Monday, October 13, 2008

Kenny Chesney Wants Some Sympathy

Kenny Chesney has a new album called Lucky Old Sun. Hell, it might not even be that new. I am too lazy to check and honestly, I have not heard any of it. But, on the album there is a song or two or three about his marriage to Renee Zellweger. Apparently he wants us to sympathize with him over the fact that he has been hurting for the past three years over his four month marriage to her. Ummm, you are the one who married her. Obviously something was messed up. I don't doubt he was in pain, I mean he did wake up next to her for four months, but I'm not sure this is a case of heartbreak or if it is a case of OMG all my secrets almost came out.

I think that it is one of the more bizarre circumstances I have seen in the past few years and there have been no adequate explanations. I have heard things, and you have heard things, but I don't think any of us really knows anything. The song he says is 100% about their relationship is called, "Nowhere to go, nowhere to be." Now, to me that sounds kind of like a vacation because really I think most of us generally have somewhere to go or somewhere to be. I mean I guess it could apply to a homeless person but that would seem kind of callous. It is bad enough he is making us feel bad that we do have somewhere to go and can't sit around the Virgin Islands for three years getting over a marriage to someone that I am not even sure was real. Actually since it was annulled, I'm not sure it even was real. It never happened. It did not exist, so why are we having to hear about it three years later when he admits he has been dating almost non-stop since it ended. Must have not been that damn tragic. Just sounds like an excuse to get some publicity and generate some album sales.


  1. The two most promising stories about that short and sweet union were, he was gay, and he started cheating with anything that moved right away and wasn't even trying to hide it from poor lil Renee.

    Either way that charge of fraud will never really go away.

  2. yeah that was super weird! but like ya said Enty, he's the one who chose to marry the Squinty One

  3. I'd say this one's right up there with the Tom/Nicole break-up; I hope the real reasons come out some day.

  4. The most important lesson that needs to be learned from this whole fiasco is to never have dermabrasion done to your face the day before your wedding.

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sounds like another Megan Ryan wanting sympathy from people. Why do these people bring up stuff that happen ages ago. They sound like they can't move on without wanting you the people to say poor thing.

  6. I love that picture, always have, always will.

    Who hasn't woke up the day after their wedding thinking WTF? I know I have several times.

  7. I've met KC and I don't think he's gay but I do KNOW he's a short twerp. This is my theory on the "fraud" marriage: He was all complimentary and sweet before they got married, but it didn't take Renee long to discover he's a world-class JERK. (Substitute your own favorite adjective there). He probably waited three years to churn out those songs (if he really did write them, he's SUCH a mediocre songwriter) because Renee's lawyers were smart enough to put a clause in the divorce that he'd have to wait that long, so she could distance herself from him and when people asked about the songs, she can just shrug and say she's forgotten he'd ever existed.


  8. She looks like if you pat her too hard her skin will shatter. For someone not old, she seemsvery dried out.

  9. They gave the most fascinating and ambiguous cause for divorce ever, in my opinion- FRAUD. wtf?! There was no bullshitting about with 'irreconcilibles' - he cheated her on some fundamental level! It could be so many things, but must revolve around a concept of lying and not living up to the vows.


  10. brendalove wrote:
    The most important lesson that needs to be learned from this whole fiasco is to never have dermabrasion done to your face the day before your wedding.

    No kidding, brendalove. It looks like he dragged her face-first out to the beach there.

  11. His appeal is totally lost on me. I always thought she just happened to hit him on the rebound from Jack White. Maybe she has a thing for musicians?

    But the "fraud" thing WAS really weird. I assumed that was a polite Texas euphemism for something "unmentionable."

    I think she probably was deluded -- or deluded herself -- but really did seem to withdraw from the world for awhile after they broke up.

    As for him -- I don't recall his being too broken up about it at the time.

  12. But wasn't he and Renee the blind item about the singer who accepted the gay rumors, even though they're not true because he didn't want to be known as the country music start that cheated on a nice girl for a groupie? I think he was caught with a groupie, and didn't want to gain a reputation as a whoremonger, while poor sweet Renee sat idly by, darning his socks.

  13. "Fraud" is a box you check on a form called Petition for Dissolution. So is "Irreconcilable differences." I'm also looking forward to knowing the real reason, and hope it comes out one day.

  14. f*ck kenny chesney ...

    also, he played a tiny warm up gig in my town, and ppl lined up at 2am in literally (-5) degree weather for tix to see him at a small club (200ish capacity)
