Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello Playboy

This is one of those exclusive things that people are always yelling about. I'm not a yeller, so you get the quiet little mention just within the post. Two weeks ago, Miss Teen Louisiana Lindsey Evans had nothing to look forward to except a free trip to New Orleans to hand off the crown to her successor. Oh, and of course hanging out with her like minded drug friends. Do you know that of the four women arrested that night, three were charged with drug possession and of those three, two were also charged with drug paraphernalia possession. Wrapping papers or a crack pipe? You take your pick. Anyway, the drug using of Louisiana teenagers isn't why I posted.

So, anyway, as you can tell by her mugshot, our beauty queen didn't seem to care she got busted and who cares that she lost her title a month early. She was going to be a former Miss Teen Louisiana in a month, so big deal. But, what the 18 year old did get is 15 minutes of fame that extends beyond the Bossier City suburbs. Playboy called this week, and now all of a sudden someone who was going to try and have to find something to do and move on with her life has the opportunity to get naked for $175,000-$250,000 and extend that career out a little bit and have a place to stay whenever she is in LA. So, never say that crime doesn't pay. If she had chipped in her $12 and had a brain that was big enough to not remember to leave her purse at the scene of the crime she would never have had the chance to earn almost a quarter million bucks.


  1. Is it wrong that the main thing I got out of this story was relief that Playboy is still apparently solvent? :)

  2. now THAT'S a business women.

    on a side note boy am i glad to be canadian. last i looked zig zags were not illegal.

  3. sure, that sounds fair to me...

  4. wow Louisana must be so proud...first the Spears girls and now this chick....

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    wonder if I commit a crime Playboy will offer me a deal too LOLOL.

  6. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I think she's a stupid chick who got lucky.

    Wish I had that kind of luck!

  7. suppose she also plans on being a *serious* actress or something, also.

  8. Mooshki

    Not sure how solvent he is. I heard he is opening the Mansion to the public for the annual Halloween $10,000 per person. Sounds a little desparate to me.

  9. "He" meaning Hef/Playboy

  10. Yeah, I know he's in trouble, but I keep expecting to hear the company is bankrupt, so I'm glad it hasn't happened quite yet. :)

  11. What else was left for her? At the least, it'd pay her legal bills. Is there anyone who ever appeared in Playboy who's now considered a serious actress? Career killer.

  12. After taxes, lawyer's fees, she should take home a healthy 80-100grand

  13. Considering her lack of judgment and conscience, I bet I can predict her career trajectory. It's not like these things usually end well.
