Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Subtle Ogling Is OK

Apparently James Franco is causing a few adjustment issues for the other students at Columbia University where he is currently enrolled in a Masters Writing class. While most students could easily avail themselves of the school cafe to study or to perhaps write something that would later earn him an Academy Award, James Franco apparently cannot. Recently as he was studying, he was swarmed by a group of freshmen girls who were classified by the Columbia newspaper as ridiculous and squealing. Well, they no doubt enjoyed Pineapple Express, and were hoping he might be able to assist them in procuring some party supplies for the weekend. Oh, ok, they probably wanted to jump his bones. I was trying not to be crass because Columbia is an Ivy League school, and they probably don't even ask for pot. They probably say cannabis and act like they are cool. Well, stoned out of their minds, everyone is the same and Duncan Hines Brownies are good enough for all.

While I am sure the 30 year old Franco enjoyed being hit on by a mob of 18 year olds, the school newspaper had this bit of advice for all future 18 year old girls who wish to molest James.

"Do a bit of subtle ogling, but don't stand around the entrance like a pack of starving vultures."

How does subtle ogling work? I have never really been good at being subtle. Little tough when you grunt and sweat with every step. I'm afarid that I'm not very good at taking a discreet look and then averting my gaze. I am more of a, "did you see that?" while pointing and talking really loudly.


  1. Am I the only one who finds the "subtle ogling" even more creepy than outright staring? It's like a bee that won't stop buzzing around your head.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm a big fan of "subtle ogling" myself. Although, in all reality, I'm probably a lot less "subtle" than I think I am.

  4. Agreed mooshki-- the whole mental image i have of these chicks subtly ogling him from afar IS definately creepy... whatever happened to women playing hard to get?? I'm sure a celeb would be more attracted to the woman who has her head on straight and who DOESN'T chase down, jump, and tackle him than those who do.... although i bet it has it's flattery....

  5. fans are creepy no matter what.
    omg its a human!!!!!!! with flesh!!
    Claymates are the worst.

  6. I'm off to sign up for a Masters Writing Class. See ya!

  7. My big question is how did he get into Columbia?? It's one of the best MFA programs in the country. So did he pull strings or is he really a talented writer? And personally, whenever I've been near a celebrity, I head in the other direction. Most of them have big enough egos already. I don't need to add more helium to their Tickle Me Elmo balloon.

  8. Icky photo. NOT hot at all.

  9. Gladys, I think he actually is a talented writer.

  10. Why can't people just politely go up to celebrities, thank them for their work in a respectful manner, and be done with it? Whenever I do that, I always end up with a much more meaningful exchange and sometimes even a totally un-asked-for hug.

  11. apparently JF was attending UCLA when the Spiderman thing was happening and came back to finish up... so says my friend who's a former UCLA undergrad.

    can you imagine? last summer Shakira was here at UCLA taking a Latin American history & politics class. why am I never in those classes? i don't think i'd have much trouble picking Shakira out of the crowd. or JF...
