Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving. Yesterday, the time got a little away from me and by the time I knew it, the day was over and I was well on my way through a bottle of booze. My plan was to blog last night, but alas, I didn't. I am going to try and do some blogging tonight so that way everyone can have something to read if they don't want to go off shopping.

Even though it is not Thanksgiving outside of the US, I still want all of you to know how truly thankful I am for each of you and for this site. It's been over two years now and it just keeps getting better and better and it is all because of each of you. I'm just a guy who writes some things that are mildly entertaining, but it is each of you that makes the site what it is.

I hope that all of you know how thankful I am for you and that I will keep doing this as long as you keep reading.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today I hope that you enjoy all the time you are spending with your family and friends. I wish all of you the greatest day.

I'm sorry I didn't post anything earlier today. I know many of you were worried because I just disappeared rather abruptly yesterday. I know I caused some disappointment. I really do appreciate all of you and I will try harder to make sure you all are aware of it.


  1. Good to hear you're okay Ent. I figured you'd started the party early....I actually thought you'd high tailed it to Vegas or

    Happy Gobble Day to you & all - hope you're stuffed full and spoiled deserve it.

    As always Thank you to you for sharing.

  2. way to melt my icy heart.

  3. Awwww. Thanks big guy. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. We missed you.

  4. awww that was actually really sweet. :) I am headed to bed now as my day is done and over here in Germany. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and good night!

  5. Thank God you are fine, EL!! Way to panic us and make us thanksful, bud! ; )

    Happiest of Thanksgivings to you!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Enty and everybody else! I made the best desert of my life and now it's time to go off to the party/dinner, down some wine and enjoy. Cheers!

  7. Whoop-a-Daisy! That should say "Way to make us THANKFUL, bud!" : /

  8. Good to hear all is ok and you didn't get washed away with the rain. Happy Turkey Day to you too!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, ENT. Thanks for doing what you do. I love it.

  10. Okay, you're alive & well. Awesome.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Enty and everyone who is celebrating. I am thankful for your wit and your giving to us of this site, and I'm glad to hear that your 'disappearance' yesterday was...explained ;)

  12. OK I reckoned you got into the party spirit a little early! You deserve a night off - you must spend a lot of time putting CDAN together for or amusement. Thank you for the last two years. Cheers!

  13. Awww, damn, now I need a Kleenex. I'm teary.

    Happy Thanksgiving Ent and everyone else here. I know I have much to be thankful for and I wish the same for you all. :)

  14. hey the big guy is back - yah : we love you ENT and i'm not just saying that cause i'm through the better part of a bottle of wine by myself haha.

    Happy Turkey day to the USA from CANADA

  15. Hell yeah, I'm having a great Thanksgiving, mainly because I've managed to avoid my family and "friends". Ahh, solitude and being left the hell alone, it is truly something to be thankful for! I hope the rest of you (and Ent of course), are having a good one too :)

  16. Hope everyone has the button on their pants undone! Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving enty and all CDAN readers!

  18. We appreciate you too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. Aww Enty that was too sweet. We love you too and I'm glad you're okay.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  20. Yes, we do love you, too, Enty. Very best Thanksgiving wishes to all! :-D

  21. Love you, Enty, and all the warm- hearted, humorous commenters who hang out here. You've created a great place to check in every day.

  22. happy thanksgiving, ent! longtime lurker and this is by far one of my favorite sites! hope all of your thanksgivings are great! it can be tough for some of us with the crazy families, but the turkey, gravy(and alcohol) makes it a bit easier.

    Have a good one everybody!

  23. You weren't drinking, you were shopping for shoes! And why weren't you having Thanksgiving dinner with your girlfriend? If she can take such expensive gifts from you (on your blogger income, yet), why the hell didn't she invite you over for some turkey and stuffing?!

  24. Thank you for returning to us!!
    You were missed, even if it was only for a short time!

  25. Thanks for all the smiles, ENT!
