Monday, October 06, 2008

Pink Talks About Peen

I'm sure Carey Hart loves the fact that the thing Pink misses most about him is his peen. Yep. In a recent interview, Pink was asked what she missed most about Carey, and this is what she said. "I really loved my husband's penis. It was really pretty."

Umm, yeah. Well, I guess it is better than saying it is ugly or small or what one of my exes said to her friend. "I think he has one. At least I pretend he does. Never have actually felt it."

Think that doesn't do some damage to the self esteem? You would think that after a marriage of a few years that you would miss something more about a person than a body part. I can't see a guy getting away with an answer like that. People would be all over him and saying this is why the marriage didn't work. Didn't care about her or her feelings or anything like that. The only thing that mattered was her body or a part of her body. So, how come Pink isn't called out for that?

Well, no matter, I think her statement should at least get Carey some dates.


  1. "Pretty?" Really?

  2. Even men I know don't think their genitals are pretty. Was she high by any chance?

  3. at least she didn't say he was hung like a poodle.

  4. Umm..Ent, I think she *is* being called out for it. By You! Right Now! lol. Good point though...'twas a pretty dumb thing for her to say.

    But I still love her :P

  5. i think penises are beautiful, if they are well proportioned. i like a nice head too. :D

  6. Maybe he has a really nice tat along the shaft?

    Why do you expect Pink to miss anything about the guy? It's a weird question to ask a divorced person.

  7. The reason she hasn't been called out for it is because guys don't mind if you miss their peen. As a matter of fact, I bet most find it flattering, even an ego boost.

    Women on the other hand are wishing/hoping that men aren't as superficial, therefore, they might be offended if you only miss their boobs.

    Anyways... just my opinion. Feel free to berate me. :)

  8. At least she didn't pull out a wallet photo of it.

  9. Pretty in Pink? Not anymore. Bad joke. I couldn't help myself.

  10. lmao @ punki!!!!!

  11. personally i think that he would find it as a complement. I mean what guy doesn't base a significant amount of his pride or in the case of most the guys i know, his whole existence, around his dick.

    i don't know though cause i'm just a princess

  12. I'm with the Carey was probably flattered crowd.

  13. Anonymous1:46 PM


  14. Good for pink- a pretty penis is nothing to scoff at! When you get an off key one, then you'll be sorry...

  15. Maybe she was...I don't know...JOKING. It IS a really weird question to ask someone who recently got divorced and she was probably trying to take the edge off an uncomfortable situation. Unsuccessfully, but still.

  16. maybe it was cute way to say she misses the sex.

    i miss my ex's peen too. it was glorious. unfortch it was attached to a dick. pun intended.

  17. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I've missed dicks before. I've seen this anatomically perfect one...just...absolutely breathless. I didn't know such perfection existed, really. Luckily, it belonged to the perfect fuck buddy, too. It was never so easy and drama free and delightful as with my perfect dick fuck buddy...*sigh*

  18. pffft. It probably looks like a dead turkey neck.

  19. Oh, come on, Ladies! Admit it - there are some really ugly or at least weird looking ones out there! The kind that make you want to sit up in bed and go, "What the..????? Is this a joke? Where's your real one?!?!?"

    I remember one that looked like a fat little toadstool, no exaggeration. It was all I could do not to laugh. Or the one that was exactly the size of my index finger - and I have tiny hands. Nice guys all, but...

    So I'm sure Pink has seen more than her share of less than pretty ones and recognizes a grade A specimen when she sees one!

  20. Maybe she pays alimony and is simply trying to move the goods?

  21. I don't know either of them too well, but I think that Cary probably knows how shallow she is and that perhaps she entered in the marriage for the wrong reasons, which is what led to their breakup. I've heard a lot of things about Pink, but "deep" is not an adjective that's used for her, at least not in the brain department!

    Meow! ^..^

  22. Do you think Pink has any pics she'd send Enty for FFF? I'd like to see the pretty peen...

  23. ureallyannoyme...that's a riot!!!

  24. well my first thought was your last one, enty ... that will get him some dates ... not that he needs help, being a rich, bad boy, xtreme sports, famous guy with a pop star ex-wife
