Monday, November 10, 2008

Britney's Son In THe Hospital

I remember seeing something once on TLC or Discovery or one of those lets fill an hour shows and play with your emotions thing. I of course couldn't find the remote control and so for an hour listened to family after family talk about how their kids were perfectly normal and then one day just had a seizure. I cannot imagine sitting there with a child who you think is fine and then having that happen and being helpless to actually do anything about it.

Apparently that is what happened to Jayden, who is Britney's two year old son. I think Jayden is the one who fell from his high chair when he was little, but there was so much going on in her life then, so who knows. I do know that everything seemed to be going pretty well for Britney and her family. She flies to Louisiana the day after performing with Madonna and the next thing you know you are having to rush your son to a hospital that is at least 30 minutes away. The whole family went with Jamie-Lynn actually playing pap spoiler by blocking their path. Who knew she had it in her.

There have been no reports other than the baby was kept overnight as a safety precaution. Lets hope everything works out great.


  1. One of my little cousins had some seizure issues when he was little which he grew out of. Hopefully the same will be true for Jayden!

  2. Can kids have anxiety disorders? I have never, ever seen that poor child smile. He always seems scared or worried or freaked out by the paps.

  3. I hope he's okay - seizures are very frightening - two of my nephews suffer from them.

  4. I hope that little baby is ok. Those kids have been through enough trauma.

    5 years ago today, I handed my 5-month-old baby to a team of surgeons to perform open heart surgery on him. That was his third of four surgeries and he is doing great today! Just had to share how lucky I am feeling today as it is very painful to hear about other little ones suffering.

  5. Hope he is doing much better and that it is not serious.

  6. ms cool that is awesone news! kiss and hug him for all of us!

  7. my friend had seizures as a kid and suddenly they stopped. i hope this is nothing serious and he grows out of it, too.

    ms cool - strong little guy there. wishes for a long and healthy life for him.

  8. ms. cool .. I have a 5 year old at home also, and am so happy to hear that everything worked out the best for you .. they certainly amazing at this age and changing everyday!


  9. Those children have already had such a challenging life. At least their mom seems to be recovering and if the poor little guy ends up with epilepsy, it looks as if she would be able to handle some of what that entails. I'm keeping the family in my thoughts, and hope that this was a one-time only occurence. No one deserves chronic illness, especially not a child.

  10. I hope that little guy is okay. It's tough for any family to go through a medical scare. And ms cool, I'm glad the surgery was a success for your son. It had to have been a difficult time, but it just makes you appreciate having him even more, doesn't it?

  11. I hope for everyone's sake he is ok.

  12. Hey there,
    both my boys have had seizures, but for different reasons.

    My older son had a terrible seizure when he was two, within 24 hours of his DPT vaccination. He spiked a fever, seized, vomited, then stopped breathing completely. I did CPR on him and recessitated him during the "golden time." For a few years afterward, everytime he became ill -- with or without a fever -- he had a grand mal seizure. Then the seizures stopped. He turned 18 in September, and is a bright student athlete, who plays football and wrestles.

    My younger son, who has a genetic syndrome, never had seizures as a baby. He was 7 when my husband found him seizing one night. We rushed him to the hospital, where he remained in a coma and on life support for three days until he came out of it. We don't know why he started having seizures, but he survived, and has been on seizure medicine ever since. He has been diagnosed with epilepsy.

    If I could hazard a guess, Jayden may have had a febrile seizure. I'm glad they kept him overnight at the hopsital just to be sure. And I hope that if he's going to be so far away from the hospital, that they give them a Rx for Diastat, which can stop a seizure and give them time to get to a hospital before a grand mal seizure causes brain damage.

  13. One of my sons had a febrile seizure at the age of one. He never had another one, thank god, and is almost nine yrs old now. It was very scary...i feel for britney!

  14. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I'm not the biggest fan of twitney, but how scary! I hope that the little one is safe and it's just a one time thing.

  15. On one of the other sites-it says that he had a reaction to something he ate and that he is fine. Food allergies totally suck! Our nephew is allergic to nuts and we did not find out until he was around 2. Every time he comes over I am freakin out making sure that the carpet is clean and there are no nuts or nut products running around (ok, that sounds wrong)-you know any residue. It was crazy because yall would not believe how many products have some form of nut in them(again, it sounds wrong). Glad to know he is okay and that he can finish the rest of his vacation.

  16. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

    I'm not saying that all kids that have seizures have FAS, I'm just saying--considering who it is we're talking about here--it is likely that one if not both of Britney's kids are suffering from some kind of FAS or similar. Just you watch.

    That being said, it absolutely sucks that little kid is going through this, FAS or otherwise...he didn't do a damned thing to deserve it, so I hope he gets the best care possible.

    And Britney should be jailed for abuse.

  17. seizures aren't hereditary, BUT if you have someone in your family who had a seizure disorder, you may be more pre-disposed to having them than some one who has no familial history.
    at least that's what the neurologist told me after i had two grand mal seizures august '07. we don't know why, and i take anti-seizure meds daily. there's no brain damage (watch it, you guys) or injury, it just happened.
    hopefully, this little one has no family history (if it was a seizure), and will have no future problems.

  18. I've had 3 grand mal seizures. They occurred within a 7 year time frame and I've been seizure free for 7 years. We never found out the reason, but taking anti-seizure meds for about 5 years helped.

    Seizures are weird...with the grand mal, your brain is not getting all of the oxygen it needs for 5+ minutes. Yet seizures don't dumb you down. My brain always took about a week to reset itself.

    No, my mom didn't drink while she was pregnant (she went as far as to abstain from caffeine and sugar).

    I hope they can figure out what's wrong with Jayden.

    Ent, I'm pretty sure it was Sean who fell out of his highchair. We can judge Brittney, but with babies these things happen to even the most attentive parent.

  19. Just found this...not sure if Brit's rep is releasing that it's a food allergy to cover up a possible seizure disorder or not.

  20. It was her eldest, Dean, that fell from the high chair. I read, too, that Jayden had a reaction to something and that it wasn't a seizure. I'll believe the family over the rags any day. I mean, where did the story that it was a seizure come from? It may not have been a reaction either and family might be putting out another story but I'll never believe rags about health issues.

  21. Her eldest's name is *Sean.

  22. He more than likely is Autistic. She's been seen reading up on the Autism Spectrum and was seen at a fundraiser with Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey earlier this year. My son is on the Spectrum too and went through the same thing, only once, thank God, but it was still an extremely emotionally harrowing time.

    And as for her traveling 35 minutes away, it is one of the best hospitals in the SW MS area. My mother works there and my son had therapy there for the first few years of his life and they work wonders there.

  23. I hope everything turns out for the best. Just when things seem to be turning in Britney's favour, this happens. She must be shitting herself over the timing.
