Friday, September 12, 2008

Your Turn Part Two

It was the 4th of July. I was in the sixth grade. I remember standing on the top of the hill watching fireworks and standing next to, literally, the girl next door. I waited and waited until I couldn't stand the wait anymore, and I did it. I kissed her right on the cheek. Two seconds later, I was called a shit. Not for the last time in my life, but pretty sure it was the first. That was my first kiss. What was yours?


  1. This boy kept dropping my crayons under the table so I can go under the table and he kissed me....

  2. This boy kept dropping my crayons under the table so I can go under the table and he kissed me....

  3. Not the best memory. (Maybe that chick is right to sell off her first time after all. :) ) 10th grade, my friend's date while she was off changing clothes. It was my first experience with overwhelming sexual chemistry. He turned out to be an asshole, and she turned out to be a narcissistic compulsive liar, so all's well that ends well, LOL.

  4. I was about 12 or 13, having a sleepover at my friends house. I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee, and her brother who was one year older caught me in the hallway and kissed me.
    12 years later, we are still friends and her brother and I still laugh about it.

  5. My Bar Mitzvah party.
    As I was to find out later, my little sister was watching the whole time and told the parents.

  6. Well, in Kindergarten, we had some pretty advanced playtime. Again, I grew up in Sweden, where people are - or at least were - a lot more relaxed about sex and nudity. We were a bunch of five year olds playing house, and we knew how babies were made. Sorta. We knew they didn't just appear. First, the dad had to lay on top of the mom for a while. There was only one guy who wanted to play with us so he had first choice on who got to play the mom. He picked me a couple of times and laid on top of me in the playroom a couple of times. Because that's how babies are made. One time he kissed me on the lips and it was the most revolting thing I had ever experienced in my 5-year old baby-making life. It seriously took a long time for me to start doing the teenage makeout thing later on because of it.
    But then when I was 14 I met a cute punk rocker and he took me out to the woods behind this abandoned house where they had punk shows every weekend, and kissed me with tongue and everything. Very exciting.

  7. Spin the bottle in sixth grade. Got the hottest boy in my class. He was a good kisser too. The other girls were sooo jealous!

  8. i was 13 in gr.7 with a big crush on the boy next door. we snuck out of the house at 11pm and met in the park and on top of the slide he kissed me. i was so happy i don't think i slept that night.

    he's now the principle of the local high

  9. When I was a kid we used to spend the summers at a a hotel in the Catskills. On weekends all the kids would get together & play spin the bottle--I was 8, & got my 1st boyfriend out of that-- I think he was 9. *sigh* Puppy Love.

  10. Spin the bottle here too! 8th grade, but the boy I really wanted to kiss, I never got to kiss and instead I always got stuck with the wierd kid everyone called "Fish."

    I did eventually get to kiss the cute boy though and we got to do it a lot!!! LOL!

  11. Behind the altar at a church while on a youth retreat. Yes, really.

    I don't think I've been damned to hell, but I guess I'll have to wait and see...


  12. Devildana, whichever first sent those chills down your spine and put butterflies in your tummy. :)

  13. My first kiss was with a fellow female friend of mine in 5th grade(I'm female). We got tired of watching Boy Meets World and then she asked me if I'd ever been kissed. I said "No." She said "Me neither, wanna practice?" And we did for about 5 minutes.

    I think we watched Growing Pains afterwards.

  14. Kindergarten. Had to be around 1970. Kissed one of the Graczak twins on the playground (don't remember which one). Got slapped. Told my parents at dinner. My dad tried not laughing while telling me that wasn't something we do.

    Remember it to this day.

    Wonder what ever happened to the twins?

  15. Nice stories!

    Mine, I was in 10th grade and myself and a couple of other girls got to play tennis on the boys team because our high school did not have a girls tennis team (not until my senior year).

    So, this guy, Jimmy, and I had an attraction and one time I gave him a ride home and we ended up truly necking for an hour on the side of his house. We did this after every away tennis match. We would see each other at school and pass looks but after tennis we kissed and kissed and kissed. Now, that was fun!!!

    The year after graduation, my best friend slept with him and they went out for a couple of months, the b-words!

  16. Hey skittlekitty1
    I was conceived at a church youth retreat. No lie.

    Anyway, I'm a freak because my first kiss was at 18 with a Billy Idol wannabe at college. It was the 80's.

  17. 3rd grade
    the school woods (the college school)
    a boy named evan who mom is mary englebright.

    sadly he committed suicide a couple of years ago in a car with his fiancee and their baby in it. sad sad story

    money doesn't bring happiness, seems to just bring a lot of drugs and problems :(

  18. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I was 18 when I had my first kiss. It was my birthday and the guy I've had a crush on was our neighbor. He took me out dancing which also was my first and than he parked behind some store. We talked than he kiss. Didn't like it LOL. Either he didn't know how to kiss or because I wasn't experience. Anyway can't remember if I still had a crush on him afterwards or not LOL.

  19. 1988- 8th grade- Halloween dance...

    I had a crush on him for 3 years, and I finally got him to sit by me in the bleachers in a corner that was a bit hidden from the parent chaperones. We looked at each other and quickly kissed...and we never kissed again, nor did we "go out". We also didn't kiss & tell, since I was too backwards to tell even my best friends about it for months. I was the really shy, quiet one in our group, and had absolutely no experience with a boy at all. The awful part was that the kiss happened during that horrible song "Wild, Wild West" (not the Will Smith song).

    But I'll never forget it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. kindergarten in the woods across the street from our houses. Can you believe that 5 year olds were allowed to play in the woods, unsupervised ALL day long way back when?

    real tongue kiss was at Diane S's party and it was Larry A. He was blonde and blue eyed. 7 minutes in heaven i believe the game was.

    The tingling down my spine? never go with a boy named JoJo....*sigh*

  22. Sophomore year of high school. His name was Robin and he was friends with my best friend's boyfriend. We'd hung out a few times and kind of paired up because his friend always brought him when they came out to see my friend (they lived about 20 minutes away).

    It was pretty boring actually. Later that night, I told him that I liked his jacket and he said "It's not a jacket, it's a completion to an outfit." I remember that like it was yesterday. Something tells me he's gay.

  23. Behind the band hall in 8th grade with Wayne. He was a surfer type. It was HOT!

  24. 7th grade on the bleachers at a high school football game. Didn't know about french kissing until that moment.

    A much better first kiss was the one with my husband in his car. Very spontaneous, very brief, but so wonderful.

  25. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Reese and Ice Angel: me too! Spin the Bottle in the 6th grade. His name was Corey, and he had the cutest freckles. Sigh. Too bad he was such a jerk!

  26. "It's not a jacket, it's a completion to an outfit."


  27. 6th grade, on a hill away from prying eyes of the playground. His name was Drew and was the captain of the drums on our drum and flag team. That was a big deal in 6th grade. We "dated" for 5 months. I later found out,by comparison, that he couldn't kiss for shit. LOL Ran into him when at a Christmas party when we were twenty yrs old. He still wanted to kiss me but me? not so much. He hadn't aged well.

  28. Had to be 6th or 7th grade. one of my older brother's friends who was over. I remember wanting to tell all my neighborhood girlfriends about it so I went out side saying out loud "gosh my tounge feels so strange", trying to bait someone to say "why what happened" so I could brag.

    But alas no one bought my line so I could I was a dork

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Age 14. I was spending a week with two female cousins and they fixed me up with a guy they knew, who was 16. Then they and my single aunt followed us everywhere. I still remember his name, and not much liking the kissing. Never saw him again.

    Fortunately, kissing improved.

  31. Sixth-grade spin-the-bottle party in classmate's dimly-lit den.

    All the parents knew about it cuz it was an invitation thing, but we got left alone during most of it.

    45's playing--KC and The Sunshine Band, Steve Miller, BT Express (..."heeeeere it comes, the express, express. Chuh, chuh, chuh, hunnnh").

    My first slow dance was that night too, to Nazareth's "Love Hurts." It was magic.

    But I thought the guy was a dork and he moved to a rival school by the next year.

    Can't wait to read y'all's!

  32. Oh .. gonna expose myself as an adulterous slut. But I can cop to that .. it is true and this incident pretty much painted the rest of my romantic life.

    I was a Freshman in high school [Catholic .. no less!! Nazareth Academy .. La Grange Park, IL] "dating" his friend .. though not seriously .. obviously! I went over to his house for some reason .. study Biology or Math or some subject I was terrible at. Ended up watching M*A*S*H instead. Sitting in his family room .. watching M*A*S*H and he leaned over and gave me my first kiss ever, a French Kiss.

    I remember I couldn't breathe because it felt so good - tingles in new places and all. He pulled back and asked if I wanted him to stop. After catching my breath .. I think I said something like, "God no.." I can't remember exactly ..

    I think we kissed for about an hour and I was further freaked out because he was visibly aroused under his blue jeans and well .. I was simply amazed. I had never seen such a thing. [Which was extremely ironic as my Father was a exec at Playboy for the time I was Three til I was about Eleven. But .. I was actually fairly cloistered to some aspects of sex, apparently.] I think I wanted to touch it .. but I am not sure I ever worked up the courage to actually do that.

    So .. my first kiss was cheating on my first boyfriend with is best friend and thinking about touching him where I really had no right. Needless to say .. quite an illustrious start.

    I guess Chicago in the mid to late 70's was actually "Swingtown." I swear .. I can't watch that show without crying at least once about how accurately that represented my family. [I might have been cloistered .. but I wasn't blind.]

  33. Anonymous4:41 PM

    First grade. I forget the lad's name, but he had a buzz cut and I had to touch his hair. He was an older crush - a second grader. Peter, his name was Peter. His head felt like silky suede. It was so nice and then he kissed me a very quick peck right on my mouth IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY!!
    We both blushed beet red. In a good way. Then he ran away. The whole day I felt so important, like it was my birthday.

  34. I had two. I'm that kind of whore. Well, actually I count the second one because the first one was a kiss-by (as opposed to a drive by). I was standing outside of a wedding that I was the flower girl in (i was 6). My 5 year old Ring Bear saw that I was leaving, ran by me, JUMPED, and landed one on my cheek.

    The first 'real' kiss was when I was in 5th grade. David Ross stuck his tongue down my throat and I still haven't forgiven him. Little f&cker.

  35. Awww Jax, you're his WINNIE!!! :) Love it!

  36. how embarrassing!
    first kiss was the boy across the street, i was 13. i was baby sitting next door and he came over after the kids were asleep. his first kiss, too. it was lips closed. weird.
    1st real kiss was not too long after, he was a senior, i was a cute (i WAS!) freshman. we had cuddled and held hands all through rehearsals for the choir's annual musical, and on the way to the cast party, he stopped at a stop sign with a whole bunch of the cast behind us and full on french kissed me. i had braces and said "you're going to cut yourself". he was a smoker and it was AWFUL!!
    but then i dated a guy who was a WONDERFUL kisser, and all i wanted to do was kiss him all the time. he broke up with me because i wouldn't let him cop a feel (i had a nasty uncle, plus i was very naive). i don't blame him, now!!

  37. God, the guy was TOTALLY HOT and he was like 16 or 17 and I was.....uh, 11. I guess he was a perv in training. He was enough to make a pre-teen melt in her tennis shoes, though.

  38. I was 8. Bunch of kids hanging out. Someone decided to have a kiss off - see who could kiss the longest. I was paired up with Glenn. I had no clue how to kiss. I thought it was like swimming, so I took a deep breath and puckered up. His hands were latched on behind my head but I had to pull away when I needed air. He was very angry about that.

    Much preferred the next time when I was 16 and spent the first party I "hosted" in my bedroom with Andy. French kissed for hours. And I have to say, he really was the best I've ever had. No one has come close.

  39. my first kiss ever was in first grade. i was in our classroom's single bathroom when josh f. ran in unannounced and kissed me on the cheek!! in the bathroom! i can't remember if i was sitting on the toilet or not. we both got in trouble.

    first real kiss was when i was about 16... i was drinking blueberry schnapps with my friend on my front steps when two neighborhood guys we knew came around. they were older- like about 21. we ended up on the small beach across from my house making out. i wanted to keep going.... but i think my guy was a little freaked out by my age and the fact that we'd known each other forever.

  40. 1978. Seattle. Disco rollerskating rink.

    I was 13 and a tiny, little mousy thing but I had my own white roller skates with pink and purple pom poms. He was 15 and looked exactly like Leif Garrett. Not Leif as he is today but the Leif with the tight leather pants, feathered hair, green eyes, and lip-syncing "I was Made for Dancin'". I don't remember his name.

    Ironically we were slow couple skating to "Kiss You All Over" by Exile. We kissed all the way through the next song which was "I Go Crazy" by umm...Paul Something-or-Other. I still get shivers all the way down to my naughty place when I hear those two songs. ;)

  41. My first real kiss was in uni. Yeah, I know. This Albanian guy and I were friends and we were goofing around. Somehow the conversation turned and I dared him to kiss me. He did and it was the most amazing kiss. My thumbs literally went numb. I almost fainted. It was perfect.

    The asshole went on to crush my heart into a fine powder. Now I don't even bother. All men are fucking worthless bastards that will rip your heart out just as soon as look at you.

  42. It was one of the Decicco twins, either Lynn or Carol. Wasn't sure then, not sure now.

  43. Hayward California 1963-the summer before 7th grade - My BF Anne and I went to a movie..2 guys sat down on either side of us..the guy next to me looked like the Johnny Depp character in CryBaby..a cute tough thing lead to another and while kissing me HE STUCK HIS TONGUE IN MY MOUTH (nobody had ever told me about french kissing) I BIT IT...ooops....
    but not until the summer of 1967 - the day we moved from SF to Oregon -did I really have REAL kiss....we were in an airplane in a park on 19th and Vicente and we were saying first love....a sweet memory.

  44. HE STUCK HIS TONGUE IN MY MOUTH (nobody had ever told me about french kissing) I BIT IT...ooops....

    Hahahahaha, I love it!!!!

    Such neat stories!

  45. He was the brother of my very good friend, whose family had come "cabin camping" with mine one summer. Actually, it amounted to my mother telling their father where we were going, when I was mad at my friend. I was so irritated when I saw them show up that I refused to do any of the outdoor activities they had planned. I stayed inside to read and there was a knock at my window. I raised the window but not the screen, and there was brother-of-friend. He finally convinced me to open the screen because he said he had something he wanted to give me. I did, and he lurched forward to kiss me. The screen came slamming down, hitting him on the nose. He screeched, so I let him in the cabin, and he kissed me proper.

    Friend-of-brother soon became long-term-boyfriend, but shh . . .

  46. Well, I guess the first peck was when I was about 5-6. His mother owned a video store and was really good friends with my mother. My mum helped out there a few days a week because she had nothing better to do (taking care of sis and me didn't count, I guess). His name was Jeremy and we used to play in the video store when no customers were there. He smacked me behind a cardboard cutout for Jaws (I guess a re-issue, I'm young, just remember the shark). I told both our mothers later that he had a wet kiss. Got hauled home for that one.

  47. 8th grade...Steve McFarlane. I sang "Fly Me To The Moon" to him because that is how they did it in the movies...

    Gees, I was a geek.

  48. It was spring break and I must have been 14 or so. I spent the whole week at my friend's apartment because she had a pool and a jacuzzi. Well, turns out a kid I went to middle school with lived there as well and we ended up running into each other. One cold night while all three of us were swimming it started storming pretty badly so we ran back to my friend's apartment. Right before I went inside, he said 'wait!', grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a chaste kiss. Needless to say, she was a bit jealous when she found out.

  49. Ah, 16. First date, first boyfriend, first kiss. We laughed for 20 minutes on the porch until he got the guts to do it.

    Now his brother is married to my sister! I knew there had to be real chemistry in the family somewhere...
