Friday, October 17, 2008

Did I Miss Something?

I read lots and lots of news sites each day, but at the same time I know that there are things I am going to miss. In fact I miss a great deal of it. There is just too much information out there. Sometimes though I think publicists take advantage of the fact there is too much information and we can't remember everything we have seen.

I saw a report today where Renee Zellweger's publicist released a statement that said Renee was single and not dating anyone. At first I thought she was just letting the world know she was available and wouldn't mind a free meal or two. I'm ok with that. Most publicists are a little more subtle about it. Maybe they make some calls, and find someone who they think is a good match and then the couple goes to get some dinner. If the press love them, then they love each other. I know, I know, the mysteries of love.

But apparently the statement was in response to reports that Renee was dating Uma Thurman's ex Andre Balzas. I never saw those reports. Were there such reports? Should I have cared about those reports? It did not make much of a ripple in the gossip world, so the publicist obviously had to change that so she rings up People and gives the statement. Of course People or whoever has no idea what the hell the publicist is talking about, but figures they might have missed the reports. The next thing you know there is a story there made out of absolutely nothing and Renee gets some press away from Kenny Chesney. Yeah, I think so. Same week is just too much of a coincidence.


  1. yeah a couple of wks ago they were saying that she went to dinner with him. They were kind of making a big deal about it.

  2. Does she really need the press? She needs that blepharoplasty surgery before she needs a new date.

  3. I find her very uninteresting. Her face is also kind of hard to take nowadays.

  4. I hate people who attempt to walk and read a book at the same time.

  5. Awww, Harriet, don't hate me, please. I swear I keep part of my eyes out in front so I don't run into anyone. These days, walking is the only time I have to read!

  6. I never saw those reports. Were there such reports?

    enty, first her publicist put out those reports. then when they died down and rz needed more press, then he put out the denial. you know how this works, don't ya?

  7. Harriet- sometimes the book is just THAT damned interesting.. I've become good at walking while reading. I'll stop the day I walk into an open manhole.

  8. Does she have a bagel she's chewing in her right cheek, or is that just her normal face? She looks like a squirrel hoarding nuts.

  9. damn if walking is the only time you have to read then there is something wrong there ladies!


  10. something about renee is just odd, and she often looks odd from pic to pic

    but she did date Jack White (white stripes, raconteurs) for a long time and even adopted his pale skin/black hair look, so she must be somewhat cool
