Thursday, October 23, 2008

He's Just A Great Christian Boy

I know all of you have probably seen the Justin Gaston photos that have been flying all over the internet. Apparently when Justin parties he does so only without his shirt on. Practically everyone else at this party had his shirt on but Justin, because, I'm guessing the air conditioning wasn't working or because he can't afford any unless Miley is buying. Whatever the reason, I just thought I would post one of the photos to accompany what Miley had to say about Justin today when she was on the radio with Ryan Seacrest.

"He's a really great Christian guy. He's gone through stuff, and I've gone through stuff, and everyone goes through that. I think it's really awesome that we have that in common -- that we can talk about it and that we can understand [each other] ... he gets it."

She then added: "I'm totally gushing right now!"

Well, apparently Justin was gushing a couple of weeks ago at this party. Apparently Miley wasn't invited because it happened after 9pm. You know of course that Miley's parents are very strict and so wouldn't let her go out that night. Unfortunately it much tougher to sneak out of a house wired with alarms than it was when I was a kid. Hell, when I was a kid, my parents left the door wide open hoping I would leave. When I did, they then would lock it and hope that I didn't come back. I may have been a little bit of a troublemaker.

I can only imagine what kind of photos there would have been if Miley had been there instead of the substitute Miley that Justin had to be content with that night.


  1. The only thing he can possibly see in Miley is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    And the fact that she's gotta be Naive(easy).

  2. Isn't that Miley's mom?

  3. I think he's gay and is Miley's pretend boyfriend.. for press or I don't know what.

  4. I really don't know much about Miley and I'm willing to give everyone a chance, but Miley just sounded like the biggest brat in the world in that interview. It was a turn off and annoying and she needs to sit on down with her chipmunk teeth.

  5. The girl with him looks older than 15.

  6. What exactly could a 16 yr old girl have "gone through" when she lives on a silver platter??

    Please....let her 15 minutes be done already.

  7. He belongs to the incredibly popular "Hypocrite" sect of Christianity. It's especially popular with politicians - maybe he should run for office.

  8. p.s. LOL Montana! He did go to church with her mom and her little sisters this past weekend even though Miley was sick. EWWWW, there's just so much "ick" all over this family.

  9. he was hot.
    was because he's dating a 15 year old who happens to be miley cyrus.
    he will not be able to get pussy(or peen, i'm not sure if he is straight or not.) after they break up just because he dated her.

    i like that girl's shirt.
    but not that tie.

  10. My friend (who lives in WeHo and hung out with this guy on Sat night) had this to say: "I’m not saying he’s gay or anything, but he does occasionally sleep with guys."

  11. LOL hahahaha Lori!! My gaydar is working lately hehe

  12. from someone who still hasnt been able to buy his textbook 8 weeks into a 16 week semester,

    I just giggled when she said she'd been through a lot...

    She's 15.

    Aww, what happened? they sent you the helicopter you ordered in the wrong color? boo, poor baby...

  13. Oh and let the record state:

    Both these two are lying on the floor.

    you can see the broiler pan of a stove to the upper right of the pic.

    GODDAMMIT...ugh. I'm so pissed right now. I just realized he's prolly gonna get a helicopter too...
