Monday, October 20, 2008

She Expected A Reply?

Pink is a little pissed that she wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth two years ago and hasn't received a reply. Well, tell you what Pink, I have been waiting for that letter from Santa for about 50 years and I don't think it is coming. I just wanted to explain to him about a little something that could have swayed the good or bad thing for that year. Why is that because your name is Pink you deserve an answer to your letter? Pink wrote her letter to the Queen because she was upset about the fur hats that her guards wear. Whatever your vies are on the subject, the thing that gets me is that this is just an example of where a celebrity thinks they are better than any of us. Does Pink think she is the only one who has written the Queen a letter about that? Did everyone else get a response other than Pink? Why is Pink so special? Just because you make some records, then suddenly your thoughts on an issue get more sway than the rest of the people in the world?

"It’s a bit rude that they didn’t reply, isn’t it? I don’t get why we can't question people just because of their position in society. I don't care if they have a crown. One or two Canadian bears are killed to make each hat and that is totally unnecessary."

When the Queen writes back every person who sent her a letter on the subject and ignores Pink, then I want to hear from Pink. I don't want to hear her whining or complaining about it until that day comes. Your opinion doesn't count for anymore than any other person no matter how big your head is. No one said you can't question the policy. I think any person should question any policy they don't agree with, but I don't understand how you figured them not replying to you is saying you can't question the policy.

Because of the snub, Pink has apparently decided not to play Prince William's birthday party. Well, that or because he hunts. She is kind of vague on the whole thing there. I admire her for standing her ground and holding to her principles. I just wish she wouldn't think that because she is a singer that somehow the world owes her an explanation before it owes us one.


  1. I'm sure she responds to all her fan mail personally. I think her thetans are controlling her. It's time for an audit.

  2. my thoughts exactly ... i sent her my phone number 6 months ago and she still hasn't called ... how rude

  3. aside from her being a douchenozzle...she does have a valid point, why the fuck are they still using fur? all BS pomp for tourists. do they not pass these things down??? asshats LITERALLY!

  4. Another case of a star who needs to STFU!

  5. maybe if she played the birthday party...and had a little conversation with the birthday boy...he could tell his granny what that loud american 'singer' thinks about her guards hats.

    Some people need a lesson on how the world works.

  6. If you write the Queen a nice letter, or send her a present (like she doesn't have enough stuff to fill her 7 palaces) you will get a reply from an assistant on behalf of Her Madge. A letter about soldier's uniforms would be passed to the Ministry of Defence, who should send a polite 'fuck off'.

    Those bears are loyal subjects of the Queen and are honoured to be made into stupid hats.

  7. A good friend of my husbands told us (via his sister who worked with her recently, who is getting to become quite well-known in the industry) that Pink has absolutely NO idea how the world works, tries to be all political, yet doesn't have a clue and her hangers-on just feed into it.
    So this doesn't surprise me one bit!

  8. Anonymous12:20 PM


  9. Ent., write to Santa at this address and you will get a reply :)


  10. maybe the queen is waiting to hear from the rest of the colors before she responds.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Maybe the Queen spends her spare time posting here.

  13. depending on the size of the animal killed and skinned for a fucking fur hat so tourists have something to take a pic of...yes it is either 1 or 2.

    its a big fucking hat.

  14. "Those bears are loyal subjects of the Queen and are honoured to be made into stupid hats."


  15. If you write to the President, you do get a form letter back, thanking you for your input. (It may just be a postcard, but they do respond.)
    The Royal Family has enough staff, they should do the same.

  16. i think they officially stopped doing that to save tax dollars or soemthing like 10 years ago.

    she only writes when you turn 100 or have a golden anniversary. same as in canada.

  17. "Pink has absolutely NO idea how the world works, tries to be all political, yet doesn't have a clue and her hangers-on just feed into it."

    That makes her perfect for $cio.

  18. "It’s a bit rude that they didn’t reply, isn’t it? I don’t get why we can't question people just because of their position in society. I don't care if they have a crown. One or two Canadian bears are killed to make each hat and that is totally unnecessary."

    ....aaaaaand Pink is absolutely right.

    And Enty, you're also right in that Pink probably isn't the only person to demand questions about this issue from Buckingham Palace, but I don't think Pink was arrogant. I think she was actually trying to speak for herself and a shitton of other people who also care deeply about animals.

    You know. Not just fucking Corgis, but animals that you DON'T groom every day and tote around in a purse. The kind of animals that don't inspire you to commission artists to paint their dopeyass, grandiose portraits.

    I'm sorry, but people who only extend their compassion towards animals to their pets and nowhere beyond can kiss my bouncy, lily-white, self-righteous ass. It IS disgusting that they don't use fake fur hats in ENGLAND. It's not THAT cold. You aren't Aleutians. Get over it.

    I've always been impressed with people -- no matter how high their social status and amount of power -- who take the time to communicate with people and alleviate their concerns. What the fuck else does she have to do? Finish a needlepoint? Wave from some balcony? A riotous game of cricket with the boys? A foxhunt, mayhaps?

    I mean, I realize the Queen probably doesn't give a shit at all and she doesn't answer anyone about ANYthing, regardless of the subject matter, and this is just my idealistic rage talking. Whatever. Pink has the right to determine what gigs she wants to play. I'm glad she has that freedom.

  19. amen ernestine. we make fun of celebs for doing stupid self indulgent vain shit(jen aniston spending 15k on self care for beauty anyone?) but when they do something about what they believe in we shoot them down. i applaud her for standing up and giving a damn.

  20. molly said...
    maybe the queen is waiting to hear from the rest of the colors before she responds.


  21. According to Majesty Magazine, the Queen has a large staff of people whose sole job it is to answer letters she receives. She receives up to 40,000 letters a *day*.

    The Queen however has zero say about military uniforms. Actually, she can't even specify what strength light bulb they put in her bedside lamp - all lamps in royal palaces must contain bulbs at or below 25 watts.

  22. That's pink ......damn i thought it was Shanna Mokler....oops

  23. 25 watts? Jeez, I'd be falling all over the furniture! I don't even like 60 watt lamps for reading...

  24. Does Pink answer each and every fan letter/email?
