Tuesday, November 04, 2008

D Listers Are The Worst

I want you to know that the headline above refers in no way to Michael K or the great people who read his site. Instead, what I'm talking about is the attitude that most C & D listers take compared to everyone else. An A lister can be an ass. There is no question about that. But, many of them are the victims of their "people" who are trying to justify their jobs by making demands in the name of the person they represent. What I find to be most true is that the biggest jerks and divas are the new rich so to speak. The ones who suddenly find themselves famous after years of trying. The worst diva whether it be male or female is someone who has just a touch of popularity. They generally make the most demands because it is the first time they have ever been in a position to make demands rather than just being jealous of those who do.

The latest example of someone who has let fame go to their head is Kathy Griffin. Kathy, who used to be an accessible celebrity has become more of a diva than her former co-star Brooke Shields has ever been.

The NY Daily News reported today that at a party in NY that was for charity, all the other celebrities including Bette Midler tried to meet every fan that was there. What did Kathy do? Sat at her table in a corner and sulked while her bodyguard shielded her from anyone who tried to approach her and talk. I never understood that behavior. Why go to an event if you are just going to sit apart and just be stared at. Do you enjoy being stared at? Do you enjoy people seeing you have a bodyguard and a table to yourself? Do you enjoy having people approach you only to see your bodyguard turn them away? Is that how you get off? Is that why you went?

One fan even managed to get her when Kathy got up for some reason. Probably to check to make sure someone had heated the toilet seat in the bathroom or something. When the fan said hi, Kathy acted as if nothing had been said and just moved along. Nice.


  1. I hate the noveau riche mentality, you see it alot in hip hop artists who never leave the hood mentality, so they are nothing but thugs with more income.

    As for Kathy Griffin, Hollywood is full of celebrities like her. Once her fifteen minutes are up, she will be quite humbled and begging fans to ask her for her autograph, you will see.

  2. I hope this isn't true or maybe exaggerated. I love her.

    But, if she's going to act like an ass I hope her Gays straighten her out.

  3. Yea, I hope this was just a bad case of having a bad day, or maybe her stalker was there? I just love Kathy for some unknown to me reason.. lol.

    Maybe she had some of her mom's box wine and had a major headache? Oy, say it ain't so Kathy!

  4. wow that's not the Kathy i like.

  5. i love kathy. maybe she was sick.

  6. This doesn't sound like the Kathy Griffin I love and admire! We'll hear more if it's true I'm sure...

    I have to say though...I would REALLY love to go to an event that had Kathy Griffin AND Bette Midler. My little FH heart would probably burst with excitement!

  7. Guess I'm the only one who doesn't like her. I have to say though from what I've heard I don't find her behaving this way very surprising. Oh well, no doubt someone will straighten her out.

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM


  9. Anyone who isnt an overweight housewife hates her

  10. I'm not a big fan but sometimes she makes me laugh. Comedians would be nowhere without fans and without fans they would never get tv shows or movie roles.

  11. Love her! It's menopause. Leave her alone.

  12. I may be overweight, but I ain't no housewife! *LOL*

  13. I was actually at this event (working) and this is a load of shit. Kathy was actually quite personable and even took time to talk with what most would consider the "peons" who were working the event. Methinks someone got into too much free vino as it was also a very convincing Bette impersonator and not the real thing.

    It pays to fact check every once in a while.

  14. I still think KG is funny as a comic, but as a person, after watching her show, man what a BITCH!!!! I especially hate what she did to her poor husband, force him to cater to her every whim until he his successful business went down the tubes and then when he used HER money to get HER what SHE wanted, she accused him of stealing from her!!!

    Here's a BI of my own: What former A list country star but fell down to the D list years ago not only because of her cavorting and drug use but her dearth of hits went to an A list ceremony several years ago and had her publicist BEG journalists to talk to her, but only one would. And then said singer snubbed her nose at said journalist. Hee hee hee. Said journalist got her comeback, though, when the next time she was asked to talk to said D lister said HELL NO! :-)

  15. Oooh Harriet! U R Good!!!! :-D

  16. Was I the only person to watch the show about her family on TLC?

  17. I love Tanya Tucker *LOL* And shakey, I totally watched "Tuckerville"!

    It was the "cavorting and drug use" that gave it away...she was kind of knows as country's bad girl for a long time. Great story though!
