Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Johnny Depp But No One Else

Yes, yes, I know all of you love Johnny Depp and would like nothing more than to keep him prisoner in your house until, well forever. Well, you may not be able to have Johnny because he is going to be picking up a guaranteed $64M for filming the next installment of Pirates. That eclipses Tom Hanks who had the previous record of $58M. Chump change. The amount for Depp does not include any other points he gets from the success of the film. While I certainly cannot argue that he deserves the money, there are some things worth noting.

Because he is getting paid so much money, there will be no Orlando Bloom and no Keira Knightley in the film. The studio simply can't afford to pay them and pay Johnny Depp as well. See, now if I'm Johnny's agent I say f**k it, he deserves the money. If I'm Johnny though, I'm wondering if the movie tanks because there is no one in it but me for the most part, will I ever get this kind of money again? What Johnny should do is reduce that salary by about $10-15M and get the other two back in the film as well.

Sequels can be great. When sequels suck is when the entire cast has disappeared except for one or two people. It just isn't the same. There is not the same interaction or chemistry. Hello? Smokey And The Bandit 3. Hello? Apollo 14 - Dogs In Space. Johnny Depp is the key behind the films, but maybe a lot of that has to do with who he is playing off in his scenes. If the film just has him and a monkey is everyone going to enjoy that?


  1. I've gotta disagree, Enty. Knowing that it will just be Johnny without Keira and Orlando made me think #4 was a good idea for the first time. Of course, it depends on if they get a good story, but I think this kind of shakeup is what the franchise needed.

  2. (I'm not going to touch your last sentence with a 10 foot pole.)

  3. From 21 Jump Street to 64Mil a pic?
    I know Winona Ryder is kicking herself in the ass for not marrying this guy.

  4. god I am so over these movies, can't they just let them die? I guess it could go either way without those 2 in it, but isn't it pretty much guaranteed to make a bunch of money regardless of whether it's good?

  5. You have got this arse about face.

    There was way too much Will and Elizabeth in P2 and P3, as the scriptwriters were deluded enough to think Pirates was Elizabeth's story. Now that drippy pairing is done, Jack can play off Barbossa, which is much more fun. If they lay off the effects and up the comedy, even better.

    Why is this news now, when Disney announced it 2 weeks ago? You will be telling us Johnny is playing Tonto next.

  6. If he gets 64M for the next Pirates he isn't going to care if he ever gets that kind of money again.

    I didn't even see PoC 3, so I'm definitely not going to see the fourth one. This franchise is tired.

  7. i also diagree...Johnny Depp in no way needs Orlando or Kiera...he is the best actor in his generation and can make any film amazing...even when his films dont make money, they are usually still well done...this franchise is already a hit so they have nothing to lose...people liked it for him and will see it as long as he is in it...i think it would be a crappy sequel if he werent in it and the others were.

  8. @montanamarriott - you got that right....Winona's a dope. I love the fact that he changed the tattoo of her name on his upper arm to Wino!

    I'd enjoy me some Johnny with whatever or without the monkey.....

  9. Ok I have to disagree. As a young woman in her late twenties, I love the Will/Elizabeth story. Women are very visually involved in movies, and although I can look at Johnny Depp for years on end and not get bored...I still like identifying with the Elizabeth character. I have been a pirates fan from the beginning-even when it first came out, I was sitting in a movie theater with my friend surrounded by 5th graders until word got out how good the movie was.

    Needless to say, I will be pissed to see the movie without Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley.

  10. Oh yes, I will enjoy the next movie!! I would love to see him have a romantic interest maybe another female pirate, also love the barbs between Barbosa and Captain Jack!! I am looking forward to it!

  11. I have to agree with Vamp on this one. The movie could be called "Pirates of the Caribean, Captain Jack Reads the Phone Book" and I would still be first in line! I felt the Elizabeth/Will story wrapped up after the third movie and Captain Jack's adventures could go on and on. He deserves it and we are going to love it, I'm sure!

  12. It's a winner if I don't have to see the jutting anorexic jawbone of that "actress". Just saying...

  13. this isn't cnn, we aren't on a timetable.

    i heard that this was going to be a prequel,therefor not needing the other two. fine by me i havent seen that last one yet..so over it.

  14. Sorry, but NO ONE is worth that kind of money. I may pass on the movie just for that reason. With all the crap going on this country right now I fu*king eats me up hearing about what stars are getting paid.

  15. Ha, it's pocket change compared to what the CEOs of failed companies are getting. Go socialism! :)

  16. There were other people besides Johnny Depp in POTC? Somehow, I didn't notice.

    *goes back to millionth viewing of Sweeney Todd*

  17. I am going to say the same thing carissa said--the last movie ended and Will & Elizabeth were pretty much done--they also had a kid, & I don't think their characters, except for maybe a cameo appearance can do too much for the next enstallment. They will create a few new antagonists for us to enjoy. Oh we will all enjoy Johnny.

    Bionic Bunny!--do you have any crumbs for us???

  18. Oh, the POTC franchise has always belonged to Johnny. Keira's moved on, & Orlando - God bless him - sucks as an actor, he's so boring to watch, PLEASE keep him out of #4. I am personally sick of these silly Pirate movies but if enough people haul their kids to them, Disney makes $ so they go on and on...

  19. Anonymous1:43 PM

    If it's to be a sequel, it would probably be difficult to fit Will back into it based on how things ended after POTC3. And Elizabeth's role would probably not fit in either. I'd love to see more with Tia Marie (?) and Barbossa, etc. Give Sparrow a new gal pal - what happened to Zoe Saldana after the first one, can't remember, but might be fun to see them together again.

    If it's a prequel, wouldn't make sense for Will/Elizabeth to be there.

    Johnny Depp absolutely made those movies and is worth every penny that they are willing to pay him. With that said, wouldn't mind if he dropped $5 million from his price and ensured they hired better writers - POTC 3 was crap.

  20. I have only seen the first pirates. And orlando and keira were the reasons i never saw another one. So I'm pretty happy about this. I love JD.

  21. Yep, i agree with most of the posts above.
    Johnny deserves every penny and might actually make the fourth installment watchable. While I dont mind Orlando Bloom (I used to hate him but he has grown on me), I cant stand keira and her annoying snaggletoothy grin.

    Im looking forward to it!

  22. Now they can bring in unknowns to fill both of those spots, people completely better at acting than K.K. who does not this or any movie make, hell a drunk monkey is more entertaining than her.
    Granted, this one will probably suck, but now, maybe less than the last one without those two in it.
