Monday, October 20, 2008

What About The Llama?

So, when did you hear that Alec Baldwin was going to be on SNL in the opening skit? I think I heard about it on Thursday. Do you think that maybe since he had a few days to learn his lines he could have actually done so? I thought the sketch was the funniest of the bunch, but it kind of lost a lot of the impact because you kept watching Alec's eyes reading the lines and I wanted to reach through the tv and slap him. I mean Sarah Palin looked like she was the better actress just because she had memorized her lines. And the best actor in the skit goes to Mark Wahlberg. I guess he really was pissed at Andy Samberg because let's face it, Mark really isn't that great of an actor. Tina was brilliant. Enjoy. I tried to watch the show but the first or second skit was just awful and so I have no idea if they used the llama later or if that was how Alec was getting home.


  1. I hate it when anybody doesn't learn their lines on SNL. Robert DeNiro was the all-time worst and I had read where they'd been trying for years to get him on the show. Horrible.

    Sarah was good. I thought she'd only be on at the beginning of the show, so after the 6th MacGruber, I turned the channel. I saw on GMA this mroning where Sarah was raising the roof to Amy Pohler's rap. Funny.

  2. I remember Alec always reading lines off the autocue when he hosted shows in the past. The stiffness works for him I think hehe

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The same McCain advisor (Martin Eisenstadt) who leaked the Joe the Plumber story last week appears to have another scoop: Obama is set to appear on SNL the Saturday night before the election, and it could have something to do with Lorne Michaels giving his campaign $4600:

  4. doesn't matter--he was still funny.

  5. please tell me you saw Weekend Update El...Poehler busted out her preggo rap stylings...awesome!
    I hate to admit it but Palin did great...for a republican.

  6. LOL Jax, I was thinking while watching the video on GMA, that Palin has pretty good rhythm for a Replican.

  7. caribou barbie did pretty good. I was laughing.

    Am I the only one in the country that thinks Mark Wahlberg was joking about Andy Samburg? I never thought he was serious. Maybe I have a weird sense of humor or something. *shrugs* "Hello Donkey." I bagged up. I thought Andy's impression was dead on but the original skit was stupid. The way he ran away from Mark at the end of the skit was silly as hell. I love that kid.

  8. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Palin was great on SNL - she's a good sport. I just love her. Seriously. The idea of her suddenly being President doesn't scare me at all - she doesn't have all the answers - but she KNOWS that about herself. That beats being full of shit any day.

    Ehh, I'm outing myself as a pariah conservative . . ssshhhhhhh

  9. BlahFrickinBlah, I agree with you. Wahlberg was goofing around.

  10. Say hi to your mother for me

  11. In Alec's defense, SNL is famous for rewriting things right up to the last minute. Maybe he didn't have lines to learn until he walked in?

  12. My favorite thing anytime Alec Baldwin hosts is watching him read almost every line. The best was the Boy Scout skit with Adam Sandler.

  13. Alec was in one of my favorite skits...who remembers Schwetty Balls?

  14. sarah is great in front of the camera. she's hard not to like.
    i've just come to expect alec reading the lines, still funny.
    the wahlberg/samberg crap was a very obvious bit. i worry about those that think otherwise.

  15. Schwetty weiner was my fav.

  16. shweaty balls! classic

    palin and fey and amy made me laugh, but I choked on my wine over wahlberg/samberg

