Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Was There Salmonella Involved?

Last time I checked Thailand was not a third world country. Sure, they have some issues. I mean for one thing they have a law that say more than five people cannot be gathered together which must make it tough for a bar or restaurant to operate. However, they have great beaches, love elephants and refused to accept Gary Glitter. These are all good things. However, when you dissolve a government because your Prime Minister guest hosted a cooking show and took a couple of bucks for it, then you have some serious issues.

I guess what in Thailand would be their Supreme Court said that the current Prime Minister violated the Constitution and will be shown the door along with the cabinet. They can stay in power until a new government is formed, but basically, it is the end for the man who had been Prime Minister since February.

From what I understand, the guy loves cooking and has hosted cooking shows for decades, and just wanted to do it sometimes. Seems pretty harmless to me. The government claims he could show bias. They are right of course. I mean just think about all the power he could give the other chefs on the network. The whole country could be run by chefs. The leaders of the country running around cussing like Gordon Ramsay, while stopping to make a lovely poached sole.


  1. "The leaders of the country running around cussing like Gordon Ramsay, while stopping to make a lovely poached sole."

    I want to live in that country!!!

  2. p.s. Could they be as cute as Gordon also, please?

  3. I just read this in the news.

    But wait...is there REALLY a Thai law that says more than 5 people can't be gathered at one time? Really?

    Yet another of the stupidest things I've heard from around the world lately.

    God bless the good ol' USA is all I can say.

    And I really want to visit Thailand, but I'll have to remember to leave someone at home so we travel with only me and four other people! Sheesh.

  4. all this for some damn pad thai?

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    lol jaxy.

    Enty, they also have a problem with underage prostitution. That's kind of a big issue.

    I don't understand this firing though.

  6. thailand is known as a destination spot for pedos....sad but true.

  7. That is not WHY he is being ousted. It just the latest mechanism being used - it all has to do with the recent protests that have been going on for the last few weeks and which stem from corruption allegations (involving himself as well as his predecessor, Thaksin).

    Sorry I just wanted people to know it is a much bigger than a cooking show.

  8. um if he looks like Ramsay, I am moving for sure!!

  9. maybe he was a lousy cook?

  10. LOL, Bunny! There's no forgiveness for a bad cook!!!

  11. Are you F'n kidding me!? Thailand is THE sex tourist destination and "sure, they have some issues"? They only deported/turned over Gary Glitter 'cause he was high-profile.

    My mind is trying to decide what's worse - kicking out a prime minister for being on a cooking show or electing a presidential ticket based on their lack of education/willingness to set back women's rights to before the suffragette movement.

  12. Thailand is wonderful, and should be on everyone's "places to see before I die" list. The people, the food, the architecture, the jungles, the Klongs... GO!

    I think it shows how intimate the Thai people truly are, that the show was on the air and watched. I suppose the cost of dissolving a government is far less than it used to be.
