Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sorry I Was Late - Botoxing My Feet

I'm sure you already read what the judge said about Sharon Stone wanting to botox her 8 year old son's feet. Unless you are Queen Botox, who actually comes up with that suggestion first to cure smell and sweaty feet? What kind of parent are you that you want to inject your kid with botulism when he is 8 years old. This is appropriate medical treatment? Going to be giving him herbal enemas at age 10? If he has a stomachache at 11, maybe a little pot would take that edge right off.

This is why I was so concerned last week for the two kids that are all her own. Those kids don't have someone acting in their best interests. The only thing they have going for them is apparently according to the judge, Sharon spends little or no time with her kids and basically third parties raise them. The judge actually used the word parties which means Sharon has more than one. Probably a bunch of Chinese kids.

If one of these other two kids has smelly or sweaty feet there is no one to stop Sharon from injecting them with botox. A doctor would not do it in this country probably, but she could take them to another country or even arrange to probably do it herself. Well, actually one of the third parties would do it. The two kids she has sole custody of are going to be the two most messed up children you ever saw. OK, well second to the O'Neals, but they will be right up there at the top.

Another thing that really ticked me off was that apparently when there were attempts at mediating this or going to parents counseling, Sharon would only go if it completely fit into her schedule at her own time and place of choosing and if she had all her other demands met as well like transportation, accommodation, etc. This isn't a concert, it is your kid. You made the conscious decision to adopt him, and therefore it is your responsibility as a parent to keep their best interests in mind. How many days go by do you think that Sharon Stone doesn't even talk to the kids she has at home? In LA, everyone calls her because she is a great host for charity events and is always willing to perform or write songs or do whatever she can. How about a little less of that, and a little more time at home with your kids before they grow up and turn out just like you. A mess.


  1. wow one little brain surgery and its all downhill from there - maybe they need to take another look in there to see why she a loon

  2. why couldnt the komodo dragon bite her ass???? i feel for those kids, hopefully someone is keeping an eye on their wellbeing.

  3. Just an FYI - botox is a common treatment for people that have abnormally sweaty feet or palms. My doctor gave me stuff for my feet that was like formaldahyde. If it didn't work, botox was the next option. My feet weren't smelly, they just were sweaty and that's the cure.

    I know, I know - gross and not that much of a problem. But it does make your feet more susceptible to skin infections.

  4. I agree with canadachick. That aneurysm must have done something to her rational thinking.
    Thank goodness Roan has his father looking out for him. You're right Ent - Sharon's 2 younger sons have to endure growing up with her erratic behavior. Those poor little lads. Makes one wonder how the adoption agencies screen potential parents?

  5. @kara: I thought it was something like that. Surely as much of an idiot as Sharon Stone is, she didn't come up with Botox as a cure for smelly feet all on her own. I'm guess her plastic surgeon, which despite her protestations, she probably visits on a monthly basis, came up with that cure and she went with it. Doctor may or may not have realized it was for an 8-year-old, but I wouldn't put it past some of those L.A. doctors to think it was perfectly okay to inject anybody with botulism, their current miracle procedure. That said, I think she's absolutely nuts and I agree with Enty that those kids are headed towards disaster. Poor kids.

  6. Kara is right. I don't have the feet problem but excessive sweating on my face. It sucks trust me and I use topical medication right now. I hope to use botox in the future.

    Kara, from what I understand though, getting the botox shots in the palms or bottoms of the feet is pretty painful compared to getting them in the arm pits or face. There are so many alternative treatments that she could exhaust for the kid before going to that drastic step. I would normally say good luck finding a doctor to do that to an 8 yr old but since it's Hollyweird, I'm sure she can find some star fucker quack to do it for her.

    I would love to know the exact spot in her brain where she had her aneurysm. That could explain a lot. However, wasn't she an asshole before the surgery? I imagine that she is prolly one of many celebs that are so self centered that they blow off their kids on a regular basis. They are accessories to them, not kids. Her kids will probably make a mint in the future for their rendition of Mommy Dearest 2.0: Sharon Stone. Poor kids.

  7. I know of 4 people that have the bad sweaty foot problem, didn't see a doctor soon enough and now have serious infections that they wouldn't have if they'd gone to the doc and had the botox. Granted, they are adults.

    But, Sharon Stone is a loon. I wouldn't doubt that children's services at some point finds a reason to step into the picture to protect to the other 2 kids.

  8. That's what I think too. She probably didn't try any other options first and does seem a lot more batty than she used to and she never seemed nice. BUT - the crazy stuff just never is as crazy as it sounds when only part of it is out there.

    I'm just glad she wasn't my mom!

  9. Smelly is different from excessively sweaty. I certainly understand someone undergoing botox or some other invasive medical procedure to treat a condition that causes abnormal sweating.

    However, smelly feet for an eight year old sounds pretty normal - especially since most footwear does not allow proper air circulation. Don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row, good cotton socks & charcoal insoles to absorb sweat & combat bacteria growth and deodorant should cure smelly feet.

    If the kid had a medical condition that caused excessive sweat, it would have been noted in the judge's report.

  10. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I have heard of Botox as a cure for sweating, too. In fact, I thought that was the original use for it...
    However, the kid is NINE years old. Totally inappropriate.

    P.S. The first tag is as funny as the whole article...

  11. All I have to say is poor kid. Now everyone at school is going to make fun of him for his smelly feet and his crazy mom. Someone needs to check into the welfare of the other kids!

  12. Am i the only one that thinks of potential Munchausen syndrome (either presently, or a very real possibility in the future) as being the reason that she lost rights to the child? That, or she just does not know how to treat children - she seems to treat them like little adults that she has control over and can drop and pick up when it suits her schedule/publicity op etc.

    The botox to fix a simple problem (that she obviously didnt try to treat with what cured it in the end), her thinking the son has a spinal problem when there is no sign of any etc. This all screams of attention seeking to me.

    Off topic:
    "People I Dislike Almost As Much As Denise Richards" - haha!

  13. the title on this literally made me lol

  14. LOL, I just noticed the tag. You're a hoot, Enty!

  15. thats an old tag you guys!
    moosh you of ALLL people must have seen it? lol.

  16. Boys are smelly. Deal with it.

  17. Jax, I've seen the tag previously, funny then & now. ;-)

  18. As wierd as the botox for an 8-year-old's feet is, the loss of custody most likely does not hinge on this lapse of judgement.

    Are we going to see some upcoming blinds about kids and neglectful parenting? Oh... that's all of Hollywood, I forgot.

  19. THey must not do any kind of check on celebs before they give them kids. If you are rich and famous it doesn't matter if you are nutty as a fruitcake and completly unfit to raise a child.The fact that Sharone Stone Rosie Odonnell and Nicole Kidman all have adopted kids is proof.

  20. I once saw Dr. Mehmet Oz address this problem - smelly feet. A young girl said her roommates were complaining about her smelly feet, so he suggested she soak her feet every night in a tub (container) filled with tea bags. Something about the tannins in tea. She reported back that it worked!

    I heard that Botox is also sometimes used to treat migraines that don't respond to medicine.

  21. this explains why she didn't get *sole* custody.

    okay, sorry. this is serious stuff. she needs her head examined, she's nuts and should not be responsible for two kids. i feel sorry for them, they're doomed.

  22. I know someone who's been botoxing their feet, hands and armpits for the past 8 years due to excessive perspiration. It works. She was a teenager when she started.

    But I think there are worst things to be concerned with than sweaty feet of a child. Maybe she should wait until he's past puberty, when the odor will be a bigger social concern. Tell Sharon to buy some cornstarch and Dr. Scholls odor eaters, and relax for a couple of years.

  23. Cricket: If Michael Jackson can get and keep children, anyone can.

  24. Nicola: It says smelly feet, not sweaty. This seems to be something as little as wearing the same footwear for months on end. It was solved by wearing socks and using deodorant - not solutions that would have cured excess sweating.

  25. stiffkittens: I thought of Munchausen-by-Proxy, too. Mischa Barton under the bed with the bowl of soup in The Sixth Sense! Yaaay!

    Anyway, Cruella de Stone (with credit to MK) is a known monster. I mean, raise your hand if you imagine Sharon Stone to be a kindhearted, warm, self-deprecating, generous person.


    Sorry, but anyone who insists on donning so much fur is sort of fucked up. It doesn't surprise me that she's kind of a sadist.

    Awww! She's the Joan Crawford of our times!

  26. It's okay, Molly - that was funny.

  27. thnx ms....corny, but funny. ;-)

  28. Jax, I never remember to check the tags. Dumb, I know. :)

    M-by-P would make sense. Did y'all see on TMZ that she went to a coffee shop surrounded by paps the day that her custody situation leaked? Now that is a person with a bottomless appetite for attention.

  29. An adopted child rarely grows up to be 'Just Like the Parent', they grow up to be larger versions of themselves with their lives influenced by the people that raised them.
    Ever read about identicals raised separately?Totally different household atmopsheres, Carbon Copy adult twins at the end. That's the only good thing those adopted kids of Stones got going on for them-they WON'T be just like her thank Gawd.
