Thursday, September 25, 2008

You Are Correct My Shizzle

Ed McMahon didn't have any money and was going to lose his house. He was injured medically and is suing his doctors, and everyone had forgot about him. That has all changed now though. Donald Trump saved the house, the lawsuit against his doctors is moving forward and now everyone wants a piece of Ed for commercials and appearances. And when I say a piece of Ed, lets remember that he is 85 and so pieces are not what they used to be.

One commercial that Ed has agreed to do is one for the same company that does the pirate in the seafood restaurant singing. Yeah, that one. I don't want to plug the company because I've never used them and they might be crap. Their commercials are funny as hell though. The one with Ed features Ed rapping. Yeah, well he seemed to enjoy it and they will be on the web beginning next month.


  1. Donald Trump didn't save his house.

  2. and the company is crap. never got my report and got charged $80. took me almost a year to get my $80 back.

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Supposedly he was going to buy it but didn't. Wasn't the house put to bid and someone got it but ended up pulling out of the bid. So don't know where his house stands right now.

  4. What Ed really needs to do is an infomercial on how not to end up like him. Geez, how many years on Carson, the Blooper show with Dick Clark, Star Search and the Sweepstakes commercials? What on earth happened to his $$$? Totally pathetic. Why doesn't he have a garage sale like Tori?

  5. Meanwhile, Doc Severinsen is doing gay porn, and Tommy Newsom is selling his plasma.....

    As for Milt DeLugg.... well, you just don't want to know.

  6. OH HELL NO, don't be talking shit about my pirate in the restaurant singing dude.

  7. Ok, here's financial advice for Ed..move out of your oversized mansion and take your 'not that's not my daughter' wife to a smaller affordable place! I'm tired of hearing pity pieces about someone in Beverly Hills who has money troubles..boohoo!!!

  8. Anonymous1:54 AM

    eeh - and if you do try to use that credit report site you will get 174 emails per week from them.


    but I can't wait for the commercial.

  9. i'm with brenda! don't care about the company, just keep the cute dude commercials coming!

    um, betsy, how did FREE credit get $80 from you?
    and, folks, all you have to do is go directly to your yearly free credit report. we're all allowed one freebie a year.

    as for ed.. if he re-fied when the economy was good and he had good money coming in, his monthly payment could be sky-high. we had credit problems many years ago, and when we could finally re-fi, we didn't want to go another 30 years, so we took a 15 year, plus the extra money, so our house payment is more than twice what it was. add that to not being able to get DD out of the house, and todays economy..... i can see how it happens.
