Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So He's A No Talent, Mullet Wearing, Ambiguous Guy?

Let me ask you something seriously as a parent. Would you let your 15 year old daughter date a 20 year old guy? Would you let them date knowing if they had sex that the 20 year old was going to jail? Does that give you pause? 15 years old can be like a high school sophomore or something like that, and a 20 year old can be a college junior. Now, I'm not an idiot. I know it happens, and I also know 5 years is not a huge age difference. But, it is a huge age difference at that age with wildly different expectations and demands.

So, I really have a problem with the whole Miley Cyrus romance with Justin Gaston. More of a problem with the way her dad looks like he wouldn't mind a little one on one action with Justin also.

Billy Ray Cyrus told Access Hollywood that, “He actually reminds me a lot of myself when I was 20 years old and I was living and searching for the dream.” Well, first of all Justin already found his dream. A rich girl with willing parents. As for when Billy Ray was 20, I hope Justin never decides to start sporting a mullet, actually has a career that lasts longer than five minutes and hopefully can decide if he enjoys the company of men or women at some point.

The whole thing just creeps me out. The whole family just creeps me out and maybe I am overreacting. You tell me. Right or wrong and would you let your kids do it?


  1. not with this greasy looking Cristian Ronaldo dude.
    actually not with any guy who's over 17. at that age its too...physical. ya know.

    guys in their 20s who date teens are pathetic and super creepy.

  2. Hell to the no. High school age kids should date other high school age kids. If it were my kid, I'd even be uncomfortable with a high school senior dating a college freshman. Even though they're only a year apart, the life situations are too different. But, since I don't have kids, I'm going by my own dated experiences, and I think that this is actually pretty common these days.

  3. (If I were a parent of a teenager right now, I guarantee you I'd have an ulcer.)

  4. Word on the street (internet) is that he is gay and Miley is leaking these rumors to get out of her Disney contract. He does have a bit of a gayface though...

  5. nope, not overreacting, enty. i think the whole family is nuts. they should be protecting their 15 year old daughter from guys this age and they're excusing the whole thing. that's sick.

  6. Miley, like Britney & Lindsay were before her ,is 15 going on 40. Her best friend is like 20 too isnt' she ? Which means by the time she is actually 20 herself we can expect to see her in and out of rehab at which point good ole Billy Ray will of course be shocked at the path his wayward daughter has taken and be raising a grand-baby the same irresponsible way he raised its mother.

    and yah its creepy and gross

  7. Another BI revealed, thanks Enty

  8. This is one subject that I don't find funny. As the mother of a 14 year old BOY, I wouldn't let him date a 20 year old WOMAN--when my daughter was 15, there was a similar situation to Miley's and instead of supporting it, we called the police.

    If this guy has a gayface, then that could explain the attraction...just like Daddy.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You're not overreacting. This is GROSS! What a fine example Miley is setting for her underage fans.

    I bet daddy Billy Ray personally picked this guy to pop his daughter's cherry. Ewwwwwwww!

    I'm surprised the folks @ Disney would be cool with this.

  11. Don't worry, Punki, she did the deed with at least one of the Jonas bros, and probably a couple of other random guys as well.

  12. (It's Miley! It's a felony! God, I love "The Soup.")

  13. You're right mooshki. I was mistaken. She's already a seasoned harlot.

  14. I saw some of her birthday pics (the ones where she's parading about in a convertible) and I swear I thought it was Lindsay Lohan at first. Didn't Lohan have one of her birthdays at Disney?

  15. if that girl is a virgin ......then hell so am i ...again

  16. Mooshki, you called it. Any time I see a picture of her or an article about her, I hear "It's Miley!" I adore The Soup.

  17. What the hell is wrong with some parents? Will they do anything to make a buck, including pimp out their daughter?

  18. To quote Wooderson (Dazed and Confused)

    That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.

  19. I have to agree with gladyskravitz. When I was that young, I had no idea what the boys who wanted to date me were thinking. Now that I know better, I would never let my own daughter date someone that much older until she is mature enough to make her own decisions.
    I used to work as a reporter for a small-town newspaper. When we picked up etchings from the police department, there were incidents every two or three months where parents would call the cops on some overage guy going after their underage daughter. If Billy Ray wasn't such a bleeping redneck, he would've done that by now, too.

  20. If I had tried this nonsense, my Jamaican parents both would have slapped the black right off me.

  21. Hmph. Sanctioned pedophilia. How quaint.

  22. Did they meet in church like Jamie Lynn and her baby's daddy?

  23. I don't think it's OK. But at the same time, what are they going to do? They can't really forbid her to date - had she been a regular high school kid they could have but she probably spends a lot of time away from her parents. They know she's dating, realistically they know that she is sexually active, and maybe they figure it's better to be open about it within the family instead of having rules that she is going to break anyway. I'm not sure it's what I would do if it were my daughter...again, here's another parent who focuses too much on trying to be buddies with their kid, and forgets to actually be a parent. It always ends badly. Always.

  24. I'm thinking that Miley, having been in show biz for some time, is a bit older than her years. Remember, around the turn of the last century, it wasn't uncommon for such a pairing, under the watchful eyes of the parents. In fact, it was encouraged. They even let them sleep in the same bed, with a board between them.

    So this really doesn't bother me. The only thing that bothers me about the Cyrus clan is that they get paid soooo much money for soooo little talent.



  25. When I was 1 I dated a eightteen year old senior while I was a freshman. Now that I look back, it seems odd that no one thought much of it but the boys my age were so immature and young looking. We did break up over different expectations if you know what I mean.But, I was pretty mature for my age and after, have always dated someone at least 5 years older. Ive tried dating guys my age and they just seem so immature.

  26. I meant 14 not 1-;)

  27. harriet, if a parent can't lay down the rules for a 15 year old, they shouldn't be parents. i think so many teens are screwed up these days is because their mother and father are of the attitude, 'well, what can we do?' so they do nothing.

  28. A 15 year old has absolutely nothing in common with a 20 year old. I don't care how advanced she is at her age. A 20 year old is an adult, & a 15 year old is not.
    I have a 15 year old, & she hangs out with other 15 year olds-- male & female--movies, bowling, study groups, etc. I think if an upperclassman showed interest in her or any of her friends, they would be in shock. I know I am not the only parent who feels this way.

  29. Hurray to Gladyskravit who said she called the police when an overage boy came around her 15-year-old daughter.

    It's just as creepy if this guy were gay and they were playing it up to get out of the contract.

    Either way, this is plain wrong!

  30. ITA with everyone. Just wanted to add that if I was the parent of a 20 yr old guy dating a 15 yr old girl and I wasn't able to talk sense into him, I'd call the police on him, too.

  31. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Maybe the guy is really Billy's bf and Miley is the front hahaha.

  32. I am very liberal minded and I believe that a 20 year old has NO BUSINESS dating a 15 year old.

    Are the "officially" dating though?

  33. Ice Angel, I think they're still saying they're "just friends." It's all so sleazy...

  34. lol@ sylvia

    they are weird enough!

  35. A friend of ours became a grandfather yesterday from his 18 yr old daughter. She was 15 when she started seeming the 18 yr old guy. They kept forbidding it, she ran away. At that point they couldn't call the cops on the boy for kidnapping because she was deamed a runaway. In her case the forbidding made her want him more. Of course he is a habitual cheater and she's all excited that welfare will give her money. Oh and he is trying to become a model.

    Thank G*D I have a boy! He is going to be well versed in birth control and how to treat girls.

  36. Ok, let me just say that I certainly would not be thrilled at the idea of my (hypothetical) daughter dating an older guy. However I think a lot of people are over reacting and using this as an excuse to bash the cyrus clan. Now I'm no fan of them, but when i was 14, I dated a 19 year old. My mum didn't know about it, she would have gone crazy. Boys my own age did not interest me. And I guess its the same for Miley. Whatever you think of her, she's going to have a different view of the world to most other 15 year old's. She's had to grow up fast. And there's the fact that girls mature more quickly than boys. She's going to want to date, but what's a fifteen year old boy going to offer her? Most fifteen year old boys have 3 things on their minds - porn, xbox and getting drunk.

    For the record, just cause I dated an older guy, didn't mean i went down some terrible path. I wasn't a teenage alcoholic, I never did drugs, I did well in school and I went to university and got my degree. I have a healthy relationship just now with someone the same age as me. No harm done.

    I'm not denying she's a brat. She certainly comes across that way. But instead of calling her a out of control slut why is nobody questioning what the hell they guy is doing? When I got older I realised the 19 year old I had been dating was a loser who couldn't get a girlfriend his own age. Why is Miley getting all the flack?

  37. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I was 16, my husband was 22. I'm now 30, and we're happily married for 12 years come Monday the 13th. Perhaps you should look at people, not age groups. Or are you okay with isms against certain groups? Ageism is good, but anti-gay bias is bad? Stop treating all humanity as if they must fit some stupid, predetermined mold and look at them as human beings. Stripping their humanity, and personality from them to cram them into a pigeon hole of your making only does yourself a disservice.

  38. My mum didn't know about it, she would have gone crazy.

    that's the point. they know about it and are not going crazy. that's not normal and it's not good parenting. and we ARE questioning what the 20 year old is doing - he's up to no good, which is why we have a problem with it.

  39. Why would a 20-year-old be interested in a 15-year-old girl? Blech.

  40. she didn't know but so what? did your parents know everything you did as a kid? If you (or anyone who disagrees with me reading this) has kids can you honestly say you know everything they are up to? No. and you know what it doesn't matter that you don't. If you have brought your kids up right you have nothing to worry about. I can assure you that there are plenty of teenage girls out there who date older guys. only there's no way she could keep it a secret because she's so famous. I agree with Harriet - I mean what are her parents supposed to do? Ground her? Stop her allowance? Please.

    Miley may well end up in rehab in 5 years time, but it won't be just because she dated an older guy.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. jennamaria, the point is NOT whether our parents knew everything we did as kids. the point is her parents DO know what she's doing and have no problem with it.

    and really, if parents give up control over their 15 year old, they have no business being parents. they're morons.

  43. When I was 16, I dated a 26-year-old man. He wasn't a loser: he had a college degree and was a civil engineer. I told my mom how old he was, and she had no problem with it. To this day, I think she must have stroked out and really didn't understand what I was telling her. He was a really nice guy. Funny, fun to be with, could buy alcohol...

    At 16, though, I was in my second semester of college and I didn't feel or act like a "typical" 16-year-old. I lived at my sorority house, and I got good grades. I really don't think it crossed my boyfriend's mind that he was dating (and screwing) an underage girl.

    I met my husband when I was 19 and married him at just barely 20. By then, I had already had three years of college under my belt and had sowed my wild oats. Oh, and he's seven years older than I am, and we have been married for 22 years. In a row!

    People grow up at different ages is what I'm sayin'...

    Miley Cyrus still makes me want to puke, though.

  44. Actually, Rhianna, its not ageism we are talking about here. This isnt a trivial argument about a 50 year old guy dating a 21 year old. We are talking about a child (legally speaking). The law that prevents a legal adult from sleeping with a legal child is not to discriminate unfairly - its to protect the child from predatory behaviour.

    Now, im thrilled that your situation was based on true love and it has all worked out in the end, but please don't assume that some people feel uncomfortable about miley's romance simply because they are against an older man going out with a younger woman.

  45. Oh and FYI, the miley thing doesnt creep me out. This girl is clearly 15 going on 25, as are most children who are thrown into the spotlight at a young age. I disagree that she should be expected to date a guy her own age who probably has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

  46. I know its not the point - I think you were the one bringing it up cause I mentioned my mum didn't know.

    Whatever. You know what? It really isn't anyone place to judge them. Maybe some people disagree with what her parents have done but they are in a difficult position. They could either publicly support her or go down the Michael Lohan route (which I'm sure the media would just LOVE). Maybe they haven't 'given up control' as you put it but merely lost control which happens to every parent at some stage. That doesn't make them morons. So it happened at little earlier with Miley. Surely that's to be expected. Every kid will try and exert their independence at some stage. I'm not saying dating an older guy is the best way to do it but it could be way, way worse.

    All I'm saying is that she's not doing anything teenage girls haven't been doing for years. And realistically, I don't see what else her parents could have done. Not every kid is going to turn out like the Jonas brothers, but that doesn't mean its the end of the world.

  47. The summer I graduated high school, a good friend called & asked if I would double date with her--a guy from work asked her out, & wanted a friend for his friend. I was 18, & never in a million years would guess that these guys were 30. And they looked every bit of it.
    Of course we ran into everyone we knew from high school, & my date had a receding hairline to boot.
    I came home & felt so icky that 2 men wanted to take us out.
    The clincher was my friend never made it home--we were supposed to go to the beach the next day, & her mother called to say she was missing. I was hysterical thinking she was raped & killed by these 2. Her mother didn't want to get her "upset" by making it look like she was prying, so it was left to me to find her. Turns out she went homed with the guy. She basically moved in with him until we left for college, where she really went wild. But I felt even then she was fully being taken advantage of, & she was legal at the time.
    I never could understand how her mother felt it was prying to try to find her daughter who never came home. Sometimes a parent does need to intervene.

  48. Again I have to ask - intervene how?

  49. Sometimes you have to step back & take a look as a parent--Miley has had tons of suggestive photos "leaked", is made up to look like a 25 year-old, dating someone much too old for her at this point,-- doesn't seem to have too much of a typical existance for someone of her age.
    If you look at all the Britneys. Lindseys, Jamie Lynns, & Xtinas out there, they were all forced to give up their youth for fame & fortune.
    Maybe at some point her parents should question the direction she is going in, & try to offer her a
    calmer existance. It doesn't seem like she gets to do much of anything suitable for someone her age.

  50. i wrote about this a few days ago on my site, and said its strange how celebs dont get in trouble for underage sex like normal ppl would ... oh and i also caught shit from ppl because i said i doubted miley was a virgin and ran a few leaked pics of her

    bottom line: 20 yr old and 15 yr old is not good (although i just rememberd, i did briefly date a 16 yr old when i was 19, but that was a different era)

    i want to defend Billy Ray because he's a fellow Kentuckian -- maybe he's just caught up in this mega $$$$ Disney whirlwind and doesn't really know what to do

