Thursday, October 09, 2008

Yeah, It's Her Fault

Peter Cook went on 20/20 to talk to Barbara Walters so people wouldn't think he is the big ass he was portrayed being in the trial. Umm, didn't work out quite like he planned. Now he looks like an even bigger ass because he blames his cheating on Christie Brinkley. Yeah, yeah she wasn't giving him what he wanted on the home front so he went out and found some 18 year old girl to get it from and spent $50,000 a year on porn because all of those videos and web cam girls were giving him what she wouldn't.

This is such the biggest crock. Look, I've been married six times. I have heard everything before. There is no excuse for cheating . None. I don't care if your spouse starts playing for the other team or is cheating on your right and left. There is no excuse. If you are unhappy and not getting what you want from the relationship, then leave. Don't stick around pretending you love and care for someone, while taking all their money and cheat with someone else on the side. It just doesn't work that way. I doubt you could ever give me a reason in which it is ok to cheat. In this case Peter probably didn't even ever address his "needs" with Christie. There was probably no communication. He was really happy to just keep taking and taking while he was getting what he wanted on the side. I hate that. I bet if you asked him right now he would say he never talked to her about the way he was feeling. This is what he told Barbara.

"I was seeking a connection I could not find in my own marriage. I think the emotional aspect of our lives had changed. I think we were both feeling more like we were living with a brother and sister than a life partner."

"I wanted a little acknowledgment, a little attention, a little thank you every now and then for my efforts, for the amount of time I took to care for her and my family, for the wealth I was building."

Well, I don't know how much wealth he was building because to me it seems like he spent all on porn and teenagers. I could be wrong though. And, if it were more of a brother sister thing, then would you disrespect your sister like that? Hurt her and cause her pain? All he was doing and is doing is thinking of himself.


  1. I am with you, I never understood the whole "cheating" thing. I would just sooner dump ya ass then cheat since karma has a way of biting you in the ass in the long run

  2. OMG.....WHAT A JERK !

  3. amen brother enty!

    wtf did she have him on in the first place? unless she knew he'd come off looking like the tool that he is.

  4. this guy is a true sociopath .. he actually believes his own bullshit .. not that I know anything about their relationship, but it would seem that with all the publicity that their divorce received and every aspect pretty much open for public consumption, he totally came off as a real jack ass, and now I guess wants to do a little damage control .. unfortunately for him, I just read somewhere that christie is seeking a restraining order and wants to withhold the cash .. scary how i know this stuff ...too much time on my hands today .. bosses are out for yom kippur ..:)

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    This idiot is such a drama queen. He wanted a thank you or some type of acknowledgement. I wonder if he did any of that to Christi. And that comment "the wealth I built". If he built any wealth why did he asked for spousal support.

    Contradicts himself in what he is saying so this will make him look more like an asshole.

    Probably Christi is regarding him more and more LOL.

    At TMZ it says she is trying to put a restraining order on the jerk.

  6. "I wanted a little acknowledgment, a little attention, a little thank you every now and then for my efforts, for the amount of time I took to care for her and my family, for the wealth I was building."

    We'd all like that buddy, but most of us actually grew up and realized we wouldn't have a mommy to take care of us forever!

  7. he didn't want a thank you or any acknowldgement, he wanted a blow job from a teenager. i'd have more respect for him if he just came out and said that.

    play day for donna!

  8. you got that molly .. there is not one single man in our office today .. and it is glorious .. we even had a mini fashion show at lunch .. if only every day could be yom kippur!!!

  9. lol@donna!!! break out the booze!

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "I wanted a little acknowledgment, a little attention, a little thank you every now and then for my efforts, for the amount of time I took to care for her and my family, for the wealth I was building."

    Why is he telling Barbra Walters what he should have been telling Christie? Ass.

    Someone who wants what their partner can't give them usually goes for a meaningful relationship with a lover of their own maturity, age group, and life experience.... To do anything less is taking advantage. He didn't fuck an 18 year old for any other reason than his dick was hard and he's as selfish as they come.

  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Wonder how much he was paid for this interview.

  12. More importantly, why does Barbara Walters feel it necessary to "interview" this slime?

  13. sooo you guys didn't buy into what oprah's guest said about men and cheating. lol.

    when i saw on 'the view' a snippet of this interview, it sounded as if dude read that book and memorized it word for word. real talk.

  14. Is he famous enough for Barbara Walters to interview? Maybe he's a bigger deal on the East Coast, but most people where I live only know that he used to be married to Christie Brinkley. They certainly don't care enough to watch an interview with him.

  15. it's classic "blame the victim." Just like rapists. He's such a narcissicist that he can't stand to not have constant fawning and complimenting. Have to agree with Donna (above) - sociopath.

  16. Anonymous1:57 PM

    This just proves that a cheater will always be a cheater. You can't change or satisfy them.

  17. ITA with everyone. He's mentioning emotions because he's talking to a woman, trying to appeal to women to gain their acceptance, and yeah, trying to blame Christy - instead of GROWING UP. Yes, a narcissist. Total crock. I wish BW would have followed up with the question about asking for spousal support. He's down there with the Spellings. He needs to STF up and disappear from public view.

  18. Rampant douchebaggery!

    I once had a husband of a similar stripe. That personality type has a real knack for conjuring a sense of entitlement about forbidden things. Then they inwardly get angry toward whomever they feel is the main preventer of their entitlement. Then they rebel and secretly take it anyway, even though the "preventer" may not have a clue that any of that crazy inner drama is going on.

    It's all in the head. And you can pick which head.

  19. He is disgusting, but there are still people who would use his architecture company just so they can say Peter Cook designed their home.

  20. The biggest thing I hate about him is his name.

    He ruined Peter Cook as a respectable, funny name--which was of a British comedian (look up the original/good "Bedazzled" and then wonder why Dudley Moore became the bigger name of those two!)

    Now the first thought upon hearing the name is "douchey cheat".

    I'll wager it takes less than two years before he's selling her out again because he ran through the pre-nup settlement.

  21. quintessential southerner: No, I did NOT buy that Oprah bullshit show. Men don't cheat because they feel unappreciated. They cheat because they are cheaters. Same for women.

    I think we ALL feel unappreciated sometimes. And the appropriate thing to do is say to our partners: "Hey, I'm feeling a little unappreciated. I bet you are too. How about we pat each other on the back and go grab a drink?"
