Thursday, October 02, 2008

90210 Done In Australia

Apparently 90210 doesn't resonate with people all over the world. After airing the first four episodes, Channel 10 in Australia is dumping the show because nobody was watching it. From the first episode to the most recent one aired, the audience has dropped about 30%. See, even in Australia they want more Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth. I'm telling you right now CW that if you want to make this a huge hit, have all the kids in the show right now hit by a school bus on the way to school. Hang on, there are no school buses. OK, have them poisoned by some bad lattes in the school cafeteria or from licking envelopes, and at the funeral for all of them bring back the whole damn cast from 90210. Throw in some Melrose Place and some Dynasty women to play mothers and I guarantee you the whole damn country will watch for at least a year. After that the show would actually have to be good, but until then, people would watch for the "I've missed them factor." Hard to make money when you have foreign countries dropping your show.


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    If I'm recalling correctly, one of the lead girls was on one of the Aussie soaps and she was absolutely despised for her lack of talent. Talent that hasn't materialized in her American debut, either.

  2. Ha, Seinfeld shout-out!

    They've actually got half a decent cast/characters, they just give way too much air time to the bad half. Annie and Naomi are walking disasters. If they moved Naomi, her boyfriend and parents away, and put Annie in a car accident that left her mute, it might not suck.

  3. It took a few episodes for it to kick in, but I actually like the show. I would never admit it in public, however.

  4. i got bored by the third episode.

  5. On second thought, they'd have to kill Annie off. I just imagined her walking around trying to communicate through meaningful looks, and now I'm nauseated.

  6. I am still deciding if I like the show or not. Maybe that, in itself, should tell me something

  7. I'm still watching, even though I can't decide if the show has any hope.

    Best part of this week's episode was Kelly saying to Brenda. "Old tricks die hard". Very sad that that's the part I liked the best...

    Now that Brenda's gone, and Kelly is taking "time off" to go see Dylan...I think next week's episode is gonna be dull.

    They need to sign Luke Perry ASAP!
    Let's have some conflict!
    Something! Anything!

  8. i like the show, its better than the BS drivel of Friday Night lights and Gossip Hurl.

  9. Bring back Reaper! 90210 sucks.

  10. Jax, I've never seen either and really have no desire to. I just don't get it

  11. @dnfrommn
    Must be thinking of a different show. I can't beleive I know this, but of the young actresses on 90210, 2 are Canadian and 2 are American. None have done Aussie Soaps, I don't think...

  12. Sassafrass, isn't Reaper coming back as a mid-season replacement?

  13. the only good episode of Reaper was the first one becasue it was directed by Kevin Smith, every other sucked balls. epic fail.

  14. good idea enty

    we should both be tv/movie execs ...

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    hmmm... I guess I got canadians mixed up with aussies in my head. sorry.

  16. I won't watch it because I hate shit that subliminally promotes anorexia. Fuck those scrawny bitches.

    I really just wanted to say that Australians are the smartest, hottest, wisest people on the planet. I've been there. I know.

  17. Even though i'm sad it got canned here I have to admit I didn't bother to watch last weeks episode. Except for the 5 minutes of Brenda of course.
    Sooo boring and soooo random. It needs a Joan Collins injection. Stat.

  18. Hey Ernestine, thanks for the shout out, we'll get big heads if you keep complimenting us like that! are almost right. One of the second-fiddle bitches is(was) Chantelle Barry, former reality show contestant on one of those 'lets make a girl band' shows, imaginatively titled 'Popstars'. She got kicked out for stealing from one of the other girls in the house...Sophie Monk.

  19. Jax, seriously, FNL is DRIVEL??? Compared to what?? Seriously, 5 minutes of screen time between Kyle Chandler and our homeboy Taylor Kitsch and I'm fanning myself. Those two alone could kick the shit out of the combined cast of 90210 and GG. Besides that, everyone on the show can actually ACT.

    It is one of the best shows on TV that no one is watching. Too bad, because it will get canned and then 901210 will come back. Ugh.
