Thursday, October 16, 2008

Would You Hit On Jack Nicholson?

In an interview with The Sun, Jack Nicholson says he doesn't hit on women anymore. He says that at 71 it just feel strange to go up to a woman and flirt or hit on them. I can see why that would be an issue, but I also think it is easy for Jack to say that and let us all saw, "awwwww" and love the guy.

The reason it is easy? Apparently because he doesn't even have time to hit on women because of all the women who are always approaching him. "Happily, when it comes to girls hitting on me, I'm not undernourished." See, that is why what he says about being uncomfortable seems a bit trite. I don't know if that is the right word or not, but if hitting on women at 71 makes him uncomfortable, why is it easier if they come up to him? Is it because he doesn't have to worry about being rejected if they come on to him? He also had the strangest quote in the interview when he said, "It's not so nice when you are 71 and looking for some action. I feel uncomfortable doing it in the limelight - so from now on I'll do it when it's right."

To me that sounds like he is calling 1-800-ESCORTS and telling them his name is Pablo. I mean he is Jack Nicholson. Where is he meeting all these women who are hitting on him if they are not doing it in public? Does he have some facebook page or something? Is he on I guess maybe he means he doesn't need to have the world knowing who he is with, which is understandable but again leads me to believe that he may not be finding his women in the same place that you and I would seek to find a date.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Well those on the boat with him don't look like 71 lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sylvia, all together their ages don't equal 71. must be drugs.

  4. Jackie used to be a regular at the Playboy mansion, so maybe he meets his chicks there.

    Also he is notorious for his coke habit so free coke could be a reason to hit on Jack.

  5. whatever he's getting..doesn't look like top drawer quality to me.
    i wonder which lucky lady will have the honor of having ole Jack colapse mid-fuck on top of her silicone.

  6. To answer your headline question:

    HELL NO!!!

    But I would hit on you Enty ;-)

  7. He lloks like a beached whale, no offense to the whales. He must be paying either cash or drugs.

  8. Montana M, that's what Owen Wilson does too (and probably a ton of other celebs) - shops at the Playboy Mansion when he wants to get laid with no strings attached. Yeah, he spends a LOT of time there.

  9. Anonymous1:13 PM


  10. Mooshki, so I have always wanted to know, is the Playboy Mansion, the only legalized brothel in California?

    Or maybe its not prostitution since these women are screwing actors in the HOPE of getting a role, money, or becoming their wife???

  11. Yeah, it's not prostitution 'cause no money changes hands. Completely legal, if icky. Although, since Hef just had to lay off 70 people maybe they will start charging.

  12. Anonymous1:26 PM

    he really looks gross.

  13. LOL@Molly!

    I think we all agree, ladies, that our friend Jack is after quantity, not quality. And the girls (I don't think they're old enough to be women) are after whatever they can get. And what better place for this to happen than Hef's little hideaway!

    And they all lived happily ever after...

  14. I absolutely would NOT hit on Jack Nicholson. ewwww!!

  15. "Happily, when it comes to girls hitting on me, I'm not undernourished."

    I would would agree with the "not undernourished" part. That's an understatement. Looks like there is plenty to go around but I'll pass.

  16. Perhaps back in his Chinatown days, but I think I've seen The Shining MORE than enough times. I can't view him as anything other than disheveled and devilish and flabby and OLD AS HELL besides. Nope. Wouldn't hit that shit. No way, no how.

  17. Dude, GROSS!

    Even in his prime he was never attractive. The only reason he gets the trim is because they're GOLDDIGGERS! Money, drugs, connections, that's all they're after. Kinda sad, really.

  18. couldn't he just have his manager or agent line up some aspiring young actresses/models ... why would he have to call escorts

    jack is a living legend -- my 3rd recent living legend proclamation after Hugh Hefner and Joan Rivers -- Don Rickles should be on there also
