Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No One Cares About Her Perfume

Do you remember about six months ago there was a big hullabaloo about Jennifer Lopez having a reality show on TLC? She was all excited about it and the press were frothing at the mouth to say what a wonderful amazing thing it would be and all the birds started singing and people randomly hugged in the streets. It was joy. It was also a bunch of crap. When you read what the show was going to be about, it basically was going to be about the launch of some perfume Jennifer was trying to sell and it was going to follow her around. Then the next day it was going to be about the process but Jennifer was going to narrate and then the next day it was going to be a shot of Jennifer. Anyway what the announced plan was and what it was a few days later were not the same thing. Now, it doesn't even exist.

Apparently TLC thought one thing, Jennifer thought another and so now no series. It still might be a special, but don't count on it. So, it was a real shock today when I read that NBC actually gave money to Jennifer for a development deal. She has had these before and they have all just been money down the drain. If you are an executive at a network you are better off just picking four random words out of the dictionary and making a show out of that then you are giving money to her. If you want to see it sucked down a bottomless pit of superficialness and greed though she is the one you want to deal with.

Good luck with that NBC. Let me know when she gets something on the air.


  1. Wasn't she suppose to have a show where she was looking for dancers or something?

    Well she does NEED the money.......

  2. ...This is what happens when you marry Papa Death Smurf.

    She must have been spending a shedload if her total income (past and present) isn't enough. That said, how much is 'enough'?
    And why didn't she do a Salma Hayek and hook up with a man rich enough to keep her in the standing she likes?

  3. I'd rather watch Cartman's fist for an hour.

  4. she'll develpoe the show after the triathalon.

  5. As if NBC has made ANY decent decisions in the last 8 years. They can't even get their November schedule finalized and it's Oct 29th. They're idiots... except for Sarah and Jason.
