Thursday, November 13, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which Premiership footballer is petrifed his nightclub cocaine habit will catch up with him now that his club is threatening to increase on-the-spot drug-testing?

He's been googling websites to see how long the marching powder will stay in his system...


  1. uh, actual "COCAINE," the drug? If he's not hoovering it up all day every day it'll be gone in 3 or 4 days. It's the metabolite he has to worry about. That hangs out for a month. More, like 12 weeks if he's hooverin' it up, as above. Watch that hair, too buddy. Buzz cuts for our boy here, if his bosses get wise.

  2. Uhmm, that orange one..Ronaldo or whatever...

  3. LOL..."that orange one" it.

  4. Not Ronaldo (aka Cristiano Ronaldo.)

    He's a total health freak. He is also suing the Daily Mirror for running a story that he spent 10's of thousands of dollars on champaign and was drunk one night when he was visiting LA for the ESPY awards. His father was an alcoholic and died from years of abuse of alcohol. He drinks wine on occasion but is mostly considered a tea-totaller. He witnessed what chemical abuse does to a person first-hand...he won't touch drugs or go near them. His brother struggled with drug abuse but has gone through a couple rounds of rehab (C-Ron paid for them) and he seems to be better. C-Ron is a well known narcissist, but he's far too in love with himself and his looks to do drugs and ruin them.

    C-Ron's only vice is he's not terribly concerned about sticking his cucumber in any ho he can hire. He likes his women fast and loose...but not his lifestyle.

  5. I think it's Mr Rio Ferdinand, but I could be totally, totally wrong. Sniff.

  6. Or could be Cashly Cole. Or not, who nose?
