Tuesday, September 02, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Items

Which reality show castoff has been dating a journalist sent out to interview him for a glossy? The pair met over the q-and-a and fell so hard they are apparently moving in together.

Which gold-winning Olympian has been hooking up with all the male members of her team? They call it riding the train.


  1. #2 Shawn Johnson. (I kid, I kid!!!)

  2. I have a strong feeling the Olympic sport for #2 is swimming and the gold winning athlete is Natalie Coughlin. Just my 2 cents

  3. I wasn't into the Olympics so I have no clue on that one.

    "Cast off" makes me think of someone from Survivor. The cast off is male but it doesn't specify the sex of the journalist. Shit, that can be anyone.

  4. #2 has to be a swimmer. Every Olympics, it seems I hear another story about how the swimmers fuck like rabbits....

    I'm thinking Coughlin too, legin2008.

  5. About 2 weeks ago, there was a blind item (on another site) of a romantic fling between a non black female hurdler (country not given) and a USA female swimmer. Many posters guessed Natalie Coughlin (followed by Katie Hoff).

  6. "Cast off" makes me think of someone from Survivor. The cast off is male but it doesn't specify the sex of the journalist. Shit, that can be anyone.

    I think Ent would have specified if the Journalist was male. No mention of gender could by default mean female.

  7. Good pickup Dread. I don't always buy into the "hints", but I don't really see a reason to add that last line unless the "train" is a hint.

  8. The "train"or hint is provocative but I believe that she's married. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

  9. def misty may, her hub is a baseball player so he wasn't there.
    there are only two male beach vball US teams = 4players, so makes sense.
    don't discount "the train" clue.
    that naughty slut, bet she did jason kidd also.

  10. Definitely not Natalie Coughlin; she's very conservative and engaged. Not Amanda Beard either, even though she'll take her clothes off at the drop of a hat. I don't think any of the American swimmers would be up for this; might be a foreign competitor.
