Thursday, October 23, 2008

Who The Heck Cares?

As a guy who has always struggled with weight, I hate people who get off telling other people they need to lose weight. Sure, I know I'm obese and need to lose a few pounds, but hey, the women on DWTS are not fat. I may not like them personality wise, but as far as their weight goes they look great.

Apparently though, some of the male dancers on the show think that Cheryl Burke and Lacey Schwimmer look fat this year and fell it is turning viewers off to the show. I will tell you what turns viewers off. The fact that Louis van Amstel and Maksim Chmerkovskiy complained to TV Guide about the girls looking fat.

Maksim had this to say about the two women. "When I first saw these women this season, I said, Guys, you know the camera adds 10 pounds. You have to do something about this."

Umm, who the f**k made Maksim the boss? Maybe he should stop whining about the women on the show and be thankful he is getting to earn a few bucks other than teaching people how to ballroom dance for $10 an hour.

And Louis? He is just as much of a jerk. "[People] look at this show to be inspired and think, 'If I just work hard enough, I can look like that,'" he says. "If they watch someone who's dancing her butt off and she's still heavy, they can be discouraged."

What people should watch is how good the dancers are. Who says you have to be slim to be a good dancer? Some of these football players are not exactly light, but it doesn't seem to stop them from having fun and doing a good job competing. The idea of the show is to give people a good time and see who is the best dancer, not to pull out a scale each week. I don't watch the show, but I'm guessing the judges don't take off points for how much someone weighs.

All I do know is that these two guys are probably not on the Christmas card list of Cheryl and Lacey. I think they look fine just the way they are.


  1. What assholes. I'm a size 10, healthy, and I've been dancing for years and winning, thankyouverymuch.

  2. well maks is an asshole and louis is gay. i would think louis would be a better person knowing what it's like to have to deal with assholes, but no.

    i've noticed cheryl and lacey have both gained weight since last year, so if the guys are concerned about them from a health standpoint, that's different, but they didn't say that so they're just being assholes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Both ladies do look great. And I'm saying this as a natural underweight person, which means that I don't have any reason to lie to myself or others about people's weight gain just to make me feel better about myself.

    Those guys need to shut up. Have we really so completely lost track of what's normal when it comes to the human body? People come in all shapes and sizes. There are many ways to look beautiful or at least interesting.
    By the way, Maksim's fake smile only seems to enable me to look right into the emptiness inside his head.

  5. there is nothing unhealthy about cheryl or lacey. they have picked up a few pounds nothing more or less.

  6. This reminds me of a former boyfriend of mine, another Dutch man who wasn't afraid to comment on my weight, especially if I had gained or lost any. While I've always been aware of my weight issues, the fact that he was constantly pointing out my weight made me obsess over it even more. needless to say, that was a big reason why he is now my ex.
    Both women are young, talented, capable dancers who are just as fit and graceful at their current weights as they have been previously.
    The only reason viewers have stopped watching is because the novelty has worn off of the show. None of the performers come across as a Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire, by any means.

  7. P.S. Out here in flyover country (i.e. the rest of the U.S.), there are more women who are sized like Cheryl Burke and Lacey Schwimmer than there are men sized like Louis Van Amstel and Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Just sayin'.

  8. q.s., i usually agree with you, but studies show even being a few pounds overweight can increase the odds for breast cancer, and younger women are getting it. that's why i'm saying a person could still be concerned for them on the level of health, but not anything else.

  9. wow, what pricks! was it really necessary to call them out like that? they are obviously still in great shape if they can dance like they do

  10. wow, what pricks! was it really necessary to call them out like that? they are obviously still in great shape if they can dance like they do

  11. It's true that being overweight (which neither of these girls is, imo) can cause health problems, but if you're exercising regularly and getting proper nutrition, the risk is the same as for a thin person. Extra weight does not necessarily equal worse health!

  12. Oh, and to paraphrase the exalted Roger Ebert:

    Cheryl and Lacey can lose weight and one day will not be fat. Unfortunately for Louis and Maksim, they will always be assholes.

  13. ha mooshki, so true!!! bad karma for them

  14. i don't want to get into an argument about this so it's the last thing i'll post, but that's not true mooshki. that's why you see runners getting breast cancer or dropping dead of heart attacks. mostly the heart attacks happen at later ages, but not so with breast cancer anymore. women in their 20's are getting it. and exercise, eating right, etc., doesn't cancel out being predisposed to cancer.

    i'm only posting this because it runs in my family and i'd hate for anyone to get the wrong info here. more than one doctor has told me that eating healthy and regular exercise doesn't do anything if you're predisposed.

    also, that's a paraphrase of a dorothy parker quote to churchill - did ebert steal it?

  15. oh STFU both of you pricks.

    Moosh, you could not be more right.
    thanks for fact checking.

    The breast cancer studies you refer to Molly are more centered on HOW women gained the weight and their unhealthy lifestyles in correlation to breast cancer and NOT the weight itself.

  16. right, jax, my mother's oncologist and my three aunt's oncologists and my physician don't know what they're talking about. How silly of them.

  17. He didn't steal it, he did credit her when he said it, I just chose to quote him.

    I think your posts mixed up the different causes of breast cancer, genetic and environmental. If eating healthy and exercising don't affect your genetic predisposition, than gaining weight can't either. A healthy lifestyle affects the environmental causes of cancer.

    Your example actually proves my point - when a runner has a heart attack, it's because of genetics or diet. Being overweight by itself does not make you unhealthy.

  18. And many oncologists and other doctors simplify things for their patients by saying that extra weight increases your risks - that's usually true. It's less common for someone who eats healthily and exercises enough to be overweight, but it does happen to lots of people, so I think it's hurtful to them to say that extra weight always equals bad health. For the majority of people it does, but not for everyone. Generalizations can be useful, but also can be dangerous.

  19. I think both women are beautiful, and they do not look overweight to me. In fact, I'd say both of them are at a very healthy weight for their height. But we're comparing them to the size zero's and size negatives in Hollywood, and yes, in comparison to Victoria Beckham, these girls are big. But in comparison to average women out there, they're actually still thin. Yes, being overweight can cause health problems, and even putting on just a few pounds if you've always been skinny, can increase the risk of certain diseases. But so can being underweight. Everyone is different, and everyone has a different genetic makeup. I am somewhat overweight, according to all BMI calculators, but I am in excellent physical health and always have been. When I go for my yearly physical, I'm always told that all the numbers are perfect and that I have less than a 1% risk of getting heart disease. So when someone tells me that my weight is a health problem, I take offense to it because it OBVIOUSLY isn't. To MY health. For another person, it may be different.

    "Bitches with whips and curvy hips will one day rule the world."

  20. Oh, it's such a crock of crap....When men drool thru Playboy and other skin magazines, what kind of women are they drooling over??? Women with ass and breasts and some meat on them, NOT the women who's ribs and collarbones are jutting out.

    Cheryl and Lacy look fantastic. They may not be super skinny like the other dancers, but they are tone, muscular and still have great abs. THEY are truly the dancers that we should be inspired by.

  21. I think Maks and Cheryl are good friends, so I doubt if he's off the Christmas card list. Both ladies have gained weight. I think Cheryl looks as if she's dropped a little since the show started. Lacey may have gained a little, but it could be from the snarky comments from the judges and supposedly being treated like crap by the other pros (like Cheryl).

  22. I think it sucks that Maksim and Louis called them out on this because these women look real. Part of this is genetic, on Cheryl's part anyway, and she is relatively healthy given the amount of activity she gets on a daily basis. HOWEVER, she is getting this daily activity while battling a hangover. I think much of her curviness lately can be attributed to the massive amounts of partying she is doing. Her publicist has even expressed some concern that she's turning into the next Tara Reid. She could be a great inspiring role model to young women, especially at her normal size, if she doesn't throw it all away while overindulging in the Hollywood nightlife. (I can say nothing about Lacey because I don't know her habits and backstory. Just speaking about Cheryl because I know a little about her.)

  23. right, jax, my mother's oncologist and my three aunt's oncologists and my physician don't know what they're talking about. How silly of them.

    no dear, what's silly is you posting that ANY small weight can lead to breast cnacer. sorry i see that as irresponsible to make such a bold statement that is prob read by about 90% women and teens.

  24. mooshki, extra pounds (not obesity) can increase the risk of kidney cancer, endomitrial (sp?) cancer and cancer of the esophagus. cancers are being linked to extra weight even when predisposition isn't there. other health risks are also being linked to being overweight.

    this happens to be a hot button of mine, having lost my mother and two of my aunts, and now watching a third aunt die as she battles breast cancer. my friend who was only 36 just died two weeks ago and she's been battling since she was 27. All the doctors have said the same thing - stay away from drinking wine on a regular basis and keep your weight down because it increases the odds of specific cancers whether you're predisposed or not. mooshki, we'll have to agree to disagree on this. i'm coming from a completely different place than most people are and i've done reading and talking to doctors up the wazoo about it.

    jax, go smoke a joint or something. you're the only who posts here that has pms 24/7.

  25. They look normal & healthy to me. It is a shame about the body image that has been created for women. If you don't look sick & malnourished, you must be a whale.
    Insteading of arguing about breast cancer, please go make appointments for you mamograms if you are due for one. That is more important.
    Most breast cancer is spontaneous---skinny, fat, 1 in 8 women will get it, regardless of their weight.

  26. Molly, those studies show a correlation with extra weight and cancer, but that correlation does not necessarily mean a direct cause-and-effect. It's more complicated than that. The newer research that breaks things down more has not become widely known yet.

  27. mooshki, all i know is what all these docs have said and the research they've given me and what i've read on my own. like i said, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. we agree most of the time anyway. ;)

    adrian, amen.

  28. Also, my best friend's mom died of genetically-related breast cancer when she was 5, so believe me, I also have an intense personal connection to this subject.

  29. jax, go smoke a joint or something. you're the only who posts here that has pms 24/7.
    HA! welcome to the blog!
    and you're the only one here playing fuckin hall monitor everyday with EL's posts and people's comments like its your full time job and guess what? there is more than a few that are fucking over it!
    oh don't bother responding with some lame obvious comment that 10 people already pointed out....LOL.

  30. mooshki, i'm sorry to hear that. we're all impacted some way. most of us anyways.

    gee, there's only one person spazzing out here. who could it be? lolol....when they tell you they're nuts, believe them!

  31. Well, I thought we heard that Maks and Cheryl were seeing each other right now.

    Wonder where that came from?

    Everyone loves Maks but this makes him sound like a dick. No doubt his ego is HUGE.

    And Louis hasn't even been ON the show for a while...

  32. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Molly, seriously. You're so universally despised, I hear about it just reading my Facebook update page.

    As for Cheryl and Lacey, I think THEY should get over it. You're on TV. Yes, you're healthy for normal people. But you're on TV. This is how the entertainment world works. We can all stop patting ourselves on the back for being like so PC for accepting our own inability to get off our asses and stop stuffing our mouths. Just because they're "normal" looking doesn't mean I have to pretend that their current weights are attractive to me...which they are not. Just because its PC to say fat is okay, doesn't mean I'm going to. Cheryl looks great in a dress...seen her in a bikini lately? Let's be realistic here. They're not keeping up with the Hollywood crowd. And that's what I expect of the people who entertain me, damnit. If they're going to build a fortune on an image of "I'm better than you" then they damn well better be. I'm sorry that I feel if people are making money off of my attention span, that I think they should be held to a certain standard.

  33. ohhhh boo hooo....another dysfunctional twat aka bad fish doesn't like me.

    honey, you and jax have made my day. you two are so fucked up that if you did like me i'd have to wonder what my problem is.

    go back to your facebook. how old are we? shit...lmao!!!

  34. Molly: Obesity is a personal subject for ME since I used to be morbidly obese. I have a special place for the people who are still so large that they are subject to ridicule and lectures from strangers.

    That said, first of all, Cheryl and Lacey are so far from fat that I can't believe that anyone would have the gall to hint at it. Most women would kill to be their size. They just look healthy, and that's the goal.

    Second, your comment about assholes and Louis seems to have gone unnoticed by anyone else, but it's homophobic. I have a sense of humor but I don't care for racism or homophobia or misogyny in my jokes.

    Third, and this is the health professional in me, as well as the wounded fat girl from my childhood: it never does any good to get on a soapbox to tell people to lose weight. They know they're fat. You just make them feel more inadequate and then, like magic, they eat to feel better.

    Statistics wise, while there is a slight link between obesity and a few cancers, including breast cancer, there is a much larger link between being more than 10% underweight and DEATH from all causes.

    If you have a person that is 15% over their ideal body weight and exercises regularly (i.e., dancing), and a person that is 10% under their ideal body weight, exercising or not, the person most likely to die is the underweight one. People forget how parents used to worry about their scrawny kid---for good reason.

    The key here is health, no matter what size. You can't go wrong if you're exercising and eating right (with an occasional case of Chick'n in the Biscuit thrown in for Enty's sake).

    I know that you have a personal connection and concern re: breast cancer and I am sorry for your loss. But you might want to remember that each of us carries our own burdens and wounds, and perspectives, too. Using science to back up your beliefs is something we all want to do---even me, as you can see above---but the bottom line is that science and statistics can be manipulated and what is considered hard, medical fact today will be a laughable superstition tomorrow (I remember when the cure for an ulcer was drinking heavy cream--which more than likely made it worse).

    You might want to be a little more sensitive in the way in which you comment--there are often times on here when I wince from what you've said, including this one. That flame war a few weeks ago with Ernestine still sits badly, and this one with Jax isn't pretty either.

    This is Ent's blog and often your comments don't seem to respect that--he gets to decide what he posts, and we read it for entertainment alone. Certainly we're allowed to comment and disagree, but it's difficult when someone also seems to question the truth of what he says. I'd like to assume that he is who he says he is, and he just says what he thinks.

    None of us want people we love to die, and I wish I could take away your pain from your mother's death, as well as your aunts.' Just remember though, that there might be someone out there whose relative just died from leukemia, perhaps related to the link between malnutrition and that blood cancer, or someone who is fifteen pounds overweight and already feeling badly about themselves---those people need our support and our encouragement to exercise and eat well, much more than they need another voice in the chorus telling them to lose weight.

    IF Cheryl and Lacey WERE overweight, I think they would be great role models for the women in this country who don't fit into the preconceived idea of how women are supposed to look---and who are fit and healthy. You can't dance that much and not be in phenomenal condition, no matter how fat you are.

    Just ask Enty. I'm sure going up and down those basement stairs has him in great aerobic shape.

  35. gladys, i said they were assholes for making the comments. i added it would only be understandable IF the person was concerned on a health level. i never wrote that i condoned what they said. my mother struggled with weight until she went through chemo, i feel for people who have that struggle.

    as for my comment about louis....i wrote that louis is gay and being the victim of people making insensitive remarks, i would think he would be more sensitive himself. if you think that's homophobic, go back and read it again. my gay friends would be very upset to hear anyone considered me homophobic. you've got the wrong person on that count.

    i'll take the rest of what you wrote into consideration. i'd also like you to consider the fact that i thank enty far more often than i've leveled any criticism of him. in many posts, at least once a day or once every two days, i'm giving him a 'thanks enty', so please pay attention to that and i'll pay attention to what i say. fair enough? and at least i stay out of the comments section of the posts that don't interest me, unlike people who post "who cares" or "nobody gives a shit, enty, post a reveal". that's pretty rude but i don't see anyone calling those people out.

    as for other people, three of the most aggressive people on here have ripped me more than once and i'm sorry, but i don't put up with that shit. if they stay out of my face i'll stay out of theirs. you can see i respond respectfully when people ask questions respectfully, but i won't lay down and take it when the bullies go batshit.

  36. WOW....

    I'm pretty sure this post is about 2 guys being jerking and dissing 2 of their co-stars regarding a little weight gain.

    Breast cancer is most certainly an important topic, however it's OFF TOPIC. This is a gossip site, remember? I'm sure there are a ZILLION breast cancer forums which would accomodate your discussion. This is a gossip forum and is meant to be F-U-N.

    Perhaps we should re-read the post and start over, yes?

  37. Gladys, I'm head over heels in love with you.

    Molly, I think we all try to ignore the negative comments as much as possible, but since you are here so much you're a big part of this community, so you're hard to ignore. Also, it's the fact that you are so often nice and/or funny that frustrates me - I just skip over the Sandman, DK/Suckno, Class Alpha posts, but I don't want to skip over yours because most of the time I like to read what you're saying. I know it's cheesy to get all pop-psych, but maybe when you're talking about Ent or other commenters, you could use "I" statements. It's silly, but "I often think Ent just pulls this stuff out of his ass" feels a lot less hostile than "Ent just pulls this stuff out of his ass." :) It's expressing an opinion vs. making an attack, at least from my perspective. I really would like it if you'd email me (mooshki at gmail dog com) so we could talk more off-list.

  38. mooshki, i'll take your suggestions into consideration too and i'll email you later if that's okay.

  39. Molly said...
    "i don't want to get into an argument about this so it's the last thing i'll post"

    hee hee, I'm just saying'......

  40. lmao@bflogurl

    yea, yea, i know....lolol...

  41. Actually, it makes me think it is a very HEALTHY sport, in that it builds muscle and lean-ness, not Anorexia. I cannot tell you how horrible I feel that these tiny women dance around and then go eat a salad for lunch. These women enjoy life. I'm not fond of either one, but I love their weight.

  42. Ya know, I'd really like to know the WHOLE of these comments in context, not just the stuff that was picked out to make headlines.. yes, Cheryl has put on some weight - she looks fine and just like a healthy young girl should look, but the cameras do pick on any extra ounces. I don't think they make her look like a blimp though!!

  43. wow.

    Hey, whaddya guys think of me?

    I love the sharing circle.

    Who gets the stick next?!

    hahha, j/k

    It's funny cause if you go back and read the posts like I just did, you guys are all right. So why so serious?

    Live healthy. Doesn't matter how you look, just be healthy.

    Nothing worse than dying from something you could have controlled, right? Everything else is nature following Occam's Razor. And ain't jack you could do about that...

    oooo, I feel like having some jack daniel's now...dammit...

  44. lol...trogdor, thanks for the laugh. you're right. if i had some jack daniels i'd upload it for you.

  45. not to get into the whole molly/jax/mooshki 08' debate here but remember flo jo? she died of a heartache a few years ago and she was in peak shape. i am overweight and a massage therapist and i think i am in good shape. i read a lot of health stuff since it is my profession and all and there have been articles out that talk about the thin "fat person" or the fat "thin person". this is because our bodies individually are meant to process things differently. i encourage all of you to have your blood tested and work with a nutritionalist who can tell you what YOU specifically need to be healthy. also bones are part of the equation, you have thin delicate bones that dont hold weight real well and larger dense bones that do (enty anyone ;).... what is important is what is on the inside. the things you eat as well as the cardiovascular you do. Now these two dancers have excellent cardio, however maybe they drink/smoke that needs to be taken into account. I wanted to let you know molly that i am sorry for your loss, but it seems to me like your family has a genetic thing going on. fat or thin the problem would still be there. And although we need to teach our younger generation to not be obese we MUST remember that so many are body conscious to the point of eating disorders that to say these two well rounded ladies are overweight is a sin, and if they are overweight than i dont know what healthy is. You cant say size 10 is healthy, nor 14. it is about so much more than that. so yeah, these two men are douche bags.
    p.s. jax, i dont think your pmsing all the time, thats pure sassyness and to say that is a bit sexist, which coming from a woman is slighly ludicris.
    okay, babbling over, night!

  46. FloJo died of the 'roids, sad to say.

  47. You guys are silly. I love you all.
