Thursday, October 09, 2008

Let's Talk Dean

For those of you who are in Canada, or those of you who read Lainey, then this will all be a refresher probably, so feel free to go ahead and look at some FFF, or contemplate what life would be like as we know it on this planet if Holly Madison and Verne Troyer hooked up. OK now that you have that to play around with and your brain is sufficiently horrified, lets move on to Dean. This would be Dean Spelling. Oh, I know he has his own last name, but lets face it, no one knows him except as Tori's wife, and no one will ever know him as anything but Tori's wife.

I did end up watching five or six episodes of the show this past season. It was fairly annoying, but hell, I mean there are not many reality shows that are not a little annoying. I will say that if that whole "maverick" drinking game doesn't work out for you, that you could play using the word "mama" when you watch that show.

Anyway, I was having a lovely discussion the other day with my lovely best friend, and when I wasn't trying to get a little look see or eating something, she informed me about Dean's ex wife. Now, I knew Dean had been with someone previously because he has a son, and so it figures that unless there is some kind of Xenu magic going on, that he had been with someone. What I didn't know, because I didn't look is that Dean also has an adopted daughter. I know, I know. If you are like me and only watch the show, you would have no idea he had anything other than a son who he misses and loves and hasn't seen in a year and blah, blah. The Tori says he is the greatest dad ever and we go throw up dinner.

Well, it turns out that Dean and the ex had adopted a baby girl about three weeks before he split up to go be with Tori. That's right, but he refuses to acknowledge the girl as his own despite that fact that he signed the adoption papers. Apparently he must think that the only way it counts is if you have sex. Well, asshole it doesn't. Just because you are not sticking it in does not mean it is not the same commitment and responsibility. Maybe Tori believes your little half truths but the rest of the world doesn't. A kid is a kid is a kid, and that girl is yours. Well, it has been a couple of years now so she probably doesn't want anything to do with you anyway, but think about that little girl growing up and seeing her brother getting all this fake love from dad while she gets nothing but a shoulder. WTF is that? Everyone knows the only reason you are with Tori is money. Money, money, money. I'm sure your beady little eyes are just counting down the days till Candy keels over.
Like I said, I know many of you have read this before, but it absolutely made me sick when I heard about it and it just pissed me off so much because I have watched the show and it is like if he doesn't mention the fact there is a daughter, she doesn't exist. And Tori? What the hell is your excuse for allowing that behavior? What if your dad had done the same thing to you? Think about that little girl when you are holding yours.


  1. How did you not know about this before? You need to spend more time in Vancouver. I'm sure your lovely lady would like it almost as much as Paris. :)

  2. We canucks know this story all too well, and the irony here is that Tori believes he LOVES her. Look at that picture of Mary Jo! She is gorgeous! And smart and SO above his level. She got lucky. And as far as I'm concerned, so did her daughter.


  3. Wow. I had never seen a picture of his ex-wife before. She's WAAAAY too attractive for him. I used to give them a *slight* benefit of the doubt...but this solidifies for me he's only after the money. Must've just eaten him alive when she got nothing after her dad passed...

  4. The same thing happened with Angie & Billy Bob.
    I imagine if my husband left me 3 weeks after adopting, I wouldn't want him to raise the baby with me, either. He was away filming before he left his wife, so it's possible he had barely seen the child.

  5. Sad, but Tori has no soul and will not be able to imagine that little girls pain. Dean's ex-family is better off without him.

  6. yea, i brought this up in the comments section not that long ago, enty, and i have no respect for him or for tori. if she was a decent mother...a decent woman...she'd encourage him to be a father to that child. she could get him to do it if she wanted to, so she obviously doesn't want to.

    they're both sub-human. karma is going to be a bitch at some point.

  7. I'm a woman and a mom of 2. Honestly, I can't say I would feel the same love and adoration for a child I'd signed my name on a contract that wasn't my biological child and I literally had no time to know. (It would be much different if he'd been raising the adopted child and they had a bond and relationship. He probably never even saw this child if he was away filming. Plus with the nature of what happened I'm sure his ex-wife told him to get lost and not even think about calling this child his own.)

    To say the little girl's in pain - she doesn't know any different - she was only 3 weeks AND probably never even saw him since he was awy filming. I would say his son probably has a whole lot more pain! He was older and will probably always have issues with his dad leaving him and probably saw the pain his mom was in.

  8. I think karma was partially fulfilled when Tori and Dean (aka Kfed jr., per lainey) were relegated to signing autographs for $20 at some comic convention (?) recently.

    Gotta pay those bills somehow!

    You know, somehow I think Candy Spelling is bitchy enough that she will leave $2 to Tori and the rest to her dogs, or son, or something.

  9. YUP..anonmom.........there's no guarantee that Candy will leave her fact, she can tie that money up for years and years...leaving trusts for the grand kids...but nada for Tori and Dean...sooo sad....big fake tears...

  10. I knew about them just adopting a girl because they wanted a daughter and then Dean running off with Tori, but I didn't know he wasn't having anything to do with the girl.

    That just stinks.

    Karma will get him all right, or maybe it already has?

  11. At least Britney is hot, Tori Spelling, not so much (and I think I'm being nice). There's no way a man would leave a classy, gorgeous woman like that for Tori unless he was a gold digging sleazeball.

  12. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I think Tori and Dean deserve each other. Both are assholes. Tori is the type is our family or nobody. Spoil brat that she is. Dean is money hungry. Tori is no great looking woman and to top it off she is as plastic as a Barbie.

  13. I love , LOVE his ex-wife. She's classy and funny and you couldn't find a more polar opposite to Whori than her. She nearly lost custody of the little girl and had to fight hard to retain her after he left. He makes me sick and it's so great that he has no career other than being Mr Tori.

  14. I used to love Tori. I'm an unashamed former 90210 fan but when she hooked up with Dean, under the circumstances under which she did so, (she was married at the time too), I lost a lot of respect in a girl I once saw as uncharacteristically down-to-earth for someone born of such fortune and instant fortune. It's obvious the girl is a sick in the head romantic and that she loves this fool, but for her to not acknowledge his FIRST daughter's existence, with all the press those two do, is just gross! If Tori were the rejected adopted child of a famous (psuedo) actor, she'd be screaming about it via a sucky book, pimping for the respect and love she deserves. She comes across as polar opposite of the person I thought she was; she's now an extremely self-absorbed woman-child version of her former self.

    I can't believe she can't see through his ilk. Hasn't she dated enough turds to be able to smell one when it's right in her face?

  15. Tori who? These two are so low, they're invisible.

  16. Damn, first I thought it said Peen instead of Dean. My bad. These two are losers, hopefully their kids will grow up normally.

  17. Adopting a child from another country is a long process. If my memory serves me (not going to look it up for trash), for Mary Jo & Dean, they started the adoption process two years before the daughter arrived.

    Baby arrived a few days before filming ended (Tori & Dean were filming in Ottawa - five hour drive from Toronto).

    Three weeks after the baby arrived and two weeks, four days after Dean arrived home, he dumped his wife... and daughter.

    Both are trash and I can't believe I just wasted five minutes of my life reading and commenting on them. Must go scrub my skin with bleach...

  18. It's pretty obvious that ol' Dean thought he was getting himself quite the golden meal ticket there when he hooked up with Tori. Imagine the look on his face when he found out what things were really like at home with the Spellings! And Tori thought she was finally getting someone who could put up with all her s*** and who wasn't gay.

    It's only a matter of time before that relationship has a major crash-and-burn-no-survivors final episode. It's unfortunate that there are innocent children who will be involved and probably used as weapons.

  19. ok it may not be popular but let me tell you...i met the ex wife at a tradeshow. CLASS A CUnext tuesday.

    the rumour was that they agreed to adopt the babay to 'save' the marriage but it never panned out. Dean tried to get Mary Jo to stop the adoption as they were breaking up but she insited on keeping it going.

    That marriage was over long before the baby OR Tori came into the picture.
    Should he done it diffenret? yes of course...but it's not all black n white.

    Mary Jo isn't the innocent victim she'd like you to believe she is.

  20. Jax - how was she the c-word? What did she do/say? Just curious.

  21. Tori had an affair with this tool and dumped her husband who actually liked her for real. Dean is a toad and what he did to his kids, even by h'wood standards, is so bad and he's looked at so poorly that he can't get a real job - he's got to suck of Tori's uninspired reality teat for spending money.

    Candy may be a bad parent, but she's not giving money to that weasel lowlife of a man. Why do you think Spellings' will was changed on his deathbed? So that man couldn't take Tori for all she and the Spellings are worth. I bet G'ma leaves everything in trust to the grand kids and cuts out the two idiots completely.

    On the upside, he has to wake up and see that mug first thing every day, and she's so cloying and needy she never let's him get out of her sight - once a cheat always a cheat.

  22. They are both douchebags. Tori knew he was married. His ex wife made a joke to him that he should hook up with Tori to advance his career. I can't imagine how that could help.

    He was mostly doing voice over work before Tori so I suppose his reality show is a step up although I would personally prefer voice over work. Mary Jo is hilarious. She hosts a cooking show in Canada.

  23. I just look at him and think... no. He has no lips. No. Sorry.

    And having adopted a child from a foreign country myself,all I can say is that I fell head over heels in love with her with that first photo I received - I did not have to give birth to her to be totally and completely smitten. Just KNOWING that was my daughter was enough. How anyone could walk away from that just blows my mind. But parents walk away from biological children every day too... and that's just as sad.

    Just can't help but remember that what you put out in this world does come back to you... maybe not now, maybe not for years.. but it does come back. Unfortunately, I cannot even feel sorry for the two of them.

  24. anyone else feel like this is ghost writer day on cdan? esp after reading the blind. maybe i'm just off today

  25. Why do you all assume he didn't want to be a father to the child because she was adopted? There are many other possible reasons.

  26. What I read about this was that they were in the process of adopting the baby and had already brought the baby home but had not signed the final papers when they split. Then Dean's ex signed the final papers as a single parent and so Dean is actually not the baby's legal father. Whether Dean wanted it this way or not I don't know.

  27. Ooh, Jax, that's really interesting. I hadn't heard that side of the story. Sure puts things in a different light! I mostly can't stand Tori, but So NoTORIous was freakin' awesome. And while I think it's funny Tori didn't inherit squat, Candy is 1000 times worse than her, and she didn't deserve a dime either. If he was worried about Dean, Papa Spelling should've put $ in some kind of a trust for Tori.

  28. Jax, that's interesting. I believe it. There are two sides to every story. It's very rare that one person is completely innocent and the other is completely wrong.

    He's still a major tool, though.
