Thursday, November 20, 2008

Couldn't Just Sell Cologne

I give celebrities and companies a really hard time for always creating products like perfumes and clothes the celebrity can call their own and then sell. At this point, after reading what I just read, I would almost hope for that at this point. Dave Stewart has a brand new single he is selling. Nothing wrong with that. He is a great musician and of course he needs to sell his product. Where can you buy it you may want to know. Good question. It seems the only place you will be able to buy this brand new single is attached to a product. The product is a vibrator.

Yes, that's right. The only way you can buy Dave's new single is to also buy the vibrator. He even hopes that everyone will listen to his new song Let's Do It Again while using the vibrator. Considering that I have never heard the words let's do it again in that situation, I would think it would just be a taunt to all the men out there and then when they couldn't do it, the significant other would say, "well at least I have a vibrator."

Dave thinks so highly of this that he printed the lyrics on the vibrator. Yeah. good luck reading those.


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Well, at least we know it's got a good beat.


    get it?


  2. well Marky mark really missed the mark there!

    badum bump!

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Lyrics on the vibrator? I suppose its a lovely thought if you think vaginas is the only place they go...I myself would not want to see my writing covered in shit, not even on a newspaper lining a bird cage.

  4. Ummmmmm what's the vibrator like?

    (DN: LMAO!!!!)

  5. If it's in braille, I'd consider it.
