Thursday, October 16, 2008

Drank It All Or Had A Party?

Whenever I get the opportunity to take a shot at Mischa Barton, I am of course going to do it. There are so few people I have less regard for than her. I honestly don't care if someone drinks or gets wasted on drugs. I say, just let people live as long as they don't interfere with me or anyone else. Why I have particular dislike for Mischa though is not only the DUI, but also the fact that I think it is because of Mischa that her sister is so messed up. In addition, Mischa has been preaching this high and mighty thing about how she is sober and doesn't do this and I have said it all before and it is crap. Just tell the truth. Just say that you love the taste of a nice cold cheap ass beer after doing nothing all day except whine to your agent about how you deserve better than a walk on role as "Hooker 4" in CSI.

Now, in addition to taking the above shots at Mischa, I thought we should devote ourselves to a serious analysis of why she is buying the beer. It is 18 beers which is about the most Mischa could expect to put away on her own. I know you think it is too many, but let me tell you from personal experience that I have personally witnessed actresses of her same size have no problems doing it.

It is also true that she could be buying it for house guests. Apparently she doesn't think much of her house guests because she bought them Bud Light in a can. It could also be for a party by the pool, hence the need for cans. I mean she is actually dressed nicely for her. But, if it were a party, don't you think she might decide to spend more than $10 and also to bring more than 18 cans?

Alcoholics who drink beer always go cheap when they drink alone. Always. They are not trying to impress anyone. They just want to drink and be done with it. Plus in the case of an actress, it makes them full so they don't have to eat. I say it is hers.


  1. her publicist would probably say she's buying it for the homeless.

  2. LOL @ Molly

    I just don't get why celebrities just don't send their assistants/secretaries out to score them some booze/drugs/etc. I guess she thinks bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.

  3. i can't believe you guys only pay 10$ for 18 beer.....waahhaa no fair. Of course Canadian beer is better haha

  4. Didn't her sister get kicked out of like Chapin or something for getting caught in the bathroom doing lines? She probably got it from Mischa. Lord knows the only reason she and Brandon Davis were together for so long is because he was waaaay into the white stuff.

  5. Canadachick, sometimes 18 paks go for $9.99 here. A 20 pak of bottles can be $11 or $13. I guess I know too much about the price of Bud Light.

    Beer is pricey in Canada, but I got used to Molson Light when I was in Montreal.

  6. I thought she was more of a Pabst Blue Ribbon girl.

    I guess she is classier than I thought.

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    These celebrities (or wanabe's) instead of putting themselves into something useful they right away hit the bottle/can or drugs.

  8. Do you think Mischa Barton still has an assistant?

  9. well duh it's's Light.

  10. I don't think I have ever been to a party where they served Bud Light in a can.
    Either she is really cheap, or a lush.

  11. Exactly, Kay. Am betting she has one assigned for jobs, like everyone else, but no one when she's not working. I agree, Enty - it's hers.

  12. With the weight issues that pretty much all these celebs have, why would she drink all those calories? There's a good 1800 calories in that box there... she could eat three nice meals and a snack and still have room for some percocets or coke.

  13. She finally wears something decent and she covers it up with a beer carton.

  14. i drink cheap Lite beer almost all the time ... goes down like water ... quantity over quality

    plus she is young, and young people drink crappy beer
