidelity. It's actually because he ignores her. Never the child, but always her. Not deliberately but because she has no part in his life. It used to be he'd show up for the professional events, at the very least. Now she has to beg. And then it's only a maybe. He's not spiteful about it, he just doesn't care. Even on the forced holiday he could barely bother to acknowledge her and when they came home, he couldn't wait to get away.

So she retreats and she escapes and he still doesn't notice. When confronted about it by close confidantes, he insists there's not a problem. And he probably truly believes that, completely oblivious is he to her problems.

As such, her team is desperately trying to get her some new work, something else to focus on instead of moping around at home weighed down by disappointment.

Artistically though, it may be bad news. Forcing a project on the heels of something already forced is probably just going to lead to more sh*t.

Having said that, if it saves her, in the end, I guess that's what friends would do.


  1. For some reason, the name that keeps popping in my head is Gwynneth Paltrow. But the clues don't fit, do they?

  2. Sarah Jessica Parker. There was the whole Matthew Broderick cheating flap, she talks about how she can eat anything and stay thin, and she dated Robert Downey Jr, which is her past drug connection.

  3. Good thinking dee - I agree. SJP!

  4. I'm SOOO glad Enty posted this.

    A few months ago wasn't there a BI here about a star who was snorting coke off of her co-stars chest?

    I feel like I am going crazy, I swear it was here but I can't find it now. At the time alot of the guesses were SJP and her co-star (played the neighbor, I think) on the SATC movie.

    Ring a bell anyone???

  5. SJP...and didn't Ent have a blind about her doing coke? They had that vacation right after the cheating thing came out too, and they have one child. She seemed to have been truly upset about being named the unsexiest woman on the planet.

  6. me- that's the blind I was thinking of. There was also one about the closeted husband who offered to let someone sleep with his wife.

  7. I'm TOTALLY on board with this being SJP.

  8. I'm sane...YAY!!!!

    Now if I could just find it.

  9. Courteney Cox and David Arquette?

  10. SJP for sure. The infidelity remark she makes nails it.

  11. It's Madonna! And I'm sure of it!

    Yay for me!

  12. Could it be Celeine Dion? I am not sure-you do not see her creepy manager/hubby and she is like rail thin-like so thin you can see what she ate 3 days ago if she is held up to a light-thin..SJP though, now that would be a classic-and she is starting to work on another SATC....

  13. Here it is...

    "This one kind of freaked me out a bit. Not because of the content so much because, lets face it, this kind of thing happens. The part that freaked me out was that I had no idea that this A- list actress with A+ name recognition did coke. Apparently she loves it. Did I mention she is married? Well she is and there have always been questions about her marriage, so I'm not really surprised she went after a hot looking no name actor from her latest film. Hell, her husband would probably go after him if given the chance as well. Our no name actor loves coke but could never really afford it. Well, with his new mistress that isn't any kind of problem because she buys him whatever he wants plus coke. He told his friends that her favorite game is to do lines right off his chest. Since they got back from their press tour, their time has been limited, but during the entire press tour they were together 24/7 leaving poor hubby back at home. Not that he's actually money poor himself mind you. Poor as an expression."

  14. since sjp has a show called 'american artist', it does sound like her. and sex and the city would make her popular among the minivan crowd.

    how sad.

  15. You guys are good!

    I think it HAS to be SJP. All the clues fit.

  16. I agree with the SJP guess. Here are some more connections:

    It would be ironic that she is an icon to the Minivan Majority considering Carrie and her crew were hard-drinking, smoking, lusty, and fashionable New Yorkers (not exactly Mom jeans and soccer, right?).

    The "looking awkward in social settings where she was once comfortable" -- I remember reading that at the SATC DVD launch party she went straight to the VIP area instead of mingling like she'd normally do.

    Finally, there are already rumors about another SATC movie, which could be the "forcing a project on the heels of something already forced" (with the first SATC movie being the original forced project, considering the relationships amongst the women).

    And ditto to the RDJ, "eat anything," forced holiday, and infidelity rumor connections already made by others.

    Sorry for the long comment...guess I'm a little bored at work today!

  17. Everything seems to point to SJP.

    Also Lainey has mentioned about her always being so eager to please in the past (at public events), but recently she has been subdued and more reserved.

  18. Great guess Dee, I can definitely see this being SJP.

    As for it being Celine, I don't see her being popular amongst the mini van set, also I would be really surprised to know she was a coke head.

  19. Sorry, don't think it's sjp...what's the business and the artist? Plus SJP has not been an icon to the mini van members...she was an icon with Sex in the City but her fashion choices lately (since joining the mini van club) have been horrendous (plaid dress, funky bird hat come to my mind)

    I immediately thought of Courtney Cox because of the friends reference, but the clues don't fit for her either.

    Stumped now.

  20. regardless of who it is, can you imagine how lonely that life would be??? truly very sad...

  21. business=bitten clothing line and signature perfume

  22. Get a life - She did a clothing line for Steve & Barry's as well.

  23. It would be ironic that she is an icon to the Minivan Majority considering Carrie and her crew were hard-drinking, smoking, lusty, and fashionable New Yorkers (not exactly Mom jeans and soccer, right?).

    picky, i'm part of the soccer mom (but it's not soccer it's baseball) minivan (only i hate minivans so mine is a car) group...lol. all my friends were hooked on the show probably because they lived vicariously through those women. we don't get hbo, so i missed out, but trust me, that group helped with the ratings.

  24. get a life, sjp has a reality show called *american artist*.

  25. the last sentence:
    Having said that, if it saves her, in the end, I guess that's what friends would do

    I can imagine hearing Carrie saying that at the end of a SATC episode, but maybe it's a blatant clue to "Friends".

  26. Molly --

    Yeah, I'm baseball not soccer, too. Only I have to go watch my husband, not kids (does that make it worse, somehow? LOL!)

    Totally agree with your comment, though. I'm Smalltown, USA all the way, and my mother and I were addicted -- in fact, it's still constantly reference in a lot of our conversations.

    We are sad, sad people.

  27. One more thing and then I'm done, I swear!

    When I said it would be ironic that she's an icon to the Minivan Majority, I was making the connection to what Lainey said. She said, "and an icon to many a MiniVan member. ironic as it may seem considering the original spirit of the inspiration."

    I'm long-winded, but not very clear! Ha ha!

  28. SJP was the first and only person to come to mind. How sad :(

  29. picky, i'm guessing the games go quicker watching your husband than they do watching kids. either way, we'll get extra credit in heaven, right? god, i hope so.

    yea, i think it's sjp. sad face on that one.

  30. I'm going with Brooke Shields, actually, and here's why:
    I immediately thought of an article I saw on Brooke appearing in VW Routan MiniVan ads on the Ads of the Weird blog.
    Also, the blind says something about being thin is in her genes (jeans? As in Calvin Klein jeans.) There is also a reference to the classic jeans ad in the VW clip.
    She was just on Fit (?) or Shape (?) magazine or something like that about how she manages to stay thin.
    The questionable artist part I attribute to the fact that she's not really an artist, but still an icon. Especially to mothers after she opened up about the postpartem depression.
    Let's see, am I missing anything else? Oh, and you never see her husband. I don't even know who he is...

  31. oh, ok...can see everyone's points now.

  32. this part has me confused tho, cuz it sounds like she's already gone through addiction and then got over it:

    The situation is actually even more shocking considering her past. Having had that kind of experience with addiction though, perhaps there are only 2 roads: to shun drugs fiercely or, as it is in this case, to embrace them dangerously in her time of need.

    i don't think anyone we've mentioned has struggled with drugs in the past, have they?

  33. Denis-

    I agree. Madonna all the way.

  34. But has Brooke had any rumours about cheating (her or husband)?
    That seems like a key hint to me, and it appears like it has to be a new rumour for it to be a potential factor as to why she is upping the doseage/getting back into drugs now.

    The only real rumours that ive heard of recently have been Madonna and SJP. The way its worded suggests its the husband that was meant to have strayed, which rules out Madonna (and what kind of minivan member would call her an icon? Besides what business does she have?)
    Also i think its an actress as the A-list isnt clearly defined (and i wouldnt call Brooke an A- list actress). If it were Madonna i think it would be a straight A-list. I dont see many iffing and arring over - and + for those who arent actors/actresses.

  35. When I read the blind on Lainey's site I didn't have a clue. It is totally SJP. It seemed so obvious once I saw the comments on this site.

    I am really glad enty posted this one bc I knew you guys would have the answer on a day when my BI detection skills are on the fritz!

  36. stiffkittens, i agree. madonna is more of an icon for gay men.

  37. SJP on addiction:

  38. Hmmmm, but I want to say Katie Holmes. We're all talking about saving her all the time, and what's with all of the glum pictures of her by herself in NY? And only smiling when Tom is with her?

    Although she may be too obvious.

  39. the not ignoring the child thing really screams out SJP in the wake of all those pics of MB with Wilkie on the scooter

    on a side note...I can't get over that absurd rumor about MB cheating on her with a woman...b*tch please. I know people (no one here) read that and thought it was true but those folks must be as delusional as the female claymates.

  40. stiffkittens, thnx for the link. perfect.

    one last clue is with the word laughable,

    It's not those laughable rumours of infidelity.

    the reason the rumors are laughable with m.b. is because he isn't straight. they wouldn't be laughable with brooke's husband or with guy ritchie for any reason i can think of.

  41. Well she is turning into one, Molly...

  42. true. this one made me sad. i like sjp. why would she marry a gay man? she isn't lesbian is she?

  43. The old blind to which several people referred said the husband had a "mistress." Folks, that ain't Matthew Broderick. He doesn't do women. For that matter, SJP doesn't do *sex.*

    SJP and the man for whom she beards are all over NYC all the time with their kid. I see 'em everywhere. The chick in this blind sounds like a mound of pain who can barely be dragged out of the house.

    I notice the blind mentions variations on the word "force" four times. Surely that's some kind of hint? Can anyone do anything with it?

  44. Molly,

    The situation is actually even more shocking considering her past. Having had that kind of experience with addiction though, perhaps there are only 2 roads: to shun drugs fiercely or, as it is in this case, to embrace them dangerously in her time of need.

    This would refer to the time she spent with rob dwn jr and seeing how the drugs ruined his life.

    Its SJP. :(

  45. shoe addict, thanks. i didn't know about that until stiffkittens linked to an article above. i'm kind of shocked to tell you the truth.

    yea, :( is right.

  46. BinkyM: Have you seen them recently though? It sounds like its recently gone downhill.
    Its also good to remember that a lot of these celebrities tip of the paps for a good old fashioned photo-op on a regular basis. Hence the SJP and bearded husband having outings with their (turkey baster) child.

  47. binky m - the "mistress" that the blind refers to is not the husband's, but the broke actor. So the A list actress is the broke actor's mistress.



  48. I think the consensus is correct. It is SJP. She has wealth, fame and all the Manolo Blahniks she could ever want but not true happiness. Why does she stay married to that phony hubby of hers? How sad....

  49. I didnt know about it either Molly, i just googled after you brought up the addiction thing (i actually thought it might be something to do with her: drugs, shoes, play on words of a brand she has etc).

    Wiki is my homie.

  50. @stiffkittens: Yeah, I did, last week in front of Barney Greengrass. Sometimes I feel as if they're stalking me, because they're all over the damned place!

    @me: Color me properly confused! :-)

    @Punkimeowzer: They *had* a good arrangement (she let him fuck around; he let her shop 'til she dropped). They're currently looking to buy a $17 million house in the village, which is why this blind seems not to fit them.

    And the four-time mention of the word "force" makes me think we ought to look at that seriously.

  51. @stiffkittens: Yeah, I did, last week in front of Barney Greengrass. Sometimes I feel as if they're stalking me, because they're all over the damned place!

    @me: Color me properly confused! :-)

    @Punkimeowzer: They *had* a good arrangement (she let him fuck around; he let her shop 'til she dropped). They're currently looking to buy a $17 million house in the village, which is why this blind seems not to fit them.

    And the four-time mention of the word "force" makes me think we ought to look at that seriously.

  52. Ya'll are ignoring SJP's new project, a reality show, mentioned a few times above already, which is an art competition.

    That's her new project.


  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I thought Posh Becks first... but you have all convinced me on the SJP angle. Sounds like a fit to me.

  55. Ent need to post todays' BI so we can all move on already. :)

  56. There are several clues that point towards SJP. The "heels" of something already forced kind of sealed it for me. This is possibly one of the most depressing BI's I've read because I love SJP. In several interviews she's accounted her thinness to her genes-Oprah asked her about how she got her thin body so quickly after having her son and she referenced genes. There are too many clues for this NOT to be SJP.

    This day sucks.

  57. @binkym: thanks for the enlightenment.

    No wonder she wore a black dress when they got married.

  58. man, this one is sad. SJP is a good actress, even if carrie annoys the hell out of me at times (viva sam and miranda!)

    A married, coke-addled beard? Not good.

  59. A lot of websites refer to SJP as 'the force behind SATC' and SATC as a force - including oprah. Examples:




    Seems to fit perfectly to me - and i think Lainey is making it quite easy so that this woman will seek help, whether on her own or forced by her people.

  60. Blinkym - why doesn't SJP *do* sex?

  61. I'm not feeling SJP for this. I agree with everyone that she does seem to fit the clues better than anyone we have thought of thus far. But I agree with binkym that she is out and about too much. She doesn't act withdrawn and is very articulate. IMHO she just doesn't act anything like a coke fiend. I can't imagine her having sex.

    I think "artist" refers to her considering herself an artist in her field or everyone else saying that. i.e. Cristina Ag. probably considers herslf a great musical artist but it would be debatable to everyone else.
    I also get the impression that she hasn't been working recently. That is why her people are getting her a new project to focus on now.
    The addiction in her past could be herself or maybe a parent who is an addict or who died from addiction.
    I don't recall SJP ever being considered particularly enlightened.
    What usual circle has she ever been in to removed from out of embarrassment? They never seemed to me to run with a group. It has always been just the two of them and James.
    I am willing to be convinced. I haven't thought of anyone who fits better.
    I thought of Nicole Kidman. They took a vacation after the baby. But other clues might not fit. Could this be Nicole Ritchie even though they aren't married?

    I wish I could research as fast as you guys.

  62. Didn't M.B. not even show up for SJP's SATC premiere? I thought I saw that somewhere.

  63. my very first thought was Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin. She has the Belle Gray boutiques in LA and online, is incredibly skinny, and is known as a doting mother to her kids. And she has a million different projects going on, from Broadway touring companies to hosting gigs, singing, etc. Could be SJP too, but I sure hope not.

  64. binky and live - who do you guys think it is? i'm stuck on sjp, which means i can't think of anyone else at this point.

  65. I still think it's SJP:

    The business: Pretty Matches company (her own company)

    The project: A Project Runway-like show that replaces designers with aspiring artists

    The team: The Magical Elves team hooked up with Parker and her partner, Alison Benson

  66. @AnonMom: Some people simply aren't into sex. SJP has said she prefers shoe shopping to sex. I know a man who's not into sex. (shrug) Lack of a sex drive?

    @Chubby Partridge: MB was at the premiere, but he looked SUPER-unhappy about it, that shit.

    liveunderarock makes an excellent point: those two don't have a "circle," because you can't make a circle of two. I never see them with anyone else (besides their rugrat).

  67. In those pics of SJP and Matt posted earlier this week.. she did not look smaller than she usually is. I am not completely sold ..although I admit the clues seem to do it.. She did take the pics with Kim and the other girls at the SATC party last week and she gave the quotes about Palin etc.. i am not sure.

  68. I like Ms. Snarky's guess. My first thought was that is isn't someone known primarily for acting or singing. But I couldn't think of anyone right away. I think it is someone like Lisa Rinna or Posh.

    I have the memory of a flea. I can never think of anyone after I read the other guesses. that is why I usually keep quiet on BIs. But like most everyone else I don't want this to be SJP.

  69. If it is SJP, I think the "addiction in her past" would be a reference to her relationship with Robert Downey Jr. She was credited with trying to reach out to him during his rough times.

  70. I think part of the reason SJP is so thin is because she works out so hard. Before SATC, I had a step aerobic tape and she was a guest celebrity on it, and she was a maniac on it, even wearing a weighted vest to work harder.

    Maybe Lisa Rinna keeps her lips so inflated so that Hamlin will think she's sexy. Like, maybe once he said he liked full lips, and she is taking it to the extreme.

    I'm not sure about the "artist" part of the blink, except perhaps her dancing.

    She doesn't fit the "icon" and "business owner" part, though.

    I'm stumped. Melanie Griffith? Her "Working Girl" movie made her a mini-van Mom icon?

  71. hey, what do you guys think about Jane Seymour as a guess?

  72. d, i thought of her because she really is a good artist and has showings all over the place, but i eliminated her because the word 'child' makes me think there's only one child and seymour has two, if i recall correctly.

  73. I agree it's SJP, but can someone fill me in as to why some of the comments get deleted? Are they using banned words or do they say something they shouldn't???

  74. pk, you mean here? we delete our own. i deleted one of my comments because i said something that had already been said.

    see the trash can under your comment? click on it and it will delete your comment.

  75. "artist" made me not think of an actress, for whatever reason. Business + Artist+ Kid+ Enty's comment about "I can't believe they've been married 6 years" in the random pics = my Gwen Stefani/Gavin Rossdale guess.

    Even though I've never heard of Gwen and coke before, I suppose it's possible that she may have done it before becoming a mom, and now may be taking up the habit agan?


  76. Edit:

    Equinox -- I second that...

  77. Anonymous3:53 PM



  78. Several folks say SJP has a reality show dealing with art, but the blind says "her team is desperately trying to get her some new work, something else to focus on instead of moping around at home weighed down by disappointment." This would seem incongruous with someone with a reality show.

    And no, Molly, I haven't any ideas. It doesn't seem to fit SJP (or Gwen Stefani, who has two CHILDREN, and this item refers to child, singular). (That last wasn't directed at you, Molly.)

  79. I looked at some recent pictures of SJP, and she *is* much thinner than she used to be.

  80. huh. i'm the dope that kept posting about the show, because i found it when i googled her name + art. but it's not on imdb. maybe they were in talks and it never happened?

  81. this screams celine dion to me.

  82. The BI makes references about a recent vacation well,SJP and family were on vacation in August. Here's the link:


  83. I, too, say it's SJP. We often see pics of MB out with their kid, but not a whole lot with her.

    The artist reference could be about fashion since some people consider her a fashion icon.

  84. Everything points to SJP except the "doting mother" thing, that would seem like an obvious tie-in. I dunno, maybe she has one but it seems like a hint, you know?

  85. SJP would break my heart if this was her. I would be devastated too if someone said I was the most unattractive woman. She never deserved that. We women LOVE SATC and a heck of a lot of men do too.

    Some of these others like Courtney Cox and Nicole Richie, seem more realistic, but who knows.

  86. This comment aboug "civilised and enlightened" throws me a little. It has the British spelling to it..

    Especially since her reputation is supposed to be so civilised and enlightened: a doting mother, a successful business, an artist (debatable), and an icon to many a MiniVan member. ironic as it may seem considering the original spirit of the inspiration.

  87. SJP has FOUR projects going:

    The Late Bloomer's Revolution - Actress, Producer
    Washingtonienne (TV series) - Executive Producer
    A Family Affair - Actress
    Love Walked In - Actress, Producer

    She's rumored to be working on a fifth:

    The Ivy Chronicles

    Again, I say, the blind says "her team is desperately trying to get her some new work, something else to focus on instead of moping around at home weighed down by disappointment."

    Someone with FOUR projects doesn't have people DESPERATELY TRYING TO GET HER SOME NEW WORK!

  88. "It's not just genes that keep her so thin" could this mean she's from a show biz family, or a play on 'jeans',aka brooke shields? although, she doesn't really look sickly thin to me..

  89. Someone with FOUR projects doesn't have people DESPERATELY TRYING TO GET HER SOME NEW WORK!

    Not necessarily, since those projects can be the "new work" and as someone mentioned before the line seems to be more in reference (kept really vague) to the rumors of another SATC project. Plus, none of those projects are really high profile, so the "new work" could mean something purposefully bigger to keep her properly distracted. And for someone who's seriously depressed, a constant stream of work is not uncommon rather than just one new project. Also, asexual or not she could still be upset that her husband/friend is MIA and only playing lovey dovey for the kid.

    Damn you guys, I honestly can't see anyone other than SJP now. No one else fits. Maybe it's because I'm apparently the one woman in the world who hates SATC, but I've always thought of her in recent years as more of a successful businesswoman (with her plethora of fashion lines, etc.) and fashion icon. So the description fits for me. Sad if it's her, since I respect her.

    Whoever it is, that poor kid. His mom's off the wagon and eventually he's going to figure out that daddy doesn't exactly love mommy. Rough. :\

  90. From Lainey this morning:

    Not Nicole Richie
    Not Victoria Beckham

  91. @Joanna: "none of those projects are really high profile"? Seriously? An SATC set in Washington for HBO in deveopment isn't "high-profile"? A movie from the producer of "Milk," "The Illusionist," "Sideways," and "House of Sand and Fog"? Tough crowd!

    Lainey ruled out two people who didn't fit the blind? Who will she rule out next? Matthew McCough-n-sneeze?

    I've been thinking on supermodels. They're skinny and cokewhores, but I can't think who did some art. It's on the tip of my brain!

  92. Totally SJP...

    The new project is Sex in the City Movie Part 2.

    I would think that artistically this would be bad news.

    And the last line about friends cinches it...

  93. upon reading some of the answers, i actually think its Nicole Ritchie ... thin, previous drug use, child, he ignores her, minivan member can mean a tween

  94. Actually Laney has eliminated Nicole Richie, Madonna,Kate Beckinsale, Tea Leoni, Debra Messing,Isla Fisher,Granny Freeze Nicole Kidman, Victoria Beckham.Hee's an interesting article from Celebitchy:
    " Sarah Jessica Parker is so determined to save her 11-year marriage to Matthew Broderick that she’s pushing him to see a marriage counselor. Just one problem: He keeps canceling his appointments because “he doesn’t want to talk about his feelings that way,” a pal tells Star. “But I am afraid the marriage will be over if he doesn’t.”

    As Star reported exclusively, Matthew, 46, was cheating on the Sex and the City actress with a 25-year-old youth counselor. Since the news broke in August, SJP has stood by her man. Now Sarah Jessica, 43, wants a “clean slate,” says the friend, and is getting frustrated that Matthew won’t seek help.”

  95. It's Sarah JP Lainey all but revealed it today. Read Below:

    SJP this morning taking James Wilkie to school more dressed up than usual for the daily routine. James’s hair is starting to resemble his mother’s. Very cute.

    Not so cute are his mother’s scrawny legs. They’ve always been scrawny. Like the rest of her. She says it’s simple genetics. That she’s always been a rail.

    Oh really?

    Have you seen Honeymoon in Vegas? Go back and watch it if you’re ever curious. Back then she had an ass. She was thin and she was fit, but look at her in the white dress. Those are some curves.

    I’ve attached a compilation video. Never mind the music. Just note the body. Like it’s completely foreign to her now. Yeah. It totally must be simple genetics.

    Because somehow SJP got tiny.

    And she’s also been keeping a very, very low profile these days.

    Mr Dandy Matthew Broderick on the other hand, well he showed up at the Project ALS benefit gala at the Waldorf Astoria two nights ago all by himself. Sarah Jessica Parker passed up the opportunity to walk the carpet in a special dress at a charity function? But she loves the carpet!

    Maybe they couldn’t find a sitter

  96. It dawns on me that if the item is about SJP, then Lainey knows nothing about the myriad projects she has going on. After all, Enty thought "The Break Up" didn't make any money, and it made a fucking fortune.

  97. This morning's Lainey post convinces me that it must be SJP:

    His expression, her expression
    Shall we play the fun game of Photo Assumption? Drawing conclusions based on nothing but photos...except in this case we know it’s true anyway?

    Sarah Jessica Parker and her dandy Matthew Broderick, on a rare occasion together, head with their son together to vote for Barack Obama. As you can see, SJP is in great spirits, encouraged by her husband’s willingness to hang out. The neglected are always so grateful for scraps. He on the other hand…


    Photo Assumption says he’d rather be somewhere else.
