Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Smoke Em If You Got Em

I'm guessing this is a publicity stunt, but if it isn't, then this German artist is a little odd. How odd? Glad you asked. She says that she has acquired the ashes of Kurt Cobain. As you know, Courtney lost Kurt's ashes earlier this year. Courtney I believe said stole, but I believe lost would be the correct term. So, this German artist said she acquired the ashes. When she was asked how she said, "That's confidential and kind of magic. They came to me. And I am setting him free."

Yeah. OK. Apparently she wants to smoke Kurt's ashes as part of her art exhibit entitled Set Me Free. If she acquired them by theft, then she will be wanting to be set free for many years to come. If she acquired them from magic, then perhaps they will take a human form as she smokes them and Kurt will come out and say he was killed by Courtney. Then Elvis will pop his fat head out, and he and Kurt will duet on "Burning Love."

The art exhibition is going to take place on October 11 in Berlin.


  1. When I was a teenager, I always told my friends that I would want to be smoked with some good doobage after I kicked it. I guess that wouldn't translate well if I bought the farm in my 70's-80's eh? Bunch of old farts blazing up in an old folks home.

  2. Poor Kurt can't rest in peace. I wonder what the affects of smoking human remains are? Didn't Keith Richards claim to have smoked some of his dad's ashes? Judging by the looks of him I wouldn't try it.

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Fuck her, she doesn't own those ashes. Where does she get the ego?

    Although, its entirely possible that Courtney was in a drug induced haze and sold them to the artist and doesn't remember it. Courtney was probably on PCP and thought she was a leprechaun, that's why the artist calls it magic.

  4. if she had any sense at all she'd fed ex that shit back to Frances.

    i'd like to think this artist is full of shit and Frances took the ashes herself when mom was passed out for the 4th time that day and are now scattered accross washington state.

  5. Oh jax, I SO HOPE that's how it really went down!!!

  6. Let the man alone already! Fuck's sake, apparently not even death can give you relief from being exploited for some ducats and some "artist's" 15 minutes. She should make her art the old fashioned way" fucking paint, or sculpt something you talentless HAG!

  7. Jesus this is low! I hope she gets some kind of illness as a result (probably far fetched given they are ashes and thus anything bad would have been denatured long ago)...

    What gives this 'artist' the fucking right to 'acquire' the ashes of someone and smoke them? That pile of ash is the father of a child that has to read about this crap - does the 'artist' even think about that fact? Heartless bitch.

    I agree with above: Frances should have the ashes back to do whatever she wants with them (and not that psycho mother of hers). Shouldnt there be laws against this kind of fuckery?

  8. BlahFrickinBlah....

    ROFLMAO! That's MY kinda old folks home! Hahaha....

  9. Um, I have such an obvious question. If it's already would one smoke it?
